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Topcoder AutoGen for Arena C++
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MS Access Delete Duplicate Entries Software
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MS Access Extract Email Addresses Software
7.0 download... database is password protected, click the “Password Protected” button to enter one password per protected file. Extracted results may be saved to a text or CSV file. This software can ...
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Excel Import Multiple Text Files Software
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MS Word Print Multiple Documents Software
7.0 download... by folder, or by drag-and-drop. Simply click one button and all files are queued to the printer. Word 2000 or higher required. ...
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Create Multiple Folders Software
7.0 download... folders to create. After you click the start button, ech folder is created with a unique number (counter) attached to the end. An example of folders created with this software ...
Encrypt PDF SDK-COM Component
2.1 download... PDF without to allow to print it. The button to print the file will be disabled in Acrobat Reader application, you also can encrypt a PDF allowing the user to ...
e-PDF Converter and Creator Printer
2.1 download... "e-PDF Converter and Creator" Printer and click OK button. Key features: 1. e-PDF Converter and Creator Printer creates PDF files from any Windows application that supports printing; 2. e-PDF Converter ...
1.5 download... select any cell by clicking on left mouse button. The digit which appears in the cell indicates the number of mushrooms you can see from the cell. You can see ...
2.40 downloadWindows state manager: MaxMonkey is a windows maximizer, minimizer, restorer and closer. With one easy left-click, double-click or middle-mouse-button click from the system tray, MaxMonkey can automatically maximize, minimize, restore or ...
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Encrypt PDF (Secure PDF)
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Excel Join Multiple Sheets & Files Into One Software
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Excel Protect & Unprotect Multiple Sheets & Workbooks Software
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Excel Import Multiple Excel Files Software
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PDFcamp Pro Printer(pdf writer)
2.30 download... universally accepted PDF with the click of a button. PDFcamp(pdf writer) installs as a printer driver, making the creation of PDF documents as easy as printing. This gives users a ...
SecureSafe Pro Free Password Generator
5.4 download... is easy to understand: mark checkboxes, click Generate button and get new random passwords. Free Password Generator is a freeware product so you do not need to pay for it. ...
FontNet Explorer
1.13 download... font name you want to find, press Search button and wait for results. Every explored site will be displayed in new tab. You can stop search whenever you want or ...