.mid downloads
Ghouls 'N Ghosts
downloadGhouls ‘n Ghosts is a platform video game developed by Capcom in 1988. The game was released for the first time as a platform arcade game and was ported to many ...
Recovering Files on Mac downloadInnovative Data Doctor recovery pen drive for Mac software allows user to save all restored data into different file format including Jpg, Jpeg, tiff, riff, gif, Bitmap, mpeg, txt, doc etc ...
Voxengo HarmoniEQ
2.11 downloadHarmoniEQ is a parametric, harmonically-enhanced equalizer plug-in for professional music production applications. Harmonic enhancement HarmoniEQ applies to the sound is an inherent element of its overall sonic quality. HarmoniEQ also features ...
Voxengo HarmoniEQ x64
2.11 downloadHarmoniEQ is a parametric, harmonically-enhanced equalizer plug-in for professional music production applications. Harmonic enhancement HarmoniEQ applies to the sound is an inherent element of its overall sonic quality. HarmoniEQ also features ...
Voxengo HarmoniEQ for Mac OS X
2.11 downloadHarmoniEQ is a parametric, harmonically-enhanced equalizer plug-in for professional music production applications. Harmonic enhancement HarmoniEQ applies to the sound is an inherent element of its overall sonic quality. HarmoniEQ also features ...
Voxengo Crunchessor x64
2.19 downloadCrunchessor is a general-purpose track compressor AU and VST plugin for professional audio production applications. One of its main advantages is the ease of tuning, which at the same time instantly ...
Voxengo Crunchessor for Mac OS X
2.19 downloadCrunchessor is a general-purpose track compressor AU and VST plugin for professional audio production applications. One of its main advantages is the ease of tuning, which at the same time instantly ...
0.90 Beta downloadEquilibre uses double precision and oversampling in the critical parts of the filter structure. This is a very good sounding equalizer with minimal digital artifacts, firm bass and analog shaped curves ...
Redline Preamp
1.0.9 downloadRedline Preamp livens up any "too clean" signal with a customizable combination of even and odd harmonics, saturation, and soft clipping. Redline Preamp is a vintage console channel, a musical grunge ...
Redline Preamp for Mac OS X
1.1.2 downloadRedline Preamp livens up any "too clean" signal with a customizable combination of even and odd harmonics, saturation, and soft clipping. Redline Preamp is a vintage console channel, a musical grunge ...
Big Blue Compressor
1.0.7 downloadThe Big Blue Compressor is a modern compressor with vintage qualities. Although it can sound transparent whenever necessary, it was designed to give character and warmth to your sound. Modern ...
Big Blue Compressor for Mac OS X
1.1.0 downloadThe Big Blue Compressor is a modern compressor with vintage qualities. Although it can sound transparent whenever necessary, it was designed to give character and warmth to your sound. Modern ...
Classical Spring Theme Package
1.0 downloadSpring, the warm, lush and fresh season of rebirth, it sure is gorgeous around everywhere! Most people love this time of year for the beautiful Spring brings cleansing and beauty. Here ...
1.0.0 downloadCubePhotoShow is a fully customizable screen saver that displays your favorite pictures as a moving 3D cube. It runs on all versions of windows starting from Windows 2000 to Windows 7. ...
RoMac 10 Band Equalizer & DSP Receive
2.4.7 downloadThe RoMac 10 Band Graphic Equalizer coupled with your present computer's soundcard, affords you the finest Windows based digital equalizer made for the Amateur Radio community. Using professional techniques such ...
Convert Database downloadWindows based Convert Database tool is perfect solution to transform all selected database records including primary key, unique key, tables, columns, rows views, structure, and fields from MSSQL to My SQL ...
Matrix Mic
1.8.0 downloadWith Matrix Mic, you can use any computer connected microphone or line-in device (such as an MP3 player) as input. Then send that audio input to one or multiple sets of ...
Time Zone Master
1.10 downloadThere are literally hundreds of clock display programs available for Windows. But virtually all of them use Window's own timezone database of UT offsets and daylight saving/summertime rules. But what happens ...
Ohm Studio
74611 downloadOhm Studio is the first real-time collaborative digital audio workstation. Start a project, invite musicians and make music together. It's as simple as that. Download the application and join a worldwide ...
PSP Squad
1.5.2 downloadPSP sQuad is a bundle of SIX high-quality equalizer plug-ins (VST and RTAS for Windows x32 or x64; AudioUnit, RTAS and VST for Mac OSX universal binary). PSP sQuad equalizers are ...
PSP Squad for Mac OS X
1.5.2 downloadPSP sQuad is a bundle of SIX high-quality equalizer plug-ins (VST and RTAS for Windows x32 or x64; AudioUnit, RTAS and VST for Mac OSX universal binary). PSP sQuad equalizers are ...
Professional Card Recovery downloadComprehensive and affordable Professional Card Recovery software easily support restoration from different kind of memory card including SD card, MMC card, SD card, SDHC card, CF card and many others same ...
Pendrive Recovery downloadMost widely used Pendrive Recovery application supports user to take a complete backup of all files and folders that damaged due to different mistakes including formatted/re-formatted drive, virus/worms attack, accidently folder ...
2.0.0 downloadBabaCAD is made for everyone.Students and proffesionals just love it.It's very easy to use but very powerfull CAD software built with love. BabaCAD is changing CAD industry.Why ??? - You have ...
2.0.1 downloadThe "Cut'n'Mix" application facilitates a process of deconstruction, reformulation and juxtapositioning of different textual, auditory or visual elements. Some may identify the concept as something called "mashup". On this site, Cut'n'Mix ...