starting downloads
EAN Search and Lookup Multiple Codes Software
7.0 download... codes or load them from a file before starting the search. The results are displayed in the main panel and show a description of the product and the issuing country. ...
Convert Multiple Line File To Single Line or Single Line To Multiple Line Software
7.0 download... single line to multiple or vice versa before starting the conversion. The user can input a character or text string to be used as a separator in each case. Using ...
MS Access Export Multiple Tables To HTML Files Software
7.0 download... an individual file or all in one before starting to export. Access 2000 or higher required. ...
File Splitter and Merger Software
7.0 download... the number of bytes between each split before starting the process. For joining, the user simply chooses the first file in a set and starts the process. ...
Convert Multiple WMV Files To MP4 Files Software
7.0 download... or an entire folder to be processed before starting the conversion. Using this time saving software, even large numbers of files can be handled with one click. ...
Convert Multiple AVI Files To WMV Files Software
7.0 download... or an entire folder to be processed before starting the conversion. Using this time saving software, even large numbers of files can be handled with one click. ...
Convert Multiple WMV Files To AVI Files Software
7.0 download... or an entire folder to be processed before starting the conversion. Using this time saving software, even large numbers of files can be handled with one click. ...
Convert Multiple RTF Files To HTML Files Software
7.0 download... or an entire folder to be processed before starting the conversion. Using this time saving software, even large numbers of files can be handled with one click. ...
Unit Conversion Software
7.0 download... value of the number to be converted and starting the conversion. ...
SWF Extract Images From Multiple Files Software
7.0 download... entire folder, and chooses an output folder before starting the extraction. Using this time saving software, processing even large numbers files takes just one click. ...
Join Multiple MP4 Files Into One Software
7.0 download... required MP4 files or an entire folder before starting the joining. The height and width of the video in any of the files must, of course be consistent. Files will ...
Join Multiple VOB Files Into One Software
7.0 download... required VOB files or an entire folder before starting the joining. The height and width of the video in any of the files must, of course be consistent. Files will ...
Convert Multiple XLS Files To OpenOffice ODS Files Software
7.0 download... or an entire folder to be processed before starting the conversion. Using this time saving software, even large numbers of files can be handled with one click. Both Excel 2000 ...
Convert Multiple OpenOffice ODS Files To XLS Files Software
7.0 download... the required files or an entire folder before starting the conversion. Using this time saving software, even large numbers of files can be handled with one click. Both Excel 2000 ...
Doc To JPG Converter Software
7.0 download... processed and choose the JPG image quality before starting the process. Word 2000 or higher required. ...
PDF Read Entire Documents Out Loud Software
7.0 download... be chosen from a drop down menu before starting. This software can be very useful for the visually impaired or for anyone who simply wants a story read to them. ...
EPS To PDF Converter Software
7.0 download... or an entire folder to be processed before starting the conversion. Using this time saving software, even large numbers of files can be handled with one click. ...
Remove White Space In Multiple Images Software
7.0 download... of space to be removed (e.g. white) before starting the process. Using time saving software, a large number of pictures can be cropped with just one click. ...
Compare Two Text Files By Line Software
7.0 download... a check box to enable/disable match case before starting the comparison. The results are displayed in three panes: the first for lines that are in both files, the second for ...
Text To Image Converter Software
7.0 download... text lines to include in each image before starting the conversion. The software has an alternative option for typing in the text manually. Using this time saving software, even large ...
TIFF To JPG Converter Software
7.0 download... or an entire folder to be processed before starting the conversion. Using this time saving software, even large numbers of files can be handled with one click. ...
HTML To PDF Converter Software
7.0 download... The user then selects an output folder before starting the conversion. Using this time saving software, even large numbers of files can be handled with one click. ...
TIFF To PDF Converter Software
7.0 download... or an entire folder to be processed before starting the conversion. Using this time saving software, even large numbers of files can be handled with one click. ...
DWG To JPG Converter Software
7.0 download... or an entire folder to be processed before starting the conversion. Using this time saving software, even large numbers of files can be handled with one click. ...
Doc To ODT Converter Software
7.0 download... or an entire folder to be processed before starting the conversion. Using this time saving software, even large numbers of files can be handled with one click. Both Word 2000 ...