png.jpg downloads
Wings 3D
2.3 downloadWings3D is an subdivision modeler that provides you with mesh modeling and selection tools, enabling you to create detailed 3D objects. Wings3D offers support for the following photo formats: BMP, JPG, ...
Wings 3D for Linux
2.3 downloadWings3D is an subdivision modeler that provides you with mesh modeling and selection tools, enabling you to create detailed 3D objects. Wings3D offers support for the following photo formats: BMP, JPG, ...
Wings 3D for Mac OS X
2.3 downloadWings3D is an subdivision modeler that provides you with mesh modeling and selection tools, enabling you to create detailed 3D objects. Wings3D offers support for the following photo formats: BMP, JPG, ...
dupeGuru Picture Edition
4.1.1 downloaddupeGuru Picture Edition (PE for short) is a tool to find duplicate pictures on your computer. dupeGuru PE is a big brother of dupeGuru. It works like dupeGuru, but is specialized ...
dupeGuru Picture Edition for Mac OS X
4.1.1 downloaddupeGuru Picture Edition (PE for short) is a tool to find duplicate pictures on your computer. dupeGuru PE is a big brother of dupeGuru. It works like dupeGuru, but is specialized ...
AZ Image downloadAZImage is a powerful image converter that allows you to convert images, like your digital photos, from/to 5 most popular formats: BMP, JPG, GIF, TIFF and PNG and eventually upload them ...
5.1 downloadThis is a program for converting image files into PDF files or XPS file. The program supports converting multiple image files to single or multiple PDF / XPS files. The program ...
dupeGuru Picture Edition for Linux
4.1.1 downloaddupeGuru Picture Edition (PE for short) is a tool to find duplicate pictures on your computer. dupeGuru PE is a big brother of dupeGuru. It works like dupeGuru, but is specialized ...
iOrgsoft PDF Converter
2.1.1 downloadiOrgsoft PDF converter is one smart and integrated PDF conversion program that converts PDF files to most printable Windows applications including Word(.doc, docx), Text(txt),Image(Jpg, Jpeg, TIFF, Tif, Png, Bmp), EPUB(epub) & ...
iOrgsoft PDF Converter for Mac OS X
2.1.1 downloadiOrgsoft PDF converter is one smart and integrated PDF conversion program that converts PDF files to most printable Windows applications including Word(.doc, docx), Text(txt),Image(Jpg, Jpeg, TIFF, Tif, Png, Bmp), EPUB(epub) & ...
VaySoft SWF to EXE Converter
6.67 downloadAre you struggling to copyright protection of your Flash SWF product? VaySoft SWF to EXE Converter can help you. VaySoft SWF to EXE Converter is an application that will help ...
2.0.5666 downloadSnipSnip is a screen capture utility, designed for easy capture of some or all of your screen(s).It also allows you to do simple tasks like resizing, cropping and drawing on the ...
1.2 downloadCssSpriter is a small, simple, easy to use application specially designed to help you create css sprite sheets from multiple icons (like icons, buttons, ...). The output which will be ...
PrinterShare Mobile Print
12.12.6 downloadWirelessly print documents, bills and invoices (MS Office: Word, Excel, Powerpoint; PDF and text files) from device memory, SD card and even from Google Drive (Google Docs)! Instantly print emails ...
CAD6 Studio
2022.1.8.16 downloadMalz++Kassner CAD6 Studio is the professional 2D/3D CAD program of the CAD6 series with all kernel functions and plug-ins for planning, construction, and visualization. Beside a 2D drawing area the ...
Mobile Atlas Creator
2.2.1 downloadMobile Atlas Creator (formerly known as TrekBuddy Atlas Creator) is an open source (GPL) program which creates offline atlases for GPS handhelds and cell phone applications like TrekBuddy, AndNav and other ...
Mobile Atlas Creator for Mac OS X
2.2.1 downloadMobile Atlas Creator (formerly known as TrekBuddy Atlas Creator) is an open source (GPL) program which creates offline atlases for GPS handhelds and cell phone applications like TrekBuddy, AndNav and other ...
1.11 downloadPlanEasy2D software can be used to draw floor plans, building exit plans and other plans easily and quickly. The software includes a collection of furniture and textures. The drawing units and ...
Visual Paradigm for UML Standard Edition
17.2 B20240604 downloadVisual Paradigm for UML is a professional UML tool that supports complete software lifecycle - object-oriented analysis, object-oriented design, construction, testing and deployment.Visual Paradigm for UML (Standard Edition) is a powerfull ...
MindFusion.Reporting for WPF
1.4.2 downloadMindFusion.Reporting for WPF provides easy and reliable way to build professional business reports in a few easy steps. Packed with detailed documentation and easy to follow and learn tutorials, the component ...
CheckPrixa 2D Barcode Generator
1.0 downloadCheckPrixa 2D Barcode Generator is capable of generating high resolution barcode images of DataMatrix, PDF417, QR and MICRO QR 2D symbologies. These images may be inserted into third party applications such ...
Portable CheckPrixa 2D Barcode Generator
1.0 downloadCheckPrixa 2D Barcode Generator is capable of generating high resolution barcode images of DataMatrix, PDF417, QR and MICRO QR 2D symbologies. These images may be inserted into third party applications such ...
WorkinTool Image Converter downloadConvert to JPG Effectively and quickly change the multi-formatted images in batches to JPG without losing quality. Convert to PNG Only a few clicks to transform your pictures from any format ...
Image Resizer
v2.0 downloadImage Resizer can be used to resize image files in a batch. It supports to resize hundreds of image files at a time. Image Resizer features: 1.Support all the windows Platformas: ...
Image Name Batch Editor
v2.0 downloadImage Name Batch Editor can help you edit image names in batch at a time, which is convenient and useful enough in your work. Image Name Batch Editor features: 1.Support all ...