cadd downloads
DataCAD downloadDataCAD is a professional-level AEC CADD program for architectural design, photo-realistic rendering, animation, and construction document creation. Developed by architects and software engineers for architecture, DataCAD includes tools that make ...
HatchKit download... ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, ACADLT, ADT, Alibre, AllyCAD, DataCAD, General CADD, IntelliCAD, MegaCAD, MicroStationV8, Revit, Rhino, SolidWorks, Spirit, TurboCAD, VectorWorks, VersaCAD and Visual CADD. New in HatchKit 2.7: Patterns load to Revit
Well Logger
3.0.2 downloadWell Logger software lets you create soil boring logs and well construction diagrams. It boasts a simple, yet robust, user interface that features customizable layouts, user-definable fill patterns, adjustable scaling, and ...