database record application downloads
1.35 downloadSonswish is an Oracle database browser, available as a desktop application. Sonswish Oracle database browser is the Windows based graphical tool for database navigation, data updating, exploring, table relationships checking or ...
MS Access to MySQL Conversion Tool downloadMs Access database to MySQL database migration application tool accurately converts source database into MySQL server database. Software utility converts data table as well as structures of whole database. Application program also transfer keys constraints and indexes ...
Oracle to MySQL downloadOracle database to MySQL server conversion application program used to merge the Oracle database with MySQL server database and provides easy solution for database record conversion. Oracle to MySQL migration software offers ...
MSSQL to MySQL Conversion Software Ex downloadDatabase converter software converts all records and attributes of Microsoft SQL to MySQL. Database migration utility supports null values, default values, primary ... key. MSSQL to MySQL converter software synchronize MSSQL database into MySQL. Database converter software converts all rows ...
Visual SQLTools 2010 Professional
10.1.7 downloadCommon Database and SQL development tools, Supported 7 types of common database (Oracle, SQLServer, DB2, Sybase, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Access) and ... languages (English, Chinese, Japanese, French, German etc.). This application was developed and completed using .NET Framework 2.0 ...
Datenbank Icon Sammlung
2013.1 downloadDatabase Icon Set is a collection of royalty-free ready-made icons for use in various database products, including software applications, information websites and presentations. The icons have been ... icons on his own. Your web products and database software will look more modern and attractive with ...
DTM DB Event
1.05.02 downloadDTM DB Event is a database monitoring and management tool. This utility allows the ... the event is occur. The program helps the database administrator to perform continuously database status monitoring. Also, ...
6.1.0 downloadSTEARsoft is an application which will help you record and analyze student attendance. This independent electronic school ... system offers flexible integration with most custom-built school databases. Robust software for reliable whole school or ...
Advanced Reliable Password Manager for MySQL
1.6 download... sensitive personal and corporate information in a MySQL database. The application allows multiple users to maintain one or more ... and tracks the following information for each data record: username, password, short description, long description, website URL ...
Convert MySQL MSSQL downloadMSSQL database conversion rescue tool is user friendly and compatible ... ME, NT, XP, Vista etc. MySQL to MSSQL database conversion tool proves cost effective and easiest utility for database administrator to convert and maintain large size database ...
2.6 downloadWebMerge will let you export your database to HTML, generating static Web pages from your database content. Works with any database or spreadsheet that exports in tab-delimited, Merge, or ... new HTML page from the data in each record of the exported file. WebMerge can also create ...
WebMerge for Linux
2.6 downloadWebMerge will let you export your database to HTML, generating static Web pages from your database content. Works with any database or spreadsheet that exports in tab-delimited, Merge, or ... new HTML page from the data in each record of the exported file. WebMerge can also create ...
WebMerge for Mac OS X
2.6 downloadWebMerge will let you export your database to HTML, generating static Web pages from your database content. Works with any database or spreadsheet that exports in tab-delimited, Merge, or ... new HTML page from the data in each record of the exported file. WebMerge can also create ...
Convert MySQL To MSSQL DB downloadDatabase migration software supports to convert trigger, indexes, table ... to MSSQL db. MySQL to Microsoft SQL server database converter utility maintains data integrity, functionality and database structure during conversion. DB transformation software supports different ...
MDB to MySQL Converter downloadMS Access database transformation application converts records from MS Access to MySQL even when database is password protected and this software supports all ... primary key and foreign key. MDB to MySQL database conversion program is capable to converts all kind ...
Staff Scheduling Software
4.6 download... and provides facility to save multiple company employee record. Application manages office timing, leaves taken, payroll details etc without any extra installation. Staff record saving tool provides facility for generating tour, training ...
Net Tracker for Audio Visual Loans
1.05 downloadNet Tracker for AV Loans is a full-featured database system that tracks Audio Visual Equipment loans and ... reader to easily jump to items in your database. The software features advanced reporting, graph generation, data ...
MySQL to Microsoft SQL Converter downloadDatabase conversion application converts entire database or selected table records from MySQL to MSSQL database server format. MySQL to MSSQL database converter utility provides option to overwrite converted data upon the contents of existing MSSQL database or save the converted MySQL database records at ...
Net Tracker for Courses
1.05 downloadNet Tracker for Courses is a full-featured database system designed for businesses, community organizations, schools, colleges ... software works great as a powerful single user database, 3 client licenses are also included. With an ...
DIAB downloadWindows SQL server database monitoring software for SQL server versions 2005, 2008, ... instance or agent is down, when drives or database files are about to reach max capacity, informs you when record blocking is occurring, alerts when permissions have been ...
Data Guardian for Mac OS X
7.6.7 download... cut it anymore. Data Guardian is a secure database application with up to 448-bits of Blowfish encryption - ... of how sensitive your data is. Create multiple databases in Data Guardian for a variety of purposes ...
Data Guardian
7.6.7 download... cut it anymore. Data Guardian is a secure database application with up to 448-bits of Blowfish encryption - ... of how sensitive your data is. Create multiple databases in Data Guardian for a variety of purposes ...
EverNote Mac OS X
10.94.3 download... and in the real world. Snap a photo, record some audio and save it. Save favorite ... are automatically and reliably saved to the EverNote database for you. # Create notes containing text, webclips, ...
MS Access DB Converter Software downloadMS access database conversion service facilitates to overwrite or migrate converted database records into existing database of MySQL. MS access to mysql database synchronization software securely and completely converts bulk database ...
Convert MySQL to SQL Server downloadMySQL database converter software uses standard database transformation algorithms and allow user to create new MSSQL records or overwrite previously existing records as per required from existing MySQL database with all basic key attributes. DB migration application ...