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Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design download... thermal analysis for bare tube double pipe (hairpin) heat exchangers. +Perform thermal analysis for finned tube double pipe (hairpin) heat exchangers. +Choose from Counter Current or Co-Current Flow ... Series-Parallel arrangement. +Auto allocate Hot/Cold fluids within the heat exchanger (Inner Pipe or Outer Pipe). +Select from ...
Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design download... of tubes, Scale resistance, cleanliness factor + Overall heat transfer coefficient for both Clean and Fouled conditions ... from different correlations to calculate shell or tube heat transfer coefficient or simply enter the coefficients (database ...
Unit Conversion Utility-UnitConvertor-D
2.7.51 downloadUnitConvertor-D is Heat, Light and Radiology unit-convert computer program. It has ... Fuel Efficiency - Mass, Fuel Efficiency - Volume, Heat Density, Heat Flux Density, Heat Transfer Coefficient, Luminance, Luminous Intensity, Radiation, Radiation - ...
ThermalWall download... are submitted to sinusoidal variations of temperature and/or heat flow. This characteristics variables are: thermal transmittance, internal areal heat capacity (heat accumulating on the inner surface per unit ... temperature wave at the outer surface, when the heat passing through the inner surface is constant), decrement ...
3.3 download... but adds engineering specific categories like enthalpy, entropy, heat capacity, heat transfer coefficient, moment of inertia, stress, surface tension, ...
Vertical Thermosiphon Design download... exit vapor mass fraction +Calculate pressure drops, overall heat transfer coefficients..etc, the table included below includes more ... diameter. +Advisory design recommendations and validation for maximum heat flux density rate. +Mist flow at tube outlet ...
Scanning Data Bar Barcode Software
4.4.4 download... a thermal transfer ribbon. *Direct thermal printing uses heat-sensitive paper, while inkjet printing is less popular. Printer resolution, which refers to the number of dots per inch, is crucial for ...
Unit Converter Pro
3.1 download... Mass, Flow - Molar, Frequency Wavelength, Fuel Efficiency, Heat Capacity, Heat Flux Density, Heat Transfer Coefficient, HVAC Efficiency, Chemical - Henry's Law, Illumination, Illumination - Luminous Intensity, Latent Heat, Luminance, Mass Flux Density, Moment of Inertia, Permeability, ...
Chemical Data
2.9 download... Gas Name,Density(kg/m^3),Melting Point C,Boiling Point C,Thermal Conductivity (W/mK),Specific Heat Capacity (KJ/KgK),Specific Heat Cv (KJ/kgK) Steam Tables Pressure Periodic Table (118) ... Volume (cm^3 mol),Crystal Structure,Electrical Conductivity (mho cm), Specific Heat (J/gK),Heat of Fusion (kJ/mol),Heat of Vaporization (kJ/mol),Thermal Conductivity ...
3.7.0 download... mass basis Enthalpy - volume basis Entropy Force Heat Capacity Heat Flux Heat Rate Heat Transfer Coefficient Industrial Weight Per Area Units Luminous ...
1.11.2 download... DOS and partial-DOS Phonon thermal properties, free energy, heat capacity, and entropy Thermal expansion and heat capacity at constant pressure within quasi-harmonic approximation (phonopy-qha) ...
1.8.5 download... * Phase compressibility factors * Mixture densities * Heats of Vaporization * Mixture heat capacities * Phase enthalpy/entropy * Mixture viscosity/thermal conductivity * Mixture heat capacity ratio * Mixture Joule-Thompson coefficient * Sonic ...
1.2.6 download... Conversion Tool (lb/hr, m/s >- ACFM, SCFM, etc.) Heat Capacity Ratio Calculation Tool (for real vapor/gases) Pipe Fitting ...