create virtual encrypted disk downloads

Rohos Disk Encryption

3.2 download

Rohos Disk - program creates hidden and protected partitions on the computer or ... USB drive without the hidden partition that is created using this wonderful tool. Strong & On-the-fly disk encryption Rohos disk uses NIST approved AES encryption ...

Rohos Disk Encryption

3.2 download

Rohos Disk - program creates hidden and protected partitions on the computer or ... USB drive without the hidden partition that is created using this wonderful tool. Strong & On-the-fly disk encryption Rohos disk uses NIST approved AES encryption ...

Private Secure Disk download

Private Secure Disk create a virtual disk to store your personal data. After close your private disk, it will disappear from your computer. This software and your private disk are both password protected, no one can open ...

Digital Secure Disk

2011 download

... program makes a part of your current hard disk into a secure disk. All private and confidential information stored on this disk will be protected by strong encryption. Unlimited disk size, store over 100 GB! In this new ...

QILING Safe Disk Standard

2.2 download

QILING Safe Disk keeps your confidential data in a strongly encrypted form on your disk and provides you with transparent access to it from any application. Safe Disk is a program that allows the creation and ...

GiliSoft Private Disk

11.5.23 download

GiliSoft Private Disk offers a suite of advanced features focused on ... the cloud. 1. AES 256-bit Encryption: Files are encrypted with a powerful 256-bit algorithm, which is a standard for secure data encryption, rendering the encrypted files inaccessible without the correct password. 2. Password ...

Rohos Disk Encryption

2.2 download

Easy-to-use and smart disk encryption program that lets you create encrypted disk partitions (volumes) to keep your private data secure. Rohos Disk hides your programs and data, and restricts access to them. Rohos Disk's AES 256-bit encryption protects you against viruses, spyware ...

Exlade Cryptic Disk

5.3.2 download

Exlade Cryptic Disk will provide a simple and affordable way to protect disks and disk partitions by encrypting them. The encrypted data cannot be accessed without entering the password, ... or the hard drive is stolen. Exlade Cryptic Disk uses the AES 256-bit encryption algorithm, the same ...

SFTP Net Drive

3.0 download

... file system as if it were a local disk drive, given that the remote system supports SFTP ... works as part of SSH and provides an encrypted channel for file upload and download and also ...


1.8 download

A transparent(on-the-fly) disk/cd encryption system, which combin with AES 256-bit encryption. DiskEncryptor can make a disk partition encrypted on the windows system or create some new virtual disks and cds. After encypted, ...


25.3.1 download

ExtraDisks is a suite of tools for creating Virtual disks on your computer - physical drives remain unchanged ... additional partitions. The program contains tools for creating Encrypted disks, Virtual disks based on files and Virtual ...

ExtraDisks x64

25.3.1 download

ExtraDisks is a suite of tools for creating Virtual disks on your computer - physical drives remain unchanged ... additional partitions. The program contains tools for creating Encrypted disks, Virtual disks based on files and Virtual ...

ExtraDisks Home

25.3.1 download

... Home is a suite of tools for creating Virtual disks on your computer - physical drives remain unchanged ... additional partitions. The program contains tools for creating Encrypted disks, Virtual disks based on files and Virtual ...

O&O DiskImage Server Edition x64

18.2.199 download

Create images and restore entire systems quickly and easily. O&O DiskImage offers reliable protection from unforeseen data loss. All ... if Windows does not start up anymore. Create Images while system is running O&O DiskImage allows ...

Gizmo Drive

2.7.9 download

Gizmo Drive is a virtual device simulator which allows you to create password protected hard disk images with its proprietary GDRIVE format. Gizmo Drive ... can be mounted to any of the 26 virtual devices made available by Gizmo Drive's virtual device ...


2.6.3 download

ProxyCrypt is a command line tool that creates encrypted volumes within a file or a hard drive. ... made on the fly, allowing you to use encrypted volumes like normal ones. Designed for paranoids and ...


2.0 download

PocketCrypt is a program that provides a virtually encrypted storage area for MS Windows Mobile 2003/2005, Win CE operating systems. Basically, a container is created in the memory of the Windows Mobile device ...


25.2.1 download

... of user confidential information. ArmorTools allows you to create secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents ... operating system. ArmorTools contains the following tools: Extra Disks, File Shredder, File Encryptor, Objects Eraser, System Tweaker. ...

ArmorTools Home

25.3.1 download

... of user confidential information. ArmorTools allows you to create secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents ... operating system. ArmorTools contains the following tools: Extra Disks, File Shredder, File Encryptor, Objects Eraser, System Tweaker. ...

ArmorTools Home x64

25.3.1 download

... of user confidential information. ArmorTools allows you to create secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents ... operating system. ArmorTools contains the following tools: Extra Disks, File Shredder, File Encryptor, Objects Eraser, System Tweaker. ...


25.3.1 download

... of user confidential information. ArmorTools allows you to create secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents ... operating system. ArmorTools contains the following tools: Extra Disks, File Shredder, File Encryptor, Objects Eraser, System Tweaker. ...

ArmorTools Pro

25.3.1 download

... user confidential information. ArmorTools Pro allows you to create secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents ... system. ArmorTools Pro contains the following tools: Extra Disks, File Shredder, File Encryptor, Objects Eraser, Scan Files ...

ArmorTools Professional x64

25.3.1 download

... confidential information. ArmorTools Pro x64 allows you to create secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents ... ArmorTools Pro x64 contains the following tools: Extra Disks, File Shredder, File Encryptor, Objects Eraser, Scan Files ...

New Version

ArmorTools Professional

25.3.1 download

... of user confidential information. ArmorTools allows you to create secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents ... operating system. ArmorTools contains the following tools: Extra Disks, File Shredder, File Encryptor, Objects Eraser, System Tweaker. ...

HV Manager

3.2.3 download

... Manager is used for the managing of Hyper-V virtual machines, this program is designed to be run through a web browser. You can create multi-user access with role-based authentication on Hyper-V servers. ...