opengl downloads
3.0.10 download... and completely customizable, with editors. Source code available.No OpenGL, no java3d, the developer has the full knowledge and control of the game rendering, and the player can build and set ...
Mystical Smoke Screensaver
2.0 download... creating unusual forms. Screensaver is build with native OpenGL support. So it works smooth on every modern desktop PC. Compatible with any screen resolution and any version of Windows version. ...
Borealis Sky Screensaver
2.0 download... light of varying color and complexity. Screensaver uses OpenGL and works very smooth. Surprise your friends, kids and relatives with free Aurora Borealis screensaver. Borealis Sky Screensaver works on any ...
Sweet Hearts Screensaver
2.0 download... with each other. Screensaver is developed using modern OpenGL technology. And it will work on any screen resolution, including FullHD, 4k and higher. Screensaver is also compatible with any Windows ...
2.33 download"3D.Benchmark.OK" by Nenad Hrg is a robust and user-friendly benchmarking tool designed to evaluate the performance of your computer's graphics capabilities. This software stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness, making ...
1.065 downloadHelp Indyo to defeat Morkh through - 60 3d levels - The game lets you traverse 60 different 3D scenes from the village of Turma to the forest of Neldoreth to ...
Lightspeed Screen Saver
9.1 downloadThe ultimate starfield screensaver. With up to 32000 stars and a unique "key frame" animation system, immersive virtual worlds are blasted to your screen with unprecedented flexibility and creativity. In screen ...
Whirlpool screen saver
2.2 downloadThis screensaver shows you an animated unreal scene. Your display cracks and you see a whilrpool of the clouds. Lightnings flash between the clouds. Beautiful meteors with nice video effects complete ...
3 downloadFaogen stands for Fast Ambient Occlusion Generator. It's a small tool for baking ambient occlusion of 3D models into textures or per-vertex colors. Powered by modern 3D GPUs it bakes ambient ...
v1.03 downloadLugaru (Loo-GAH-roo) is a third-person action title. The main character, Turner, is an anthropomorphic rebel bunny rabbit with impressive combat skills. In his quest to find those responsible for slaughtering his ...
The Rainy Time Screen Saver
1.1 downloadThe Rainy Time Screen Saver shows you a view of a rain through a glass of a window. Water trickles down the glass. While program development the aim was to recreate ...
GLBasic SDK premium
4.0 downloadGLBasic is a programming language designed for game programming. It has simple commands for 3D, networking, joysticks and media playback. GLBasic compiles small, fast, stand-alone executables. Used media resources can be ...
GlobFX Composer
1.0.9 downloadGlobFX Composer lets you design stunning Slide Shows, Screensavers and Movies in real-time, using the 3D Graphics Acceleration of your PC. Take your best pictures and MP3s, apply motion and amazing ...
Snake Attack 3D
1.1 downloadSnake Attack 3D is a 3D Shooter, that works with LAN and Internet. You can play Single-Player-Mode and Multi-Player-Mode. ...
GlobFX Player
1.0.9 downloadGlobFX Player is a FREE stand-alone application that allows you to view GlobFX Movies created using GlobFX Composer. GlobFX Player also includes GlobFX Screensaver to experience GlobFX Movies as screensavers. ...
3D Backgammon
1.6 downloadBackgammon 3D is a 3D visualization of a classical board game - Backgammon. Now you can play with your computer not only on a flat screen, but also enjoy 3D operations ...
Magic Alchemy 3D Screensaver
1.21.5 downloadThe Magic Alchemy 3D Screensaver shows you an ancient alchemy lab complete with mystic stuff, amazing lighting effects and mysterious fog. It uses the graphic effects which won the "fog" contest ...
3.2.1 downloadGlest is a free 3D real time strategy game, available for several operating systems and that can be modified using XML and a set of tools. The game allows the player ...
Alchemy 3D Screensaver for Mac OS X
1.0.5 downloadLaunch Alchemy 3D Screensaver and transfer yourself to the world of alchemy and dark magic. Mix mysterious ingredients in your magic bowl, cast the spells and try to revive the fog ...
Magic Alchemy 3D for Mac OS X
1.0.2 downloadLaunch Alchemy 3D Screensaver and transfer yourself to the world of alchemy and dark magic. Mix mysterious ingredients in your magic bowl, cast the spells and try to revive the fog ...
Fugio for Windows
2.10.0 downloadFugio (pronounced foo-gee-oh) is a cross platform, open source visual programming system for building digital art and creative projects quickly, with no programming experience required. Drag and drop nodes that contain ...
3D Ocean Fly Screensaver
2.0 downloadGet ready for a distant seas cruise spirit with free 3D Ocean Fly Screensaver. Fly over sea like you stand at the head of the ocean liner. This screensaver will show ...
1.0 downloadThe Direct-Inverse-Solver (DiInSo) software package is orient to solve direct 3D and inverse 2D/3D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) problems on direct current (DC). The 32-bit version of the program is free ...
Surface Explorer 3D
3.0 downloadSurface Explorer 3D plots mathematical surfaces in 3D. User defined surface equations can be explicit, implicit, or parametric. Surface and color equations are specified by user. The user can export to ...
GravityMark downloadGravityMark, developed by Tellusim Technologies Inc., is a cutting-edge benchmarking tool designed to push the limits of your GPU's performance. This sophisticated software is engineered to provide an in-depth analysis of ...