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KISSKey Keylogger downloadIf you appreciate the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid), then you'll appreciate KISSKey Keylogger, a keylogger focused on simplicity. Capture keystrokes, ... 32- and 64-bit PCs from XP to 8.1 KISSKey Keylogger secretly captures keystrokes in PC apps and ...
concatSQL downloadConcatenate and Execute SQL Scripts with Placeholders. Reverse Engineer Database to SQL Scripts. User definable Placeholders. Hierarchical concatenation of multiple file manifests for SQL Patch maintenance. Connect to MS SQL Server ...
concat downloadConcatenate text files and SQL Scripts with placeholders and Hierarchical concatenation to build and maintain SQL Patch Scripts. Concatenate text files in seconds. Drag & Drop files into File Manifests (file ...
signIT downloadStrong Name and Code Sign .Net Assemblies easily with intuitive user interface. Select which installed SDK and .Net Framework to use. Easily find relevant SDK & .Net Framework files. Strong Name ...