java source downloads
1.3.0 download... for local area networks. KouChat was written in Java, and is distributed as free software. FEATURES: · Main chat · Private chat · Selectable text color for your ...
2.2.7 download... for the dex format used by dalvik, Android's Java VM implementation. The syntax is loosely based on Jasmin's/dedexer's syntax, and supports the full functionality of the dex format (annotations, debug ...
1.2.3 download... first designed to work with programs written in Java, but now it can work with your favorite language, thanks to a standard description format. Popsycle comes with a nice GUI ...
0.1 downloadPowerOff is a Java based Windows program to shutdown the system. You can shutdown, restart, or logoff your system at a specific time. Select the time and the action (shutdown, ...
1.6 download... CDS (or ARINC 661 Server), coded in the Java language in order to facilitate the understanding of the ARINC 661 standard, prototype ARINC 661 concepts and architectures, etc… This project ...
blue for Mac
2.7.4 download... a music composition environment for Csound, written in Java, and available for use on Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux. It allows doing everything one can do in Csound as well ...
12.2.1 download... programming languages and tools, including Python, R, and Java, through various bindings and APIs. This makes it a flexible choice for developers looking to incorporate graph visualization into their applications ...
Celera Genome Browser
5.1 download... of the human genome, and released as open source in 2006. ...
Celera Genome Browser for Linux
5.1 download... of the human genome, and released as open source in 2006. ...
Robot Framework
7.2.1 Source download... can also create custom libraries in Python or Java, tailoring the framework to meet specific project requirements. Robot Framework's modular architecture promotes reusability and maintainability. Test cases can be ...
Developer's Tips & Tricks download... C#, C++, COBOL, CSS, Delphi (Pascal), HTML, PHP, Java Script, BASIC (Visual, Just), Perl, Phyton, .INI files, Scripts, SQL, XML and much more) - Code Snippets (Tips) manager (create, delete, ...
8.1.1 downloadJFormDesigner™ is a professional GUI designer for Java™ Swing user interfaces. Its outstanding support for JGoodies FormLayout, GroupLayout (Free Design), TableLayout and GridBagLayout makes it easy to create professional looking ...
JFormDesigner for Mac OS X
8.1.1 downloadJFormDesigner™ is a professional GUI designer for Java™ Swing user interfaces. Its outstanding support for JGoodies FormLayout, GroupLayout (Free Design), TableLayout and GridBagLayout makes it easy to create professional looking ...
JFormDesigner for Linux
8.1.1 downloadJFormDesigner™ is a professional GUI designer for Java™ Swing user interfaces. Its outstanding support for JGoodies FormLayout, GroupLayout (Free Design), TableLayout and GridBagLayout makes it easy to create professional looking ...
2.14.0 downloadOfficeFloor is a handy framework designed to simplify the development of high performance applications. The intuitive graphical configuration makes OfficeFloor applications self documenting - which works great with both Agile and ...
0.54 download... format * Ragel file export (used for C/C++, Java or Ruby code generation) * Other export formats: SCXML, vvvv Automata code Qfsm is being developed by Stefan Duffner and ...
VeriLook algorithm demo for MS Windows
3.1 download... Interface for image input from camera; + Windows source codes of DLL usage sample application in C/C++, C#, Java, Visual Basic 6, VBA (for MS Access). + Linux source code of library usage sample application in C/C++ ...
Jaspersoft Studio
6.18.1 download... the report before connecting it to a data source - then let the query to explore and ... perspective. By default, you can work using the Java perspective, but you can switch between ‘CV Repository ...
2.52 downloadMZmine 2 is an open-source project delivering a software for mass-spectrometry data processing, with the main focus on LC-MS data. It is based on the original MZmine toolbox described in 2006 ...
Obeo Designer Community
11.9.0 downloadObeo Designer Community is a robust and versatile modeling tool developed by Obeo, designed to empower developers, architects, and system engineers with the ability to create custom graphical modeling workbenches. This ...
Apache Lucene for Mac OS X
9.12.0 download... a robust and high-performance search library written in Java. Renowned for its powerful full-text search capabilities, Lucene is the backbone of many enterprise search applications, offering a scalable and flexible ...
4.6.1 download... wide range of programming languages, including C, C++, Java, and Python, providing developers with the flexibility to use it in diverse development environments. Ease of integration is a hallmark ...
Universe Benchmark
0.76 PreAlpha downloadUniverse Benchmark was specially developed as an accessible and handy application that performs test measures by calculating PI on multiple threads. The software gives number of Decimal places option. ...
1.5.1 downloadBrainy is a software designed for people, especially students to conquer words such as Barron's SAT 3500. Building vocabulary for standard test is a hard work but with the help of ...
GeDA - Generic DTO Assembler
2.0.3 download... same for most of the objects. GeDA uses Java5's annotations in order to map DTO's onto paths of the Domain object properties (the reflection method). Thus the annotated ...