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Movie Info Search downloadMovie Info Search is a windows desktop application written in Delphi (Pascal Language). Movie Info Search is as its name indicate a client software ... concise resume of the movie Movie info search is also able, given a title to search: ...
November-2021 downloadSearch films by title and download them for free ... film: Poster, title, year, IMDb rating, genres, language, trailer, synopsis, and names and pictures of director(s) and ... the respective IMDb web page. Pause/Resume, delete, or search downloads. Have access to the downloaded files (unlike ...
29.7 download... software application designed to simplify the process of searching, streaming, and downloading movies and television shows. This ... The software's intuitive interface allows users to effortlessly search for their favorite movies and TV shows using ...
Imaging PVR
9.1 download... great TV experience. FEATURES A great, standard free searchable TV programme guide PLUS Upcoming movies, watch a trailer, read a review Sportszone and Kidzone where all ...
1.5 download... upcoming movie. Understandably you want to see the trailer, but it is rather inconvenient to search for a video while walking. This is where ... makers could simply input the URL of the trailer and the application will generates the corresponding QR ...
1.5 download... upcoming movie. Understandably you want to see the trailer, but it is rather inconvenient to search for a video while walking. This is where ... makers could simply input the URL of the trailer and the application will generates the corresponding QR ...
Business Icon Set
2015.1 download... book, books, bus, car, lorry, fork-lift truck, pick-up, trailer, excavator, helicopter, hand cart, coin, coins, fengshui coin, ... heart, airplane, ship, train, panel truck, satellite, database, search, engineer, managers, options, settings, monkey wrench, wrench, screwdriver, ...
Business Icon-Set
2014.1 download... book, books, bus, car, lorry, fork-lift truck, pick-up, trailer, excavator, helicopter, hand cart, coin, coins, fengshui coin, ... heart, airplane, ship, train, panel truck, satellite, database, search, engineer, managers, options, settings, monkey wrench, wrench, screwdriver, ...