nirsoft downloads
1.07 downloadBluetoothCL is a small console application that dumps all current detected bluetooth devices into the standard output. For each Bluetooth device, the following information is displayed: MAC Address, Name, Major Device ...
1.27 downloadNetResView is a small utility that displays the list of all network resources (computers, disk shares, and printer shares) on your LAN. As opposed to "My Network Places" module of Windows, ...
Mail PassView
1.92 downloadMail PassView is a small password-recovery tool that reveals the passwords and other account details for the following email clients: Outlook Express Microsoft Outlook 2000 (POP3 and SMTP Accounts only) Microsoft ...
3.61 downloadWhen you use the "Dial-Up Networking" module for connecting to the internet or to other networks, the operating system give you the option to store the password and use it when ...
1.79 downloadThis utility displays the details of all cookies that Internet Explorer stores on your computer. In addition, it allows you to change the content of the cookies, delete unwanted cookie files, ...
1.22 downloadThe StartupRun utility displays the list of all applications that are loaded automatically when Windows boots. For each application, additional information is displayed (Product Name, File Version, Description, and Company Name), ...
1.30 downloadWebCookiesSniffer is a packet sniffer tool that captures all Web site cookies sent between the Web browser and the Web server and displays them in a simple cookies table. The upper ...
WebCookiesSniffer 64-bit
1.30 downloadWebCookiesSniffer x64 is a packet sniffer tool that captures all Web site cookies sent between the Web browser and the Web server and displays them in a simple cookies table. The ...
1.63 downloadHTTPNetworkSniffer is a packet sniffer tool that captures all HTTP requests/responses sent between the Web browser and the Web server and displays them in a simple table. For every HTTP request, ...
HTTPNetworkSniffer 64-bit
1.63 downloadHTTPNetworkSniffer x64 is a packet sniffer tool that captures all HTTP requests/responses sent between the Web browser and the Web server and displays them in a simple table. For every HTTP ...
1.32 downloadBulletsPassView is a password recovery tool that reveals the passwords stored behind the bullets in the standard password text-box of Windows operating system and Internet Explorer Web browser. After revealing the ...
BulletsPassView 64-bit
1.32 downloadBulletsPassView x64 is a password recovery tool that reveals the passwords stored behind the bullets in the standard password text-box of Windows operating system and Internet Explorer Web browser. After revealing ...
1.51 downloadWebSiteSniffer will provide users with a packet sniffer tool that will help you capture all Web site files downloaded by your Web browser while browsing the Internet, and stores them on ...
WebSiteSniffer 64-bit
1.51 downloadWebSiteSniffer will provide users with a packet sniffer tool that will help you capture all Web site files downloaded by your Web browser while browsing the Internet, and stores them on ...
2.10 downloadMultiMonitorTool is a small tool that allows you to do some actions related to working with multiple monitors. With MultiMonitorTool, you can disable/enable monitors, set the primary monitor, save and load ...
MultiMonitorTool 64-bit
2.10 downloadMultiMonitorTool is a small tool that allows you to do some actions related to working with multiple monitors. With MultiMonitorTool, you can disable/enable monitors, set the primary monitor, save and load ...
1.11 downloadSocketSniff allows you to watch the Windows Sockets (WinSock) activity of the selected process. For each created socket, the following information is displayed: socket handle, socket type, local and remote addresses, ...
1.46 downloadTurnedOnTimesView is a simple tool that analyses the event log of Windows operating system, and detects the time ranges that your computer was turned on. For every period of time that ...
1.25 downloadWinCrashReport is a small utility that provides an alternative to the built-in crash reporting program of Windows operating system. When an application crashes in your system and Windows displays the internal ...
WinCrashReport x64
1.25 downloadWinCrashReport x64 is a small utility that provides an alternative to the built-in crash reporting program of Windows operating system. When an application crashes in your system and Windows displays the ...
1.12 downloadBluetoothLogView is a small utility that monitors the activity of Bluetooth devices around you, and displays a log of Bluetooth devices on the main window. Every time that a new Bluetooth ...
1.02 downloadThis utility decrypt and displays the list of all UserAssist entries stored under HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerUserAssist key in the Registry. The UserAssist key contains information about the exe files and links that you ...
1.10 downloadNetConnectChoose is a simple tool that allows you to easily choose the default Internet connection that will be used by all Internet applications, when you have more than a single Internet ...
1.11 downloadExecutedProgramsList is a simple tool that displays a list of programs and batch files that you previously executed on your system. For every program, ExecutedProgramsList displays the .exe file, the created/modified ...
1.15 downloadWirelessConnectionInfo is a simple tool for Windows Vista/7/8/2008 that displays general information and statistics about the active wifi connection, including the SSID, BSSID, PHY Type, Signal Quality, Receiving rate, Transmission Rate, ...