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Stamp Multiple Images With Text Software
7.0 download... text watermark to multiple images. The user simply adds image files or an entire folder, sets the JPG quality (using a slider), chooses the position and color of the stamp, ...
Check Domain Name Availability Software
7.0 download... want to check domain name availability. The user adds domain names manually or from a file before starting the check. Available domains will be listed on the left and already ...
Split Images Into Multiple Files & Create HTML Tables Software
7.0 download... displayed in an HTML table. The user simply adds image files or an entire folder, enters the number of rows and columns in the table, and chooses the output format, ...
Surf Canyon for IE
5.4.1 download... pages on Google, Yahoo! and Bing. It also adds image previews to Craigslist. Simply enter your query at one of these search engines as you always would. When you click ...
Rename Multiple Files With Time and Date Software
7.0 download... on the date or time. The user simply adds the required files or an entire folder of image files and chooses the format of the file name from the drop ...
Stamp Watermark On Multiple Images Software
7.0 download... These watermarks can be transparent. The user simply adds image files or an entire folder, chooses an image for the watermark, sets the transparent background color, the position of the ...
Surf Canyon for Firefox
5.4.1 download... pages on Google, Yahoo! and Bing. It also adds image previews to Craigslist. Simply enter your query at one of these search engines as you always would. When you click ...
Word Frequency Count In Multiple Web Sites Software
7.0 download... used in multiple web sites. The user simply adds URLs or loads a list of URLs from a file. There is an option to include all links in the web ...
Search For Files That Do Not Contain Text Software
7.0 download... a user defined text string. The user simply adds files, an entire folder or loads a list of files and then enters the required search text. There is a check ...
Zip Each File Into Its Own Zip File Software
7.0 download... multiple files into ZIP files. The user simply adds files or an entire folder before starting to zip them. The resulting zip files will have the same filenames as the ...
Randomly Copy Files Software
7.0 download... to one or more folders. The user simply adds source folders to first list and destination folders to second list, previews the results before starting to copy the files. For ...
Print Multiple Web Sites Software
7.0 download... websites without opening each one. The user simply adds the required URLs or loads them form a file before choosing the required printer for the drop down. There is an ...
Save Multiple Web Sites As Text Files Software
7.0 download... web sites as text files. The user simply adds URL/s one at a time or loads them from a list and then has the option to include links within the ...
Excel Extract Numbers and Characters From All Cells Software
7.0 download... from one or more Excel files. The user adds the file/s or an entire folder for processing. The user chooses the type of characters from a drop down list including: ...
PNG File Size Reduce Software
7.0 download... one or more PNG files. The user simply adds the required files or an entire folder before choosing the reduction. With this time saving software, large numbers of PNG files ...
Unrar Multiple Rar Files At Once Software
7.0 download... files contained in RAR file/s. The user simply adds files or an entire folder before choosing the option to unzip each zip file to a separate subfolder or unzip all ...
Extract Mailing (Postal) Addresses From Multiple Text Files Software
7.0 download... or more text or HTML files. The user adds the file/s or an entire folder for processing. Input files should contain zip codes. The results are displayed in a list ...
Messenger Plus! Live Beta
4.79.353 download... is an add-on for Windows Live Messenger that adds tons of features and extras to the software. Extend the possibilities of Messenger and make your experience a lot more entertaining! ...
UPC Search and Lookup Multiple Codes Software
7.0 download... Codes). The user simply enters UPC codes or adds them from a file before starting looking up the information. Details including, UPC code, description, size/weight, owner etc. are displayed in ...
Reduce File Size Of Web Images Software
7.0 download... JPEG, BMP, GIF and PNG. The user simply adds the required files or an entire folder of images. If the images are JPG or JPEG files, there is a slider ...
Print Multiple RTF Files Software
7.0 download... files without opening each one. The user simply adds the required files or an entire folder before choosing to print via MS Word or WordPad. There is a drop down ...
Password Protect Multiple Files Software
7.0 download... encrypting files using a password. The user simply adds the required files or an entire folder before entering the password and choosing the option to encrypt or decrypt the chosen ...
SWF Extract Images From Multiple Files Software
7.0 download... save them as JPG images. The user simply adds files or an entire folder, and chooses an output folder before starting the extraction. Using this time saving software, processing even ...
Extract Meta Tags From Multiple Websites Software
7.0 download... from one or more websites. The user simply adds URLs or loads a list of them from a file. There is a button to allow finding links within the URL. ...
3.0 download... in order to fill it out! The program adds form fields to pdf files. The form fields can filled out with the Adobe Reader. You will be able to print ...