screensaver in Screen Savers: Other downloads
Maha Locia, Buddhist Dharmapala
2.0 downloadMaha Locia, One of the twenty eight Quan Yin's (Avalokitesvara) Dharmapala. He is actually a snake with a form of Humanbody, The King of Snake who heard Shakyamuni's teaching and realize ...
Mahavira,The Twenty Fourth Tirthankara
2.0 downloadMahavira (599 – 527 BCE) is the name most commonly used to refer to the Indian sage Vardhamana who established what are today considered to be the central tenets of Jainism. ...
Meditate on the Beach with six Dalmatian
2.0 downloadA meditator dives deep -- a thinker moves on the surface. Thinking is like swimming. Meditation is not like swimming, it is diving deep; going to the same point but on ...
Super Red Arowana at mini waterfall
2.0 downloadThe Super Red Arowana is become a prestige symbol for its owner, for mostly chinese people believe that this kind of fish can bring fortune and wealth. ...
Osho enjoying zen garden view
2.0 downloadThe moment you become knowledgeable you lose innocence. And innocence is the garden. In innocence, flowers bloom. In innocence, fragrance is released. In innocence, all is bliss. The garden is a ...
Lu Sheng Yen (Lian Shen) Ocean of Wisdom
2.0 downloadAt the age of 25, my Deva-eyes were initiated; and Three-Mountain-Nine-Marquis become my spiritual teacher. Unpolished, I innocently revealed that I was the reincarnated body of Padmakumara. ...
2.0 downloadAccording to the Buddhist scriptures, practising his Dharma will enable the follower to have unlimited and mysterious virtue. He will become wiser and more elequent and eliminate diseases, disastres and evils. ...
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
2.0 downloadThis is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. ...
Pyramid Egypt, Future Meditation Centre
2.0 downloadThe truth is that the pyramids were especially constructed for spiritual purposes; they were places where spiritual sadhana could be carried on with great ease and advantage. The very form of ...
Osho River of Life
2.0 downloadJust throw your scriptures into the river. Now you are a nobody, floating with the river, in a deep letgo. When the river meets the ocean, that meeting-point is God. The ...
Avalokitesvara at Waterfall
2.0 downloadAvalokitesvara is the bodhisattva who has made a great vow to listen to the prayers of all sentient beings in times of difficulty, and to postpone his own Buddhahood until he ...
Spiritual Robot With Om Sound
2.0 downloadYou've gotta be kidding me! Even a robot who doesn't have any soul still wanted to gain more higher consciousness, Why we, us, a human neglect it...! ...
Sathya Sai Baba - Blooming Flower
2.0 downloadThe whole world is One Single Tree;The different countries are it's branches;It's root is God; Human beings are the flowers; Happiness is the fruit;Self-realization is the sweet juice therein. ...
Romance of three kingdom
2.0 downloadRomance of the Three Kingdoms is a historical novel based on the events that occurred before and during the Three Kingdoms era. Written by Luo Guanzhong more than a millennium after ...
Anand Krishna Singing Bowl
2.0 downloadIn Buddhist practice, singing bowls are used as a support for meditation, trance induction and prayer. Limit not yourself to any one single concept. Any one single musical note shall never ...
Anand Krishna Spiritual Leader
2.0 downloadYears back just around the time I met Krishna, I remembered reading in one of the books that a great spiritual leader will emerge out of Indonesia! Then one day I ...
Wei Tuo Pu Sa and Guan Gong Pu Sa
2.0 downloadIn Chinese Buddhism, Guan Gong and Wei Tuo are revered by most practicing Buddhists as Sangharama Bodhisattvas, the guardians of the Buddhist dharma, the Great Gods Who Subdue Demons of the ...
White Tara or Green Tara
2.0 downloadAccording to the Buddhist Scriptures, anyone who studies and practises her Dharma can lengthen his span of life, add to his luck and wisdom, cut off the root of transmigration, prevent ...
Visit Bali Island of God
2.0 downloadBali (With Life Animated Balinese Dancers), The Exotic Island with many cultures, known for elaborate dances and rituals and for handicrafts, often called Pulau Dewata or Island of Gods. It is ...
Yellow Shambala or Yellow Kubera
2.0 downloadAccording to the Buddhist Scriptures, if the follower practises the Yellow Shambala's Dharma (also called 'Yellow Kubera'), he can increase his financial resource, casting off poverty and all economics burdens. ...
Yoga Namaskara at Great Wall of China
2.0 downloadThe sun's image can be seen in an ocean, a river, a lake, a pond or a well. Everywhere the sun appears to be shining.Likewise, names and forms may be different, ...
Lao Tzu vs Confucius, Wei Wu Wei
2.0 downloadConversation between Lao Tzu & Confucius, Remember these three things. First : Be liquid, don't be hard and holding Second: don't resist. Do not be in a constant conflict with existence. ...
Quan Yin Pu Sa saving all sentient being
2.0 downloadAvalokitesvara means one who looks from the beyond at the world, who is keeping himself in body-form, in mind-form - he is keeping the whole ladder. He has gone beyond, but ...
Ko Ong Kwan Si Im Keng
2.0 downloadJust chant The true sutra of the High King Sutra causing calamities to cease, merit to accumulate, to empower others and to promote living kindness.This sutra is highly recomended by the ...
Osho Call for Enlightenment
2.0 downloadExistence waits millions of years for somebody to become enlightened, and when someone becomes enlightened existence wants him to share, to spread the word, whatsoever the cost, to all those who ...