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1.4.1 download... programs for extracting this kind of information from protein alignments. This software has been developed by Thilo Muth and Juan Antonio Garcia under the guidance of Florencio Pazos. ...
Advanced Pathway Painter
2.31 download... any kind of quantitative data from gene and protein experiments directly within the pathways (colours represent the ... experiment data is done over the gene or protein names and their accession numbers. Furthermore the user ...
1.0 download... a bioinformatics software tool for analyzing DNA and protein sequences. Its Windows interface makes sequence analysis extremely ... functions can be performed on both DNA and protein sequences. BioSeqAnalyzer brings to sequence analysis the following ...
Unipro UGENE for Mac
50.0 download... a free visual software solution for DNA and protein sequence analysis. UGENE provides customizable tools for visualization, ... capabilities; Queries to NCBI BLAST and CDD databases; Protein secondary structure prediction using GOR IV and PSIPRED; ...
Unipro UGENE for Linux
50.0 download... a free visual software solution for DNA and protein sequence analysis. UGENE provides customizable tools for visualization, ... capabilities; Queries to NCBI BLAST and CDD databases; Protein secondary structure prediction using GOR IV and PSIPRED; ...
MacVector for Mac OS X
18.6.34 download... provides sequence editing, primer design, internet database searching, protein analysis, sequence confirmation, multiple sequence alignment, phylogenetic reconstruction, ... that provides the required tools for sequence editing, protein analysis, primer design, multiple sequence alignment, internet database ...
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9.2.2 download... to shorten the path from data acquisition to protein information, both for conventional 2-DE and DIGE (Fluorescence ... researchers analyze their 2-D electrophoresis gels to identify protein markers of interest. It avoids inaccuracies due to ...
Unipro UGENE 64-bit
50.0 download... a free visual software solution for DNA and protein sequence analysis. UGENE provides customizable tools for visualization, ... capabilities; Queries to NCBI BLAST and CDD databases; Protein secondary structure prediction using GOR IV and PSIPRED; ...
4.3.14 download... their data. This includes the ability to assess protein and peptide identifications, quantify modifications, and validate results with high confidence. The software's integration with other tools in the CompOmics suite ...
1.5 downloadA powerful molecular visualisation tool supporting PDB/Brookhaven, MOL, MOL2/SYBYL and XYZ file formats. It incorporates a sophisticated rendering engine that can output very high quality molecular graphics. Zeus incorporates Sequence Search/Highlighting ...
Geneious PRO for Vista
4.7.6 download... exploring biological data such as DNA sequences or proteins, phylogenies, 3D structure information, publications, etc. It features ... and cloning, access to NCBI and UniProt, BLAST, protein structure viewing, automated PubMed searching, and more. It ...
Geneious PRO
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Geneious PRO x64
6.0.4 download... exploring biological data such as DNA sequences or proteins, phylogenies, 3D structure information, publications, etc. It features ... and cloning, access to NCBI and UniProt, BLAST, protein structure viewing, automated PubMed searching, and more. It ...
2.7.5 download... molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules. The program is ... and colour schemes. Supported input file formats include Protein Data Bank (PDB), Tripos Associates' Alchemy and Sybyl ...
1.1.16 download... of-the-fly Enrichment Analysis: · Test for over-represented protein features · Select from several statistical approaches · Analyze protein annotations in clusters · Special features for GO term analysis Cluster protein regulation: · Partition proteins into clusters · Wide ...
MassWiz download... with integrated target-decoy based FDR. It helps in protein identification from tandem mass spectrometry data. It features proteomics, mass spectrometry, target-decoy search, FDR calculation, specificity, algorithm, and sensitivity. Features ...
Coloring Book 19: Eating Healthy
1.00.93 download... of the food groups - grains, vegetables, fruits, protein, and dairy. The foods then unite by showing how they can transform into healthy meals and snacks. But watch out! The ...
SearchGUI for Mac and Linux
4.3.9 downloadSearchGUI is a user-friendly open-source graphical user interface for configuring and running proteomics identification search engines and de novo sequencing algorithms, currently supporting X! Tandem, MS-GF+, MS Amanda, MyriMatch, Comet, Tide, ...
Jalview download... phylogenetic analysis, secondary structure prediction, and even access protein 3D structures directly within the application. The software's interoperability with other bioinformatics resources ensures that users can leverage the full spectrum ...
CodonCode Aligner
12.0.1 downloadCodonCode Aligner, developed by CodonCode Corporation, is a robust and versatile software solution designed to meet the needs of molecular biologists and geneticists involved in DNA sequence analysis. This powerful tool ...
UCSF Chimera
1.19.0 download... an immersive examination of complex biomolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, and small molecules. The software supports a variety of file formats, ensuring compatibility with numerous molecular databases and facilitating ...
Diet Sleuth for Mac OS X
6.0 download... calculate your caloric intake, fat grams, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, cholesterol, along with sodium, potassium, and calcium. You can select from over 5000 different foods from 21 categories, including fast ...
2.0 download... those calories between the major macro-nutrients: carbohydrates, fat, protein and alcohol. Instant summaries allow you to manage and plan your calorie intake and macronutrient ratios to achieve weight loss. Know ...
Health Tracker
3.5.1 downloadHealth Tracker is a simple yet powerful program which helps you keep track of and graph any health related measurement. For example, if you are diabetic you could track your blood ...