alarm clock downloads
ANNA downloadHappy Birthday gives the independency from the computer, because you can get you contact data from any other computer using the synchronisation with our web server Happy Birthday - it is ...
Pc Calculator
4.31 download... extended number range zero point finder stop watch alarm clock modes shrinks to very compact form matrix inversion ...
Blues Media Player
24.08.2013 download... you can use the player as either an alarm clock or as a sleep aid. It's great that ...
Tree Notebook
1.0.2 download... have an Event attribute and serve as an alarm clock or reminder. Tree Notebook can import data from ...
UkeySoft Deezer Music Converter
1.2.1 download... Deezer music as ringtone, set Deezer music as alarm clock, set Deezer music as background music on game ...
Portable AIMP
5.40 Build 2651 download... better organization. The software also includes a scheduler, alarm clock, and sleep timer, adding to its versatility. ...
Calendarscope Portable Edition download... customizable fonts, colors and sounds to design an alarm that fits an event perfectly. Calendarscope Portable Edition can synchronize its clock with Atomic Time Servers, making your timing ultra-precise. ...
Perfect Phone Icons
2013.1 download... organizer symbols and events is included, such as alarm, timer, clock, calendar, date and time. Technically, the entire collection ...