dns's downloads
Free NetCrunch Tools downloadNetCrunch Tools is a completely free toolkit for network professionals, featuring Ping, Traceroute, Wake OnLAN, DNS Info, Who Is, Ping Scanner, Service Scanner, Open TCP Port Scanner, SNMP Scanner, DNS Audit ...
Free NetCrunch Tools downloadNetCrunch Tools is a completely free toolkit for network professionals, featuring Ping, Traceroute, Wake OnLAN, DNS Info, Who Is, Ping Scanner, Service Scanner, Open TCP Port Scanner, SNMP Scanner, DNS Audit ...
1.82 downloadDomainHostingView is a utility for Windows that collects extensive information about a domain by using a series of DNS and WHOIS queries, and generates HTML report that can be displayed in ...
Dnssec-Trigger for Mac
0.11 downloadDnssec-trigger for Mac reconfigures the local unbound DNS server. This unbound DNS server performs DNSSEC validation, but dnssec-trigger will signal it to use the DHCP obtained forwarders if possible, and fallback ...
Dnssec-Trigger for Linux
0.11 downloadDnssec-trigger for Mac reconfigures the local unbound DNS server. This unbound DNS server performs DNSSEC validation, but dnssec-trigger will signal it to use the DHCP obtained forwarders if possible, and fallback ...
ChrisPC Anonymous Connection
2.50 downloadChrisPC Anonymous Connection secures your online privacy by anonymizing the Internet traffic your Windows PC makes, by means of available worldwide advanced anonymous proxy servers and dedicated DNS servers. In these ...
OSHI Defender
1.3.172 downloadOSHI Defender is New Generation Anti-Malware. Cloud-based virus protection keep you secured up to date in real-time. Secured DNS protect you from scam websites, stop rootkit and malware communications without any ...
MailBee.NET Queue
1.6.1 downloadMailBee.NET Queue reduces response times of mail sending operations by off-loading the task of actual delivery of e-mails from the application to the service. You can also use it to control ...
AdRem iTools
2007 downloadAdRem iTools 2007 is an essential networking toolset that combines diagnostic utilities such as Ping, Traceroute, DNS Lookup, SNMP viewer, port/network, bandwidth scanner, and more. All of them are available from ...
2.6 downloadLiteFTP is a feature-packed FTP server that includes anonymous, shared, group, and superuser access, resume (upload and download), quotas, connection limits, speed per connection limits, advanced access controls, and unlimited accounts. ...
PlanetDNS Client
2.01 downloadPlanetDNS Client allows you to easily create an Internet Name for your computer that automatically tracks your current dynamic IP address. PlanetDNS Client utilizes advanced dynamic DNS technology to provide you ...
2.5.3 downloadStealthWalker is a software-based VPN tool. It provides easy connectivity for the user and has a very straight forward mechanism to establish a VPN connection. It also includes unique features like ...
0.0.6 downloadDNSCrypt is a lightweight software that everyone should use to boost online privacy and security. It works by encrypting all DNS traffic between the user and OpenDNS, preventing any spying, spoofing ...
SimpleHTTP downloadSimpleHTTP serves a default.htm .gif .jpg .swf or .js file from it's wwwroot directory. Included are a blank page, transparent 1x1 pixel gif, white 1x1 pixel jpg, and 1x1 pixel flash ...
ANSMTP SMTP Component downloadANSMTP Object is a high performance, easy- to-use and full-featured SMTP COM Object (email component) which enables your ASP, VB, VC++, C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, VBS, Jscript, WScript, Delphi or other COM ...
Super Network Tunnel Portable Version downloadSuper Network Tunnel is a professional http tunnel solution,include client/server,it equal SocksCap+Bidirectional Http Tunnel +Remote Control. Normally used in building a network tunnel between the home and office computer,it's alias name ...
Multi Port Forwarder
5.0 downloadThis is a Swiss Army knife of port forwarding. It transforms network traffic whichever way imaginable. The traffic for forwarding is selected by a combination of: direction (incoming/outgoing), protocol (TCP/UDP), Port, ...
SoftCab Whois
1.3 downloadSee whois information, query DNS records for any domain name, and keep information aboit your own domains in one place. Receive instant notifications about pending payments. Never loose your domain name ...
2.6 downloadLiteMail is an easy to use mail server that includes unlimited addresses, unlimited domains, forwarding, relaying, SMTP Authentication, a catch-all address and quotas. Integrated DynDNS and No-Ip dynamic DNS clients help ...
2.4 downloadBacklinkSpeed is the easiest way to submit your web site to over 3,150 backlink sites and directories, instantly giving a jumpstart to your traffic and immediate visibility to the search engines. ...
1.7.0 downloadMailismus is a high-speed, high-volume mailserver which supports SMTP, IMAP and POP3. It is secure (supports SSL and STARTTLS, plus SMTP-Auth with SASL), highly configurable, supports Maildir mailbox format, provides numerous ...
Free IDNS Translator
1.12 downloadIDNS Translator (Punycode Converter) is a small desktop tool which helps translate internationalized domain names into ASCII characters (bidirectionally, IDN to ASCII and ASCII to IDN). Translator have two work modes: ...
SafeDNS Agent
3.5.1 downloadSafeDNS Agent, developed by SafeDNS, Inc., is a robust and intuitive software solution designed to enhance internet security and content filtering for both personal and business use. This powerful tool stands ...
LanScan for Mac OS X
6.3.2 downloadLanScan is a free, simple and effective Mac OS X network scanner that discovers all active devices on your Local Area Network (LAN). LanScan is a free, simple and efficient IPv4 ...
4.6.0 downloadThe Best PXE Server for MS Windows What is a PXE server? A Preboot eXecution Environment server offers the needed network resources to client PCs that were configured to boot ...