lines downloads

Split Words Without Spaces Into Words With Spaces Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to split run-on strings of words into multiple words. For example, "thisisthetext" becomes "this is the text". The user can type, paste ...

MS PowerPoint Compare Two Presentations Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to compare two MS PowerPoint presentations and create a report showing the differences. The user simply loads the files for comparison before ...

Warehousing Barcode Generator download

Highly interactive bar code sticker producing application is the best tool to generate high quality and customized bar code labels, stickers, coupons, tags, holograms etc in few simple steps. Bar code ...

Postal Mail Barcode Fonts download

Postal Mail Barcode Fonts utility facilitates postal departments with sophisticated feature to easily bring quick and speedy postal and mailing services. Professional bar code label designing software for post offices and ...

Make Label download

Make Label application easily craft and print colorful cards and bar code labels in different formats including student identity cards, greeting cards, business cards, employee identity cards, visiting cards, security ID ...

Mac Barcode Fonts download

Highly interactive Mac Barcode Fonts application is easy and simple to users and offer users to economically craft striking barcode labels in multiple formats such as asset tags, price stickers, ribbons, ...

TRx Professional Phone Call Recorder

4.33 download

TRx is a personal phone line recorder program for Windows. TRx lets you manually record telephone calls on a phone line connected to the voice modem (or other telephony card) of ...

Append Text If It Does Or Does Not Exist Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to append a string of characters in any of a set of files that do not contain a user-defined string. The user ...

Barcode Generator for Mac OS X download

Do you know how to generate attractive bar-code labels with using images from computer system in few mouse clicks? Click on company website and simply download Barcode Generator for Mac ...

Professional Business Card Maker download

Professional Business Card Maker program designs easily printable visiting cards including text, photographs, and clip art. Website is available to download standard card developer tool for creating high resolution professional ...

Join Multiple Log Files Into One Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to join multiple log files, vertically or horizontally. The user simply chooses the log files or an entire folder for joining and ...

Family Of Fish

3.1 download

Family of fish is the name of a new thrilling match three puzzle game that offer the excitement and fun one wishes to experience through puzzle games, along with the ability ...

MS Project Search In Multiple Files At Once Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to search one or more MS Project files for the same string, simultaneously. The user can specify a list of files or ...


3.0 download

You play on a field of 10x10 cells by dropping items in the form of beautiful coral fish. From the three cells in the upper left corner you drag the items ...

Find Duplicates In List Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to find duplicates items within a list. With this software, you can load text files and each line will be compared. Results ...

CSV To SQL Statements Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to convert one or more CSV (comma separated values) files into SQL CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO format. The user chooses the ...

Flowers Popper for Android

1.02 download

Flowers Popper for Android, its newest color-match, grid-based game, where players place a flower to form a row of three or more of the same color to remove them simultaneously. With ...

Remove Duplicates Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to remove duplicates from old lists and remove dupes as you type new data into new lists. There are features in the ...

TRx Recorder Professional

4.33 download

TRx is a personal phone line recorder program for Windows. TRx lets you manually record telephone calls on a phone line connected to the voice modem (or other telephony card) of ...

Professional Barcode Label Maker

4.2 download

Download Barcode Label Maker program from company URL for generation of stunning barcode stickers, dashing tags etc for postal services, inventory control and transportation. Utility enables printing of colorful barcode ...

Post Office Barcode Generator

6.5 download

Easily download Barcode Maker Post Office application from that provide complete solution with affordable and effective capabilities to design and generate printable or scannable new book edition barcode with using ...

Barcode Label Design Tool download

Barcode Label Design Tool easily available on website address that helps produce barcode image and paste at desired location including MS excel, MS paint and MS word in a simple ...

TED Notepad

6.3.1 download

... menu, case conversions, characters translating, quoting and enclosing lines, reversing, unique lines and duplicates counting, sorting, word wrapping and unwrapping, ...

5 award


3.10.3 download

... Add text boxes, image boxes, rectangles, ovals and lines to your labels. Type in the necessary text, insert the desired images, to create the professional barcode labels for commercial use. ...

5 award


4.0 download

... other graphical elements (e.g. rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse), lines, legend, text, image, numerous editor options (e.g. grid, snap to grid), legend, scale - diagram: copy&paste, zooming, overview window - use ...

5 award