employee's downloads
7.0 downloadManaging a workforce is not an easy task. Finally, here is a feature rich HR Software that automates to a great extent and saves a lot of your time! Core HR: ...
Scheduling Employees for Windows
4.5 downloadHere are some of the features... Now Apple Mac compatible! This scheduler is designed for the use in businesses that have employees and are interested in keeping track of time and ...
Assign Multiple Daily Tasks to 20 People
8.15 downloadThe Multiple Daily Tasks Excel spreadsheet assigns multiple tasks, shifts, or clients to your employees or multiple employees to your tasks, shifts, clients, or vehicles for one week. This series of ...
ID Cards Designing Software for Mac
5.1 downloadWhat are uses of mac id cards designing software? ID Cards Designing Software for Mac is designed for with minimal design experience, offering a user-friendly and intuitive interface. *Software offers a ...
Easy Shift Scheduler for Excel
3.14 downloadSpecify your daily shifts and then assign them to up to 25 people using drop-down menus of available shifts. Shifts are removed from the menu as they are assigned and when ...
Schedule Multiple Shifts Automatically
7.11 download... in response to your scheduling needs and your employee's preferences and qualifications. The program automatically assigns days off and creates schedules for up to a month. The spreadsheet produces individual ...
Lucid Help Desk
8.01.0014 downloadTrack requests for a variety of maintenance and installation services (e.g., Requests for the installation or repair of computers, computer software, telephones and facility requests). Maintain historical records showing who requested ...
DeskWork Basic
4.0.2827 downloadDeskWork 4 Basic – is a convenient solution designed to improve workflow, employee collaboration and teamwork in your organization. Using advanced features of DeskWork will allow you to increase professional performance ...
6.9.0 downloadSafetyWise is industry leading Safety Management Software for industry and government. Our software includes employee training, and inspection scheduling and incident reporting. SafetyWise is compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista, and ...
Store Manager
0.01 downloadxLink's Store Manager and Inventory CheckOut apps work together to give you control of your business' inventory and supplies. If you own or manage a business that has employee supplies, then ...
PDF Payroll Split
5.7 downloadPDF Payroll Split (A-PDF Content Splitter) is an excellent PDF tool to help you to split Acrobat files into smaller PDF files based on location and text information within the files. ...
Schedule Crew Assignments for 100 People
3.21 downloadThe CM-10-100 crew maker spreadsheet allows you to assign 100 employees to 10 daily jobs and is ideal for businesses that need to create job-specific work crews that may vary in ...
Keyboard Monitoring Software downloadHow can you record or monitor your guest user, spouse, children, employee offline or online internet activities during working time? Keystroke monitoring software provides facility to save or record every keyboard ...
Thesaurus Payroll Standard
2018.3.1 downloadThesaurus Payroll Standard is a powerful application that can help you automate some of the processes required to manage the payroll of your company. The program allows you to create a ...
Staff Scheduling Tool downloadUser easily generate tour and training report in systematic manner using Staff Scheduling Tool on www.officialbillingsoftware.com url. Employee planer program is used to track all company employee needs, trace training course, ...
Cleaning Business Software for MAC
3.2 downloadCleaning software for Cleaning Business is yet another powerful program designed specifically to be used on Mac (OS X). Like any other services business, cleaning jobs require proper documentations pertaining to ...
1.3 downloadOrgCharting helps users create professional organizational charts to visualize data for better strategic planning and decision making. It also facilitates human resources department to improve employee management and make workforce planning. ...
OrgCharting for Mac
1.3 downloadOrgCharting helps users create professional organizational charts to visualize data for better strategic planning and decision making. It also facilitates human resources department to improve employee management and make workforce planning. ...
NCheck Bio Attendance download"NCheck Bio Attendance" by Neurotechnology is an advanced biometric time and attendance management system designed to streamline workforce tracking and enhance operational efficiency. This robust software leverages cutting-edge biometric technologies, including ...
1.6.89 downloadMonitask, developed by Monitask, is a comprehensive time-tracking and productivity management software designed to streamline workflow and enhance efficiency for businesses of all sizes. This robust tool is particularly beneficial for ...
Company Tour Scheduler
4.5 downloadDownload cost-efficient and easy to operate Company Tour Scheduler software that is capable to maintain various company tour and training details without any technical knowledge. Travel management program quickly generates computerized ...
Visitor Gate Pass Designer Tool downloadSoftware provides the option to store all visitor details in a database for future reference and to manage visitor records. Additionally, when designing an ID card, you can use the camera ...
Create Gate Pass Printing Software
3.1.9 downloadAVAILABLE PRINTING OPTIONS IN GATE PASS MAKER:Gate pass makers allow users to select a printer for printing gate passes, including local and network printers. They offer options for paper size and ...
Easy Task Schedules with Excel
1.37 downloadThe Easy Task Scheduler saves you headaches and time by allowing you to simply specify up to 50 daily tasks and then assign them to up to 25 people using drop-down ...
Complex Shift Schedules for 25 People
6.72 downloadCreate schedules where up to 25 employees are assigned to a category (manager, cook, etc.), a location (Store A, Store B, etc.) and a time (10:30 AM - 4:30 PM) each ...