syntax coloring downloads
Altova DiffDog Enterprise Edition
v2025 download... differencing display, merge changes, and instantly re-compare. Intelligent syntax-coloring, line numbering, indentation guides, and other innovative features assist in comparing source-code and XML files. DiffDog tells you when XML files ...
Altova DatabaseSpy Enterprise Edition
v2025 download... SQL Editor facilitates query writing with code completion, syntax coloring, drag & drop editing, and more. You can ...
Altova UModel Professional Edition
v2025 download... out of UML with context sensitive entry helpers, syntax coloring, cascading styles, customizable design elements, multiple layout views, ...
OraDeveloper Studio
2.55 download... development. Key Features: - Advanced SQL editor with syntax coloring, code outlining, context-sensitive code completion, code templates, and ...
OraDeveloper Tools
2.00 download... development. Key Features: - Advanced SQL editor with syntax coloring, code outlining, context-sensitive code completion, code templates, and ...
2.1.5 downloadSVEditor is a SystemVerilog development environment for Eclipse. It provides a colorizing editor for SystemVerilog with support for content assist and cross-linking between SystemVerilog files. ...
Altova DiffDog Professional Edition
v2025 download... differencing display, merge changes, and instantly re-compare. Intelligent syntax-coloring, line numbering, indentation guides, folding margins, and other innovative features assist in comparing source-code and XML files. DiffDog tells you when ...
3.2 download... whatever capabilities you need. The script editor support syntax coloring, auto-complete, and all of the other programming features ...
Altova DatabaseSpy Professional Edition
v2025 download... SQL Editor facilitates query writing with code completion, syntax coloring, drag & drop editing, and more. You can ...
Powershell Snippet Manager and Injector
3.01 download... web-based script repository). Fully integrated in SnippetExplorer. Customizable Syntax Coloring - Display the code in the same colors ...
Adobe Flash Builder
4.7 download... ad-hoc apps to iOS devices. Speed coding through syntax coloring, statement completion, code collapse, refactoring support, live highlighting ...
Python Operating Environment download... that can be user configured. 5) There is syntax coloring, auto indexing, de-indexing, and auto-complete for both variables ...
ConsoleZ x64
1.17.1 download... does not implement shell features like command-line completion, syntax coloring, command history, etc. ConsoleZ is simply a nice-looking ...
ConsoleZ x86
1.18.1 download... does not implement shell features like command-line completion, syntax coloring, command history, etc. ConsoleZ is simply a nice-looking ...
32.0 download... a powerful batch debugger with single stepping, breakpoints, syntax coloring, popup variable windows, and editing. The extended batch ...
Take Command
32.0 download... a powerful batch debugger with single stepping, breakpoints, syntax coloring, popup variable windows, and editing. The extended batch ...
Eddie for Mac OS X
3.4.2 download... full editability, enhanced Tab-completion support Lighting-fast and precise syntax coloring for C/C++17/Obj-C, makefiles, HTML, Swift, Lua, Python, Ruby, ...
3.0 download... Queries Perform custom queries, taking advantage of syntax coloring and autocomplete, to do anything you want. Create ...