#calculation downloads

Easy Date Converter

13.0 download

Easy Date Converter is a program to perform arithmetical operations with dates in various solar calendars, including the Gregorian and the ISO 8601 Week Calendar. Suppose you run an advertisement which ...

Groschengrab 3

3.12 download

The virtual gambling machine Groschengrab 3 is a combination of seven different classic german gambling machines from the 70/80´s and one american slotmachine. The principles of the game are quickly explained: ...


4.0 download

OmniValue is a general tool for managing and analyzing financial investments such as stocks, funds, bonds, bank accounts, currency, cash, and natural resources. OmniValue provides advanced portfolio management, web updates, tax ...

TAdvMoneyEdit download

* Edit control with attached dropdown calculator * Calculator dropdown look fully customizable with a CalculatorLook property * 4 custom calculator buttons can be added * calculation on inplace editing (ie. ...

TMoneyEdit & TDBMoneyEdit download

* Edit control with attached dropdown calculator. * Calculator dropdown look fully customizable with a CalculatorLook property. * DB-aware version included. * 4 custom calculator buttons can be added * calculation ...

Holiday Calculator

5.2 download

Calculates when various holidays occur in any given year BC or AD. Designed to be cannibalised to include the calculation routines in your own programs. You might use it to prepare ...

Dr. Regener LandMap Vivo

10 download

Create own true to scale maps, store online maps locally with Vivo techology, map editor, dataexchange with Google Earth by Copy and Paste, GPS enabled coordinates, import of free OpenStreatMap data ...

Energy Costs Calculator

1.3.4 download

Do you often wonder which household appliances use so much power? You don't know why your water bill is so high? This free power and water consumption calculator will allow a ...

Ascalaph Quantum

1.7.12 download

The Ascalaph Quantum package provides interfaces to ab initio quantum mechanical packages NWChem, CP2K and PC GAMESS / Firefly. Quantum calculations are performed using the PC GAMESS program. FEATURES: ...


0.402 download

Ocapy, which actually stands for an Original Calculator in Python was designed as a scientific and engineering calculator. It was built in order to implement the well-known reverse polish notation (RPN) ...


4.18 download

Container loading and truck loading software. (also called container loading calculator) Easy to learn, thanks to short tutorial videos. With live-like interactive 3D visualization. Thanks to 'see through cargo' you can ...

Ocapy Portable

0.502 download

Ocapy, which actually stands for an Original Calculator in Python was designed as a scientific and engineering calculator. It was built in order to implement the well-known reverse polish notation (RPN) ...

MD5 File Hasher

1.3 download

With MD5 File Hasher any file can be checked for changes, damage or manipulation. The speedy calculation of MD5 check sums of files or directories is efficient and can be completed ...


2.1 download

Container loading and truck loading software. (also called as container loading calculator) Easy to learn, thanks to short tutorial videos. With live like interactive 3D visualization. Thanks to "see through cargo" ...

AnEasyCalc download

This program is - the math expressions interpreter and analyzer, the RTF formulas editor and Latex string generator. That means, this program allows: -to type whole the expression, and do the ...

VSTextHash download

VSTextHash is a cryptographic hash calculation software. This software lets you hash text with many different hash algorithms. Simply type the text in this calculator and hash string for entered text ...

Universal game points counter

1.1 download

Love shooting, darts, snooker, Uno, dice, dominoes, and other board and card games? Then this application for you! Universal game points counter - is an easy to use application with a ...

World Population Monitor

5.2 download

World Population Monitor is a small software utility that displays information about the global population. This application comes in handy for all users who want to animate their desktop activity by ...

Boachsoft Plata

2018 download

Boachsoft Plata has excellent financial calculators and planners. Ideal for capital budgeting, mortgage calculation, time value of money calculations. Calculatiing the internal rate of return, net present value, equivalent annual annuity ...


1.0.36 download

EvoAI provides access to quality tick data pre-compiled to accelerate download speeds from a dedicated server. Export data to MT4 with a click of a button and take advantage of multi-threading ...


4.41 download

A small program and an effective solution to read and show your Windows Experience Index or to start a new calculation of the performance index. The program is primarily written for ...


8.7 download

Simplexety is a comprehensive freeware software utility specifically designed to help you perform various mathematical operations. Whether you are mathematics teacher, a student or an engineer, this utility proves it's not ...

Mighty Desktop

2.2 download

Extremely powerful suite, full of functions that combine the functionality of some other tools with many new things in a top modern and improved form to enhance your Windows Desktop by ...


1.43 download

An extremely simple warehouse software, warehouse calculator. It allows to organize elementary warehouse calculation for a small own business. Its assignment is keeping private bookings on a warehouse. Just a few ...

Equinoxes, Solstices and Cross-Quarter Days

6.27 download

This software calculates accurate dates and times for equinoxes, solstices and the Celtic cross-quarter days (Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnassad and Samhain). The cross-quarter days are those midway between the equinoxes and solstices. ...