capabilities downloads
CryptoLicensing For MFC
2020 B200525 download... easy way to add licensing, copy-protection and activation capabilities to your MFC, ATL or C++ applications, libraries, components and controls. CryptoLicensing for MFC uses the latest military strength, state-of-the-art cryptographic ...
Tropics Benchmark for Linux
1.3 download... will allow you to test your video card's capabilities. Known drivers issues: - [ATI] Broken HDR with OpenGL on X1xxx series - [ATI] No water with OpenGL Features: ...
HTMLCombobox download... will help developers create combobxes with HTML formatting capabilities. Supports a subset of the HTML formatting tags (see the mini HTML reference). With HTML aware lookup and sorting. Combobox ...
IrfanView ALL plugins
4.66 download... if you want to extend your installled IrfanView capabilities to max! ...
THTMLPopup download... the bottom of the screen with HTML formatting capabilities. Supports a subset of the HTML formatting tags. ...
Tropics Benchmark
1.3 downloadExtreme performance and stability test for PC hardware: video card, power supply, cooling system. Check your rig in stock and overclocking modes with real-life load! Also includes interactive experience in a ...
GLview Extensions Viewer (formerly OpenGL Extension Viewer)
7.3.6 download... detailed information about the OpenGL, Vulkan, and OpenCL capabilities of your graphics hardware. It serves as an ... to understand the intricate details of their GPU's capabilities and compatibility. One of the standout features ...
THTMLPopup download... the bottom of the screen with HTML formatting capabilities.Supports a subset of the HTML formatting tags. ...
THTMLTreeView downloadA treeview with HTML formatting capabilities, radiobutton and checkbox capability.Checkboxes and radiobuttons support various looks, from standard, flat, Borland style to Windows XP visual styles. Supports a subset of the ...
TDBHTMLabel downloadA DB-aware label with full mini-HTML formatting capabilities that can be linked to multiple DB fields with DB-aware design time HTML editor. Supports a subset of the HTML formatting tags. ...
TRTFLabel download... a label that has the full rich text capabilities. Rich text can be edited at design time using a built-in rich text property editor. ...
4.1.43 for Chrome download... a groundbreaking browser extension designed to augment the capabilities of ChatGPT by integrating real-time web data. This innovative tool addresses one of the primary limitations of traditional AI conversational models: ...
Funambol Sync Server SDK
10.0.0 download... creating the connectors that will extend the server capabilities. ...
MagicScore Maestro
4.196 download... a music notation software application with extended editing capabilities and internal spell-checker. It features a variety of input methods - virtual keyboard, external MIDI devices, or an extended set of ...
Proxy Switcher Standard
7.5.0 download... provides proxy settings management solution and anonymous surfing capabilities. This includes flexible proxy server list management, proxy server tester and anonymous proxy server list downloader. ...
THTMListbox download* A listbox with HTML formatting capabilities * Supports a subset of the HTML formatting tags * Standard, Office 2003, Office 2007 selection colors * HTML aware lookup and sorting ...
Active Sound Recorder for .NET download... component that makes it easy adding sound recording capabilities to Winforms applications written with Visual Studio.NET and ... of the recorded sound waveform with rich visualisation capabilities like range selection, zooming and panning. Recorded sounds ...
MagicScore Maestro
7.970 download... - music notation software, offering the most advanced capabilities for working with music. It lets you precisely ... Automatic spell-checking of entered information; * Extensive editing capabilities (copy, paste, delete, transpose both single notes and ...
World Wind Java SDK
0.6.893.15860 downloadWith World Wind Java SDK, developers can embed World Wind technology in their own applications. World Wind Java SDK contains all the necessary files to get you started in implementing World ...
MagicScore Maestro 6
6.201 download... professional music notation software, offering the most advanced capabilities for working with music. It lets you precisely ... follows: Automatic spell-checking of entered information; Extensive editing capabilities (copy, paste, delete, transpose both single notes and ...
0.9.6 download... This application stands out by leveraging the robust capabilities of VLC, one of the most versatile and ... the best of both worlds: the powerful playback capabilities of VLC and the customizable, modern interface provided ...
Melody Assistant
7.6.3i download... is a powerful score editor with digital audio capabilities. The list of features in this program is so large that it cannot be enumerated here. Let's quote some of them ...
JRSpell Checker
5.0 download... developers and web designer to add spell checking capabilities to their applications with a couple of lines of code. It will also work with any development language that allows the ...
Copernic Desktop Search Professional
8.3.2 Build 17010 download... use. **Key Features:** 1. **Lightning-Fast Search Capabilities:** Copernic Desktop Search leverages advanced indexing technology to ... to various workflows and requirements. 8. **Integration Capabilities:** Copernic Desktop Search seamlessly integrates with other applications ...
Titan FTP Server
19.00 B3676 download... Web interface allows you to extend the product's capabilities to more end users, without the inconvenience or expense of installing client software. Securely manage the movement of sensitive files across ...