photometry downloads
9.0 SP1 download... also includes a comprehensive set of tools for photometry and astrometry, enabling users to measure the brightness and positions of celestial objects with high accuracy. This makes it an invaluable ...
2.1.13 download... of CCD frames by means of the aperture photometry · Semiautomatic detection of new and unknown variable stars on a set of frames · Combining a set of bias, dark ...
MuniWin for Linux
2.0.21 download... of CCD frames by means of the aperture photometry · Semiautomatic detection of new and unknown variable stars on a set of frames · Combining a set of bias, dark ...
3.0.0b4 download... purposes Pipeline for supernovae survey Pipeline for asteroid photometry Supported cameras: Audine, Hi-Sis, SBIG, CB245, Starlight, Kitty, Webcam, TH78521, SRC1300XTC, Canon EOS, Coolpix, Andor Supported links: parallel port, USB port, ...