chemistry downloads
Atomic PC
6.9.5 downloadPeriodic table of the elements software. In addition to the usual information found in such programs, it also contains a wealth of nuclear information on each isotope, including half life, decay ...
Atomic Mac
7.0.0 downloadPeriodic table of the elements software. In addition to the usual information found in such programs, it also contains a wealth of nuclear information on each isotope, including half life, decay ...
Edraw Max
9.4.1 downloadAn all-inclusive diagramming software for Windows system that is capable for 260+ drawing types including flowcharts, mind maps, org charts, infographics, floor plans, network diagrams, Gantt charts, electrical schematics... and that ...
3.0 downloadFor the set of chemical elements (Ba, Sr, Ca and so on) there is a function enabling to print capital and small letters without switching by "Shift" and "Caps Lock" keys. ...
VEGA ZZ downloadVEGA ZZ is a complete molecular modelling suite that includes several features to make your research jobs very easy. This software is FREE for non-profit academic uses. Extreme OpenGL implementation ...
Edraw Max
8.4 downloadVector-based diagramming software with lots of examples and templates. Easy to create flow charts, organizational charts, business diagrams, science illustration, UML diagrams, BPMN diagram, circular diagram, process diagram, IDEF diagram, web ...
Edraw Max for Linux
9.4 downloadAn all-inclusive diagramming software for Linux system that is capable for 260+ drawing types including flowcharts, mind maps, org charts, infographics, floor plans, network diagrams, Gantt charts, electrical schematics... and that ...
3.9 downloadSuitable for students and professionals in the chemical,science,engineering, maths fields. Provides informationReference of on over 1000 chemical compounds. e.g. Orangic/Inorganic elements, Periodic Table, Steam Table data, Acid and Base Dissociation Constants, ...
Chemical Data
2.9 downloadChemical Engineering/General Data app provides information on over 4000 chemical compounds from various chemical groups. The information can be saved as a file(txt) and also shared i.e. via email etc. The ...
Edraw Max for Mac
9.4.1 downloadAn all-inclusive diagramming software for OS X that is capable for 260+ drawing types including flowcharts, mind maps, org charts, infographics, floor plans, network diagrams, Gantt charts, electrical schematics... and that ...
0.5.2 downloadPeriodica is a modern Periodic Table of Elements App for Windows 10. Get comprehensive information about all chemical elements with this app. Click on an element on the overview page to ...
9.1.0 download... It is a 2D chemical environment where anything chemistry can be incorporated. ChemDoodle's widgets are a great example of this freedom. These mini-applications perform various unique tasks such as interfacing ...
ChemDoodle for Mac OS X
9.1.0 download... It is a 2D chemical environment where anything chemistry can be incorporated. ChemDoodle's widgets are a great example of this freedom. These mini-applications perform various unique tasks such as interfacing ...
ChemDoodle for Linux
9.1.0 download... It is a 2D chemical environment where anything chemistry can be incorporated. ChemDoodle's widgets are a great example of this freedom. These mini-applications perform various unique tasks such as interfacing ...
Medical Icon Set
3.8 download... are divided into several categories, and namely Medicine, Chemistry, Tools, Symbols, Procedures, People, Objects and Reports. Medical interfaces require that all iconic images should be clear and well-readable, to allow ...
RBTI Data Charting for Windows
1.2.0 download... the Anionic/Cationic Range and Zone Effects On Body Chemistry. You can then print out these results to give to your client or to keep on file as a hard copy ...
RBTI Data Charting for Mac OS X
1.2.0 download... the Anionic/Cationic Range and Zone Effects On Body Chemistry. You can then print out these results to give to your client or to keep on file as a hard copy ...
Medizinische Icon Sammlung
3.5 download... are divided into several categories, and namely Medicine, Chemistry, Tools, Symbols, Procedures, People, Objects and Reports. Medical interfaces require that all iconic images should be clear and well-readable, to allow ...
PyMOL download... researchers, educators, and students in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, and structural biology. At its core, PyMOL excels in rendering high-quality 3D images of molecular structures, allowing users to ...
Wissenschaftliche Icon Sammlung
3.8 download... Icons are divided into such categories as Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Engineering and Computing. Icons are carefully created pixel by pixel by the hand of a professional artist. They shine ...
3.1.0 downloadToxtree is a full-featured and flexible user-friendly open source application, which is able to estimate toxic hazard by applying a decision tree approach. Toxtree could be applied to datasets from ...
Toxtree Portable
3.1.0 downloadToxtree is a full-featured and flexible user-friendly open source application, which is able to estimate toxic hazard by applying a decision tree approach. Toxtree could be applied to datasets from ...
DPLS Scientific Calculator
3.2.1 download... available. Listed are over 2000 equations for physics, chemistry, maths, trigonometry and statistics. The value of over 100 constants can be quickly found as well as the name, formula and ...
6.80 download... included in your model WITHOUT C/FORTRAN programming. Heterogeneous chemistry is also easily modeled. Kintecus has the ability to fit/optimize rate constants, initial concentrations, Lindemann/Troe/SRI/LT parameters, enhanced third body factors, initial ...
Primer Premier
6.25 download... to amplify them for detection using a probe-based chemistry. FEATURES PCR primer design- design primer pairs for PCR and multiplex experiments. Cross species- Amplify sequences from multiple species. ...