mac 音楽 ソフト downloads
Praat for Mac OS X
6.4.13 downloadPraat is a carefully created software solution aimed at those who want to analyze, synthesize and manipulate speech. Moreover, with this tool you can generate high quality images which you can ...
RescuePRO Deluxe for Mac downloadRescuePRO® Deluxe for Mac is a java-based recovery solution for digital media. Recovers images, documents, mail, video, music or just about any file on your removable digital media. Whether files ...
LibreOffice for Mac
24.2.4 downloadLibreOffice is the free power-packed Open Source personal productivity suite for Windows, Macintosh and Linux, that gives you six feature-rich applications for all your document production and data processing needs: Writer, ...
iSubvert for Mac OS X
2.1.5 downloadiSubvert provides a combined SFTP and Subversion client aimed at web developers. It will allow you to work with remote working copies - that is, you can perform SVN commands on ...
PCGen for Mac OS X
6.05.00 Unstable downloadPCGen is a FREE Open Source RPG character generator and maintenance program (d20 Systems mainly) that works on most personal computers (It's Java-based so: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Unix are ...
Terragen Classic for Mac OS X
0.9.43 downloadTerragen is a scenery generator, created with the goal of generating photorealistic landscape images and animations. It is available for Windows and the Mac OS. Terragen is free for personal, noncommercial ...
TeamDrive Personal Server for Mac OS X
1.1.072 downloadWith the new Personal Server, small businesses, freelancers and private users can install and host their own secure server with just a few mouse clicks. The combination of the familiar, intuitive ...
Circuitscape for Mac OS X
4.0.5 downloadCircuitscape is a free, open-source program which borrows algorithms from electronic circuit theory to predict patterns of movement, gene flow, and genetic differentiation among plant and animal populations in heterogeneous landscapes. ...
Sikuli X for Mac OS X
1.0 RC3 downloadSikuli is a visual technology to automate and test graphical user interfaces (GUI) using images (screenshots). Sikuli includes Sikuli Script, a visual scripting API for Jython, and Sikuli IDE, an integrated ...
Mnemosyne for Mac OS X
2.9 downloadThe Mnemosyne software resembles a traditional flash-card program to help you memorise question/answer pairs, but with an important twist: it uses a sophisticated algorithm to schedule the best time for a ...
TIPP10 for Mac OS X
2.1.0 downloadTIPP10 is a free touch typing tutor for Windows, Mac OS and Linux. The software is easy to use and features a clear user interface. Beginners and even children will find ...
SmartCVS for Mac OS X
7.1.9 downloadSmartCVS is an innovative CVS client which runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. It has powerful features, like built-in File Compare/Merge, Transaction display or List Repository Files, and still ...
MayaVi for Mac OS X
1.5 downloadMayaVi is a free, easy to use scientific data visualizer. It is written in Python and uses the amazing Visualization Toolkit (VTK) for the graphics. It provides a GUI written using ...
Outlook LAN Messenger for Mac OS X
7.0.82 downloadOutlook LAN Messenger has been the leading provider of Cross Platform (Windows, MAC, Linux) instant messaging and collaboration for business since 2004. Offers a Real-Time Collaboration that improves efficiency and productivity ...
Qt Creator for Mac OS X
13.0.1 downloadQt Creator is a cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) tailored to the needs of Qt developers. It provides: C++ and JavaScript code editor Integrated UI designer Project and build management ...
BibleTime for Mac OS X
2.11.2 downloadBibleTime is a completely free Bible study program. The program's user interface is built with Qt framework, which makes it run on several operating systems including Linux, Windows, FreeBSD and Mac ...
Volocity for Mac
6.2.1 downloadHigh Performance 3D-4D imaging software for a better insight to your science. Volocity is the universal solution for 3D analysis of fluorescence microscopy images. A collection of high performance 3D imaging ...
FortiClient for Mac downloadFortiClient for Mac is an enterprise class endpoint protection suite designed for the worlds largest enterprise environments including Fortune 1000 companies, federal and state agencies, and customers that require the ultimate ...
Adobe Flash Player Debugger for Mac OS X downloadAdobe Flash Player Debugger can be very useful for collecting debug information while building Flex applications. The Adobe Flash Player Debugger is a support tool for developers working on Adobe Flash ...
Mnova for Mac OS X
14.1.2 downloadMnova is a software suite designed for the handling of Analytical Chemistry data in a multiplatform (Windows, Mac, Linux) environment. Its Graphical User Interface is Powerpoint-like and it currently incorporates plugins ...
Game Maker for Mac
2023.6.0.92 downloadGameMaker for Mac, based on the GameMaker 7 framework, offered a drag-and-drop interface for rapid design and iteration of gameplay features, graphics and sound, as well as an integrated development environment ...
Ventrilo for Mac
4.0.2 downloadVentrilo 4.0 is the next evolutionary step of Voice over IP (VoIP) group communications software. Ventrilo is also the industry standard by which all others attempt to emulate. By offering ...
TruePianos for Mac OS X
1.9.8 downloadTruePianos VSTi was designed with exactly this in mind giving the inspiration an instant GO as soon as you touch the keyboard. Following the tradition, we have optimized the instruments for ...
ipMIDI for Mac OS X
1.7.1 downloadipMIDI will allow you to route MIDI over your Ethernet network, using its ports to send and receive MIDI data between computers connected to your LAN. For example, if you have ...
iSedora for Mac
2.2.2 downloadsimple to use • install it and forget it iSedora is designed to easily play your digital media — movies, broadcast recordings, music albums, photos, podcasts, audiobooks and the others ...