reverse search downloads
ChrisPC Anonymous Connection
2.50 download... to be protected from mass email, info spamming, search engine advertise optimisation, intrusions, inspections and the list ... the domain name server (DNS) which does the reverse mapping of the server IP and its domain ...
C# Web Scraping Library download... allows developers to use clean, simple logic to reverse any web resource back into C# objects or ... is useful for migrating legacy systems, populating enterprise search facilities and for statistical competitive analysis Full documentation, ...
Primer Premier
6.25 download... design and analyze PCR primers. Primer Premier's search algorithm finds optimal PCR, multiplex and SNP genotyping ... sequences. Degenerate- Start with an amino acid sequence, reverse translate and design oligos in regions of low ...
MacVector for Mac OS X
18.6.34 download... that provides sequence editing, primer design, internet database searching, protein analysis, sequence confirmation, multiple sequence alignment, phylogenetic ... analysis tools, including base composition analysis, Restriction Enzyme searches, DNA Subsequence searches and "Dot-Plot" comparisons between DNA:DNA ...