c++ programming downloads
CASH Interface Software download... DLL which can be used out of every programming language! Setup includes the DLL, include files, manual, demo program with source code... With the serial HOPPER-Interface you can connect coin ...
1.3.1b download... doesn’t require any special skills or knowledge of programming and script languages. It allows you to create the template you need easily using the mouse and shortcut menus. The template ...
VeriLook Standard SDK Trial
5.5 download... tablets and other embedded/mobile devices. Includes documentation and programming samples in C, C++, C#, Sun Java 2, Visual Basic .NET. The trial requires constant internet connection. ...
5.07 download... Button Link Creation in Menu. Compatible with any programming language that supports ActiveX (Access, Visual C , Visual Basic , Visual Foxpro, Delphi, .Net, etc.) Include C# 2010, C# 2005, ...
XojoApp Desktop
5.0.2 download... for a flexible, scaleable grid component with powerful programming control. Use RbChart for dynamic charts, graphs and tables with minimal programming. Use RbEdit for text editingfor large files with ...
DS Applets
0.68 download... parameters without any knowledge of Java and HTML programming. ...
FaceCell EDK Trial
1.1 download... with built-in or external camera. Includes library, C++ programming samples and tutorials. Constant internet connection required during trial. Commercial EDK types are: the kit with library for ARM developers, the ...
PDFLayout Plus
1.0 download... vb(a), C, C++ and all other well known programming environments (.NET, too!). Please try it before you buy. The functions are: GetPDFPageCount for the number of pages GetPDFFormat for the ...
1.0 download... vb(a), C, C++ and all other well known programming environments (.NET, too!). Please try it before you buy. The dll splits the big pdf-files in a content- and an index-part ...
Vista Buttons
5.7.3 download... so you don't need any additional graphics or programming skills and will get instant results. The web menus are fully customizable, they react to mouseover and mousedown events, support a ...
Storm Keypads & KB software interface
06.0B download... was typed in using the current keyboard. No programming required ! Features included: Debugger, System Tray running, Mouse control, Support RS232 serial Storm Keypads and Keyboards, Control multiple Keypads on ...
Bill Scale and Balance Wedge Keyboard
05.0A download... it was typed in using the keyboard. No programming or additional hardware required ! Features included: Debugger System Tray running, Mouse control, Support RS232 serial scales, Control multiple Scales, See ...
SentiSight algorithm demo for Windows
3.0 download... with most cameras on Windows and Linux. Includes programming samples in C#, Visual Basic .NET, C/C++, Java. Constant internet connection required for trial. ...
Tidycode Pl Sql Formatter
2.6.1 download... line tool that can be built in your programming environment. It can be used in most free or commercial editors/IDEs. It also contains a tool Experimenter which provides an alternative ...
SentiSight algorithm demo for Windows
3.0 download... with most cameras on Windows and Linux. Includes programming samples in C#, Visual Basic .NET, C/C++, Java. Constant internet connection required for trial. ...
Free Fingerprint Verification SDK download... only good quality fingerprints from fingerprint scanners. Includes programming samples in C++, C#, Sun Java 2, Visual Basic 6, Visual Basic .NET and Delphi 7. Supports 60+ major fingerprint scanners ...
1.4 download... can use it with all scripting (bat) and programming languages. Please try it before you buy. With your app the exe can be distributed without paying anymore... It's royalty free! ...
Logic Builder for Windows Mobile SDK
1.0 download... Builder for Windows Mobile SDK. State-engine. State-oriented C# programming for Windows Mobile 5 and 6. Includes GetStarted user manual and full-function examples for WM5WM6 - PocketPCSmartphone. ...
Computer door lock access software
6.0B download... IP to control users Door Locks Access. No programming or additional hardware required ! * Can control door lock access via the product Bridge IP (Symcod) * Support: RFID reader, ...
Bytescout Spreadsheet SDK download... from ASP.NET, .NET, VB, C#, PHP and other programming languages without Excel installed! Supports formula calculations, text formatting, rows, columns, sheets management and much more! Can be used from legacy ...
LingvoSoft Dictionary 2009 English <-> Bulgarian
4.1.29 download... up to 1,000,000 entries alongside all the latest programming innovations. LingvoSoft Dictionary 2009 English - Bulgarian for Windows offers instant bilingual translations right on your desktop. It provides accuracy you ...
LingvoSoft Dictionary 2009 English <-> Yiddish
4.1.29 download... up to 1,000,000 entries alongside all the latest programming innovations. LingvoSoft Dictionary 2009 English - Yiddish for Windows offers instant bilingual translations right on your desktop. It provides accuracy you ...
LingvoSoft Dictionary 2009 English <-> Ukrainian
4.1.29 download... up to 1,000,000 entries alongside all the latest programming innovations. LingvoSoft Dictionary 2009 English - krainian for Windows offers instant bilingual translations right on your desktop. It provides accuracy you ...
AkelPad download... it is irreplaceable for designing of Web documentsm, programming, and so on. However, the one comprised in Windows, is very inconvenient due to several limitations. This program claims to be ...
VeriEye Standard SDK Trial
2.7 download... Windows, Android, Linux and Mac OS X. Includes programming samples: C, C++, C#, Visual Basic .NET, Sun Java 2. The trial requires constant internet connection. ...