ado downloads
MS Access Paradox Import, Export & Convert Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to transfer tables and queries between their MS Access and Paradox databases. This software will generate the necessary SQL commands for importing ...
FoxPro Paradox Import, Export & Convert Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to transfer tables to and from FoxPro and Paradox databases. The user simply chooses the folder for the Paradox database and the ...
VeryPDF Form Filler
3.1 downloadPDF Form Filler, Fill PDF Forms, Save PDF Forms, PDF Form Filling, Edit PDF Forms, Fill PDF forms with PDF Form Filler. VeryPDF PDF Form Filler allows you to fill interactive ...
Paradox Editor Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to edit data in a Paradox table. Simply select the table to be processed and click on Next to go to the ...
ASA Data Wizard
16.2 downloadis a powerful Windows GUI utility for managing your MySQL data. It provides you with a number of easy-to-use tools for performing the required data manipulation easily and quickly. Key features ...
Entity Developer for LINQ to SQL
6.1 downloadEntity Developer for LINQ to SQL is a powerful modeling and code generation tool for LINQ to SQL.Use Model-First and Database-First approaches to design your model and generate C# or Visual ...
Handicraft Toolkit
2020-11-15 downloadHandicraft Toolkit is a package of downloads available at Handicfart-CODE public pages, which are the original software resource (homepage The package contains tools (libs, utilities) and samples of so-called "handicraft programming", ...
Devart SDAC
11.3.0 download... standard data access methods, such as BDE and ADO VCL, LCL, and FMX versions of library available *Separated run-time and GUI specific parts allow you to create pure console applications ...
2024.2.3 download... bases is done not only through the standard ADO,BDE components, but through any building based on TDataSet # Instant downloading and data arrays handling. # You can build ready-made templates ...
MDB Viewer Plus
2.63 downloadMDB Viewer Plus is a freeware viewer plus editor for Microsoft Access MDB and Accdb database files. It does not require an install to run provided that Microsoft Data Access Components ...
SQLite Expert Personel
5.5.14 download... SQLite databases, import data from SQL scripts or ADO data sources, or export to SQL scripts. * Display and edit data in the grid, including BLOB and image fields. Currently ...
Microsoft .NET Framework 4
4.8.1 downloadThe .NET Framework is an integral Windows component that supports building and running the next generation of applications and XML Web services. The .NET Framework is designed to fulfill ...
SharpPlus Sqlite Developer
4.2.9 download... o Import data from csv, sqlite database and ado datasource. o Extract db schema and data. o Backup/Restore Database. * Treeview style db explorer with smart filter * Attach and ...
8.3.8 download... with any other database engine which has an ADO.NET driver (Oracle, for example). * Search Engine Friendly! - forum topic URLs and page titles are optimized for SEO, containing your ...
2024.2.3 download... bases is done not only through the standard ADO,BDE components, but through any building based on TDataSet # Instant downloading and data arrays handling. # You can build ready-made templates ...
Longtion Application Builder download... access a wide variety of database servers, using ADO or ODBC to connect to different databases. - Connect directly to Microsoft Jet OLE Database (Access) database files. - Create Microsoft ...
1.6a download... multi-user client-server application. NeoBookDBPro uses ODBC and ADO technology to access a variety of database formats including Microsoft Access, MySQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Paradox, dBase and ...
5.1.0 B5216 download... even compilers to SharpDevelop · Write C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, XML, HTML code · Project or File-based development (Project Scout & File Scout) · Rich project options · Syntax highlighting for ...
Knight Data Access Layer
2.04 download... Mapper, LINQ Provider, SQL to Entity Mapper, and ADO.NET wrapper. We have taken the best features from Entity Framework, NHibernate, Fluent NHibernate, Massive, Dapper, and ADO.NET and combined it into one incredible framework. The ...
SQLite COM download... and joins. The component is fully independent of ADO, OLEDB, ODBC and so on. The DB interface ... and easy to learn. It resembles features from ADO's GetRows and recordsets in a fashion that needs ...
3.0 download... Call stack information for events (only for monitoring ADO .NET providers) * Filtering events by type, SQL, ... filtering events by calling method (only for monitoring ADO .NET providers) * Object Tree window for filtering ...
SMExport suite for Delphi/CBuilder
4.77 download... Paradox/DBase/ASCII files - MS Windows clipboard - any ADO data source - other dataset component. SMExport is a native VCL engine with multilanguage support. ...
SharpShooter Reports.Win
7.3.1 downloadSharpShooter Reports is a reporting component that helps you create flexible reports and easily integrate them into your Win apps. It supports a variety of industry-standard export formats including PDF, HTML, ...
Stunnix ASP and VBScript Obfuscator and Encoder
5.3 download... with exception tables for core functions, for ASP/ ADO/ WSH/ WSC frameworks, for W3C html model, non-standard Mozilla and MSIE html models, DOM, DOM Events, CSS model, SVG and XPATH. ...
Paragon Drive Backup Personal
8.0 downloadDrive Backup crea una imagen de copia de seguridad del disco duro entero, incluyendo el sistema operativo con todas sus preferencias y configuraciones, aplicaciones, música, fotos, video, correo, juegos, datos importantes ...