e-mail list downloads
Sort Email Addresses By Domain Name Software
7.0 download... The user simply adds emails or loads a list of emails from a file. The results are ... check box for removal of duplicates. The resulting list can be saved as a text or Excel ...
Outlook Email Address Extractor download... specifically selected accounts and profiles to recover outlook mails. This Email Address Extractor is extremely fast and ... actually required and relevant. The extracted outlook express mail is saved in different formats. The extracted outlook ...
Capturix NETWorks
8.04.184 download... connection, Speed Meter, Route Information, IP config, Send Mail, Port Scanner with port description that have thousands ... Connection Watcher software. PingCheck lets you ping a list of servers and send a e-mail in case ...
Top Lead Extractor
3.1.23 download... engines like Bing, Google, Yahoo, Ask, Yandex, Baidu, Mail RU, Rambler, and targeted websites list. Key Features: You can add keywords with search ... and area codes for the mobile phones operators listed in the "Top Lead Extractor" can be selected ...
CubexSoft Zimbra Export
21.0 download... that provides fast & accurate conversion of Zimbra mailbox items, which includes emails, contacts (backup Zimbra distribution list too), calendars, notes, tasks along with performing Zimbra ... Preview functionality, users can view the complete Zimbra mailbox items before jumping to final conversion. Zimbra to ...
Outlook Generate Emails From Lists Software
7.0 download... compose messages. For example, if you import a list of ten emails, a list of ten subjects, and a list of ten bodies, ten messages will be created. ... software can save you hours by converting your lists into send-ready content. ...
Postage Saver for Parcels
4.1.7 download... fills out and prints required postage statement and mailing reports; automatically prints barcoded sack tags; prints easy-to-follow ... Use Postage $aver for Parcels to prepare Marketing Mail (marketing and nonprofit parcels), Ground Advantage, Bound Printed ...
2.0.22 download... Line support. pure header manipulation, very large email list support, overload protection, creates a failed and successful list. Easy resending of failed emails, free updates. Allows ... importance or priority of the emails. Large Email List capability. Very easy Wizard interface. Wildcard support in ...
1st Mass Mailer
7.02 download1st Mass Mailer is a very fast mass mailer with a lot of useful features. This bulk ... is intended for sending personalized email messages to mailing lists of respondents. 1st Mass Mailer is used ...
Email Validation Software
7.0 download... to start the validation, valid e-mails will be listed on the left and invalid ones on the right. Both of these lists can be saved to text file.
Gmail Send Email To Multiple Recipients Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to use a Gmail account to send e-mails to multiple e-mail addresses. The user enters the login details for the Gmail account ...
SysInfoTools Yahoo Backup for Mac
19.0 download... it a brilliant tool for saving the Yahoo mails in different file formats like PST, MBOX, PDF, ... email downloading process. You can select the Yahoo mails according to your priority list with the help ...
2.0 download... drive automatically. Automatically delete unwanted messages, Create multiple mailing list files, Automatically forward specific messages. EPGateway acts as the 'middle man' between your Internet mailboxes and your mail reader. It is perfect for ...
1.4 download... in the non-visible part of the Outlook Folder list and opens a window displaying this folder. QSearchFolders works also with any personal folders files in an Exchange Server 2000 & ...
Spam Bully 2.0 for Outlook 2000/2002/2003 download... accuracy. Other tough spam fighting features include: Friends/Spammers lists that let you make sure you get important ... email blocking by country and language, an Allow/Block list that lets you choose words and phrases you ...
EML To PDF Converter Software
7.0 download... PDF format. The user can choose an e-mail, list of files or an entire folder for processing. It takes just one click to convert them to PDF format. This software ...
1st Email Searcher
3.2997 download... of them you need, and place them to mailing list files, which can be used by any email program or mass mailer. Just imagine, how it is hard to look
Bulk Email mailer
7.42 downloadBulk Email mailer Intended to sending email utilizing mailing lists. It's a useful tool for anyone who needs ... This program allows you to create and manage mailing lists, and to generate individual messages while sending. ...
3.0 download... can also answer to some commands: sending the list of shared files, upload a file, create a directory, find a file among all those shared, list of newly shared files, execute a command... Some ...
Extract Mailing (Postal) Addresses From Multiple Text Files Software
7.0 download... a solution to users who want to extract mailing (postal) addresses from one or more text or ... zip codes. The results are displayed in a list which can be saved as a text file ...
Bing Save Search Results Software
7.0 download... The user chooses the required results from the list before saving them to a text file. ...
3.1.1 download... context-sensitive filters. These help narrow down the results list. The 'Messages' group, for example, has filters on subject, sender and recipient. The 'Images' group has filters for resolution and file ...
Email Director .NET Edition
18.0 download... brand consistency across all communications. 3. **Advanced List Management**: Managing email lists is a breeze with Email Director .NET. Users can import contacts from various sources, segment lists based on specific criteria, and ensure that their ...
G-Lock EasyMail7
7.25.4 download... clients. With G-Lock EasyMail7, you can store your list safe and secure either on your computer, or ... spam folder or blocked before reaching the recipient's mailbox. G-Lock EasyMail7 is integrated with the email tracking ...
Speedy Claims CMS-1500 download... claim you enter is saved in the "Claims List" allowing you to keep track of everything including ... 1500 is RELIABLE For over a decade, we've listened to the suggestions of our thousands of satisfied ...