gps exchange file downloads
GPS Converter
5.5 downloadGPSconverter converts Waypoints, Tracks, and Routes from/to any file format for GPS receiver or mapping program. It also has powerful ... a convenient for professional use. Supported input file formats: * KMZ files (Keyhole Markup Language)(kmz) ...
GPI to GPs converter
1.3 B013000 downloadGpi2Gps converts Waypoints from Garmin GPI file format (i.e. Garmin POI Loader) to Google Earth (KMZ) or GPS compatible format (GPX) in a few steps. With GPI to GPs converter you are able to transform from GPI ...
Picmeta PhotoTracker
1.8 download... geotags photos based on track information from any GPS device (.gpx files). It writes GPS EXIF data to JPG, TIFF and RAW formats. ... PhotoTracker can write the coordinates directly into RAW files, but you can also choose to create XMP ...
Mapyx Quo
2.1.7 download... mapping program which enables you to connect your GPS to your PC and manage all your waypoints, ... Quo supports numerous formats: Google Earth KML (*.kml), GPS Exchange format (*.gpx), ESRI Shape File (*.shp), Geocaching ...
OkMap Desktop
18.9.3 downloadOkMap is a GPS and map software that: -Works with vectorial maps ... waypoints, routes and tracks -Uploads/downloads data to/from your GPS -Uses altitude DEM data -Supports GPS real-time navigation -Sends/receives vehicles position and display tracks ...
Dr. Regener LandMap Vivo
10 download... dataexchange with Google Earth by Copy and Paste, GPS enabled coordinates, import of free OpenStreatMap data and GPS Exchange and GPS logger data, compatible with "GPS for Google Earth", ... with and without satellite background, export as pixel file and kmz. ...
Dashcam Viewer for Mac OS X
3.9.3 download... Viewer is a software application for viewing movies, GPS data, and shock-sensor data recorded by your dashcam ... interest along your route. Export these to a file. Or import them back in. Export your GPS ...
Serial Port Terminal
4.1 download... input or output data streams into a specified file, monitor data exchange between serial devices, troubleshoot and test modem settings, ... control parameters; save all received bytes into a file for later analysis and lots more. Being a ...
GPX Editor
1.7.14 B1740 downloadLoad, modify and save your GPX 1.1 files. Add and remove waypoints, edit track and routes, simplify tracks (reducing file's size), clean recorded data, add and edit GPX ... formats, and exportable to KML, CSV and HTM files. ...