ode calculator downloads


6.711 download

ODEcalc for Windows: An Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Calculator! State your equation and boundary or initial value ... and Initial Value Problems (IVP) for Nth order ODE. ODE may be nonlinear, implicit, and any order. ...


1.2 download

MhcFS2 - engineering programmable calculator. Properties: Calculation of expressions on many variables. Programming. ... operations, inverting, LU - decomposition, determinant, LSE. Solve ODE, LSDE; Plotting explicit functions of one variable and


2.41 download

The Mother of all Calculators, a Swiss Army knife for scientists and engineers. Perhaps the most capable scientific/engineering calculator for Windows. On one hand, this is a calculator: evaluates expressions with more than 100 functions (trig/inverse, ...