bearing downloads
2.2.7137.1 downloadSO-Foundation calculates bearing capacity of shallow foundations considering both shear failure ... are calculated and generated below footings. 4-Determination of bearing capacity of shallow footings (Spread, Continuous and Mat) with different ...
MITCalc Rolling Bearings Calculation II
1.20 download... for the selection, calculation and check of rolling bearings. The programme provides solutions to the following tasks: - Selection and check of a suitable bearing. This module includes a database of approx. 5,000 ...
MITCalc Rolling Bearings Calculation I
1.20 download... for the selection, calculation and check of rolling bearings of the company SKF. The programme provides solutions ... tasks: - Selection and check of a suitable bearing. The document includes a database of approx. 10,000 ...
MITCalc Rolling Bearings Calculation III
1.18 download... for the selection, calculation and check of rolling bearings of the company FAG, INA. The programme provides ... tasks: - Selection and check of a suitable bearing. The document includes a database of approx. 10,000 ...
2.60 download... on the loads and resistances, and results in bearing pressure, sliding, overturning and rotational stabilities. Loads applied ... for every combination. Possibilities to calculate nominal soil bearing resistance using theoretical or semi empirical methods. Possibilities ...
MITCalc3D for Solid Edge
1.70 download... spur and bevel gear, belt and chain gear, bearings, beam, buckling, shaft, springs, bolt connection, shaft connection, tolerance analysis, tolerances and many others. There are also many material, comparison, and ...
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Hetman FAT Recovery
2.5 download... digital cameras, MP3 players and other devices are bearing a variation of the FAT file system. FAT16 and FAT32 have become a de-facto standard for solid-state external storage media such ...
Hop PC
1.2 download... bounce; all you need to consider is the bearing you hop. To do this, you simply need to drag your finger left or right. On a few tiles you can ...
1.8.2 download... environment (i.e. flat or 3D worlds). Detailed charts bearing various metrics can be generated and one can create CSV files from these diagrams. Tacview is an adequate tool for anyone ...
1.1.6 download... course and/ or speed. Once an altitude and bearing has been entered, a list of potential bodies will be offered so that ambiguous sights will be immediately apparent. The other ...
2.7 download... module calculates the angular difference between a magnetic bearing and a compass bearing, the LNB polarization tilt angle, the azimuth and ...
Global Mapper
25.1 downloadGlobal Mapper is more than just a utility; it has built in functionality for distance and area calculations, raster blending, feathering, spectral analysis and contrast adjustment, elevation querying, line of sight ...
2.2.2 download... where limitless scope of plugin comes to play. Bearing on mind only one Rate knob and a color switch on the front panel of the real phaser device, Fazortan from ...
Fazortan for Mac OS X
2.2.2 download... where limitless scope of plugin comes to play. Bearing on mind only one Rate knob and a color switch on the front panel of the real phaser device, Fazortan from ...
2.6.4 download... ordering of the units according to the load bearing strength (normal stress) of each item. With this feature the User can obtain realistic solutions, without the need to enter a ...
packVol Lite
3.8.6 download... ordering of the units according to the load bearing strength (normal stress) of each item. With this feature the User can obtain realistic solutions, without the need to enter a ...
Global Mapper x64
25.1 downloadGlobal Mapper is more than just a utility; it has built in functionality for distance and area calculations, raster blending, feathering, spectral analysis and contrast adjustment, elevation querying, line of sight ...
Fazortan x64
2.2.2 download... where limitless scope of plugin comes to play. Bearing on mind only one Rate knob and a color switch on the front panel of the real phaser device, Fazortan x64 ...
CorelDRAW 2017 download... enhanced so you can take advantage of pressure, bearing, tilt, and rotation of your stylus to control a variety of tools and effects. Import legacy workspaces CorelDRAW Graphics Suite ...
2024 download... enhanced so you can take advantage of pressure, bearing, tilt, and rotation of your stylus to control a variety of tools and effects. Import legacy workspaces CorelDRAW Graphics Suite ...
MountainsMap Scanning Topography
6.2.6266 download... 3D surface texture parameters Calculate 3D height and bearing ratio parameters defined in the new ISO 25178 ... 16610 advanced filtering techniques. Basic functional studies including bearing ratio curve, depth distribution histogram, surface subtraction and ...
AMan Pro
3 download... constantly changing and have to be adjusted accordingly, bearing in mind the revenue and profit requirements of the seller. Inventory must be replenished to maintain revenue . AMan Pro automates ...
3.1.5 download... vector processing tools to calculate properties like line bearing or polygonal area. * An SQL-like scripting language provides a powerful transformation and filtering feature. And so on. JMARS ...
4.00.0009 download... footing slab to determine moments, shears, displacements and bearing pressures using FEA. VisualFoundation will then help you check to make sure the footing demand/capacity ratios (unity checks) pass for ...