gpl downloads
0.5.4 download... License Information: BT++ is distributed under the GPL. BitTorrent is available under the MIT License. All portions of BT++ which are directly derived from BitTorrent ("core" folder in source ...
Phex downloadPhex is a free file sharing program running on the Gnutella Network. Additionally to plain worldwide searching, downloading and sharing files, it enables you to * create private networks ...
1.0 download... YAReG zip archive (which is licensed under the GPL since version 1.0, so it now is allowed to integrate both of them increasingly). If you - for some reason - ...
3.7.0 download... is a free software distributed under the GNU GPL (the library part is GNU LGPL). You can freely use, modify and redistribute it under the license. Simple, beautiful, and ...
dhtmlxGrid :: Editable Ajax DataGrid
5.0 download... data intuitively. dhtmlxGrid is available under both GNU GPL (Standard Edition) and Commercial License (PRO Edition). ...
Radio Downloader
0.32 download... freely available for your personal use under the GPL. ...
1.01 download... A.L.A.R.M. is free open source software released under GPL. ...
3.11.4 downloadDownload free audio and video content ("podcasts") from the Internet and watch it on your computer or on the go. gPodder will allow podcast (RSS) feeds to be subscribed to, ...
RedNotebook Portable
2.32 download... your entries. RedNotebook is Free Software under the GPL. FEATURES: * Tagging * Spell Check * Format your text bold, italic or underlined * Insert Images, files ...
RedNotebook for Mac OS X
1.8.0 download... your entries. RedNotebook is Free Software under the GPL. FEATURES: * Tagging * Spell Check * Format your text bold, italic or underlined * Insert Images, files ...
1.12.1 download... and efficient * It's free! (no cost and GPL'ed) ...
3.1.2 downloadEKD (EnKoDeur-Mixeur) was firstly maked only for animation encodings in divx, mpeg1 or motion jpeg format, then it advanced to propose post-productions operations for the animated files and for the pictures. ...
9.3 download... Compilers are available under the terms of the GPL. * Copyrights for the compilers are to be held by the FSF. * Other components (runtime libraries, testsuites, etc) will be ...
wxWidgets for Linux
3.1.2 download... use it, for proprietary or open source (and GPL'ed) software. Documentation and samples wxWidgets has a reference manual running to around 1800 pages, in a format to suit ...
wxWidgets for Windows
3.1.2 download... use it, for proprietary or open source (and GPL'ed) software. Documentation and samples wxWidgets has a reference manual running to around 1800 pages, in a format to suit ...
1.8 downloadLoris is a library for sound analysis, synthesis, and morphing, developed by Kelly Fitz and Lippold Haken at the CERL Sound Group. Loris includes a C++ class library, Python module, C-linkable ...
4.2.0 downloadIT++ is a C++ library of mathematical, signal processing and communication routines IT++ is a C++ library of mathematical, signal processing and communication classes and functions. Its main use is ...
1.23 downloadAudioMove is a simple, easy to use GUI-based batch audio file copy-and-conversion program. You just tell it what files to convert, what format to convert them to, and where to ...
Lagarith Lossless Video Codec
1.3.27 download... taken from AviSynth. Lagarith is released under the GPL. ...
Greenfish Icon Editor Pro
4.2 downloadGreenfish Icon Editor Pro is a powerful freeware icon, cursor, animation and icon library editor. Layer support with advanced selection handling makes it a really professional and unique freeware tool for ...
Portable Greenfish Icon Editor Pro
4.2 downloadGreenfish Icon Editor Pro is a powerful freeware icon, cursor, animation and icon library editor. Layer support with advanced selection handling makes it a really professional and unique freeware tool for ...
2.11.2 download... source software, code freely available under the GNU GPL Supports the latest ADC standard and many of its extensions Encryption via ADCS Supports Bloom filters to reduce traffic Supports Ping ...
2.1.0 download... C with full source code available under the GPL. Catool provides: Import/Export in AVL IFile, MATLAB and CSV file formats Cylinder pressure offset correction Cycle based statistical analysis ...
Openfire for Mac OS X
4.8.1 download... collaboration (RTC) server dual-licensed under the Open Source GPL and commercial license. Moreover, Openfire uses the only widely adopted open protocol for instant messaging, XMPP (also called Jabber). The Openfire ...
BPBible download... those passages. Free BPBible is licensed under the GPL and is absolutely free. Uses open source technology BPBible uses open source technology including Python, wxPython and the SWORD project. ...