processing downloads
Coherent PDF Toolkit for .NET
1.0 downloadProfessional .NET component for manipulating PDF files. Split, merge, linearize, scale, rotate, crop, encrypt, decrypt, watermark, bookmark, annotate, attach, impose etc. Full manual provided. ...
A-PDF Scan Paper
5.2 downloadA-PDF Scan Paper is a professional desktop utility program that lets you to scan and organize your paper in PDF format. It provides a powerful ability for scanning and repairing your ...
2.44.5 downloadStaxRip, developed by the talented stax76, is a powerful and versatile open-source video encoding software that has carved a niche for itself among video enthusiasts and professionals alike. This Windows-based application ...
Rename Expert
5.31.7 download**Rename Expert by Gillmeister Software: A Comprehensive Solution for Efficient File and Folder Renaming** Rename Expert, developed by Gillmeister Software, stands out as a robust and versatile tool designed to ...
DBF Commander Professional
3.7.63 downloadDBF Commander Professional is a powerful and easy-to-use MDI (Multi Document Interface) application for Windows to work with DBF files - dBase, FoxPro and other formats with supporting of all of ...
Export Outlook Express to Windows Mail
4.7 downloadOutlook Express to Windows Mail conversion software is the most tremendous utility to export Outlook Express to Windows Mail. This tool also works on all Windows Operating System: Windows XP, Windows ...
Glossy Data Icons
2013.1 downloadGlossy Data Icons is a collection of royalty-free ready-made icons for use in various database products, including software applications, information websites and presentations. Stand out of the crowd by giving pretty ...
6.14.0 downloadCsound is a sound and music synthesis system, providing facilities for composition and performance over a wide range of platforms. It is not restricted to any style of music, having been ...
Csound for Linux
6.13.0 downloadCsound is a sound and music synthesis system, providing facilities for composition and performance over a wide range of platforms. It is not restricted to any style of music, having been ...
Csound for Mac OS X
6.14.0 downloadCsound is a sound and music synthesis system, providing facilities for composition and performance over a wide range of platforms. It is not restricted to any style of music, having been ...
3.0.0 downloadCMISS is a mathematical modelling environment that allows the application of finite element analysis, boundary element and collocation techniques to a variety of complex bioengineering problems. It consists of a number ...
Cleantouch Jewelery Retailer System
1.0 downloadThe software aimed to provide tools maintaining books of small business of jewelers. The software is very easy in use, which can be operated fully by the users, have little knowledge ...
2.5.4 downloadAutomesher by Automapki is a versatile and robust software solution designed to streamline the conversion and manipulation of 3D models across various CAD and GIS platforms. Tailored for professionals in fields ...
7.6.3 downloadImBatch is a batch image processor with a nice graphical user interface. It will allow you to edit multiple image files at the click of a button by using scripts. The ...
0.4 downloadSnapEase lets you import your photos (or folders), then nondestructively (and very quickly) crop, rotate, desaturate, rename, and/or remove the images from the list. Once you have your list the way ...
SnapEase for Mac
0.3 downloadSnapEase for Mac lets you import your photos (or folders), then nondestructively (and very quickly) crop, rotate, desaturate, rename, and/or remove the images from the list. Once you have your list ...
2021 SP1 downloadLabVIEW is system design software that provides engineers and scientists with the tools needed to create and to deploy measurement and control systems through unprecedented hardware integration. LabVIEW is optimized to ...
Data Logger Suite SMS Edition downloadData Logger Suite SMS Edition receives and logs in real-time SMS messages to a database, text files or Excel. This SMS server software can send SMS from a database back to ...
2.01.07 downloadUsing the batch mode, easily adjust the size of your images, rotate them, add a watermark, or rename and export them. Importantly, to batch convert all your images with a single ...
ImageConverterPro for Mac OS X
2.01.07 downloadUsing the batch mode, easily adjust the size of your images, rotate them, add a watermark, or rename and export them. Importantly, to batch convert all your images with a single ...
Fusion Portable
2.6 downloadThe program allows merging several images of the same scene in one. You can merge photos taken with the same exposure or images taken with different exposures. When blending together ...
Viscomsoft .Net Image Viewer SDK
1.17 image viewer sdk, .net 1D Barcode reader sdk, .net QR Barcode reader sdk, •Display BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, multi-page TIFF. Display BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, multi-page TIFF. Save as bmp, ...
Migrate Thunderbird to Outlook 2013
5.0 downloadThe PCVARE Thunderbird Converter is innovative tool to Migrate Thunderbird to Outlook 2013, 2010, 2000, 2003, 2007. The Thunderbird to PST Converter supports simple and rapid solution to migrate from Thunderbird ...
eFlip Brochures Maker
3.9 downloadeFlip Brochures Maker devote to provide users smooth and pleasant converting experience. Integration process makes the whole operation from importing to output a high class enjoyment. You can import PDF and ...
Importing Batch EML to Outlook
6.2 downloadImporting Batch EML to Outlook Converter is the only solution designed to solve queries like how to import EML files into Outlook PST or how can I convert my emails in ...