url downloads
PDF Link Editor Pro
2.0.0 download... mark every anchor you want and insert the URL you have input in the text box. Equipped with a strong engine, PDF Link Editor will complete the process in its ...
PDF Hyperlink Creator
1.7.0 download... provide advanced options so you can customize the URL inserting process according to your needs. The configuration process if fast and straightforward. Case Insensitive: The program is using Case-Insensitive Search ...
sImgurUploader download... an image to Imgur using commandline and return URL on the clipboard ...
JsonFlow Super Traffic Tool
3.0.0 download... in real time, output 20 KPIs+10 latency and URL/SQL and process name/CPU/MEM by JSON; 4) These JSON data can be stored locally for playback or query, more importantly, it can ...
JsonFlow Super Traffic Tools
3.0 download... in real time, output 20 KPIs+10 latency and URL/SQL and process name/CPU/MEM by JSON; 4) These JSON data can be stored locally for playback or query, more importantly, it can ...
JsonFlow Super Traffic Tool
3.0.0 download... in real time, output 20 KPIs+10 latency and URL/SQL and process name/CPU/MEM by JSON; 4) These JSON data can be stored locally for playback or query, more importantly, it can ...
Net Core PDF Generator
2022.3.5084 download... to render. It will render any HTML file URL or string into a PDF document, including internal links, bookmarks, images, and so much more. What is Docker, and how would ...
2.6.2 download... your name, comments, graphics symbols, copyright or the URL of your site. You can customize the watermark as you like : choose the font, font size and color, set custom ...
Metamorphosec QR Code Generator
5.1.0 download... card, calendar event, email, geolocation, phone contact, SMS, URL, and wireless network. It provides Live Preview to view actual generated QR Code. It can save generated QR Code to JPG, ...
56.20 download... folder or multiple sites and folders. Features include URL submission, reciprocal link exchange checking, customer database and link extraction. Advanced facilities provides are referrer comparison and MD5 checksum generator. Search ...
Trade Barcode Label Software download... generation series in easiest way. Just visit website URL www.tradelabelsoftware.com downloads Trade Barcode Label tool is used for designing different color, style barcode coupons, roll, badges of post office and ...
Aml Pages Polish Version
10.02 download... contains all your notes, information, web pages, passwords, URL-address in the form of a tree, so you can quickly find what you need. Manage megatons of your notes with ease ...
1 Mil Shield
8.1 download... temporary Internet files, cookies, UserData records, evercookies, typed URL history, browse history records, most recently used download folder, recent documents history, most recently used folders records of the Windows shell, ...
Mil Shield
8.1 download... temporary Internet files, cookies, UserData records, evercookies, typed URL history, browse history records, most recently used download folder, recent documents history, most recently used folders records of the Windows shell, ...
Cloaked Affiliate Link Builder
1.0 download... links while directing visitors to the proper destination URL. Create new links with ease and update existing ones in a flash. Copy and paste link code from your affiliate program ...
A Mil Shield
8.1 download... temporary Internet files, cookies, UserData records, evercookies, typed URL history, browse history records, most recently used download folder, recent documents history, most recently used folders records of the Windows shell, ...
Screaming Frog SEO Spider
21.4 download... the software provides in-depth insights into a site's URL structure, helping users to optimize their internal linking strategies and improve overall site architecture. The tool also offers robust integration ...
Remote Keylogger Download download... Password monitor utility is able to capture website url’s that visit on your system in your absence within a minute. ...
Net Viewer for Macintosh
9.333 downloadOrganize thousands of Web Sites by Categories, Priorities, Search Words, and Users in a Secure Database. Collect Web Sites while browsing the internet, while simultaneously using any number of Browser Windows. ...
2.0.2 download... text utilities. Base64 Tools: Encode and decode tools URL Tools: Encode and decode tools. As this tool is offline it is safe and secure. And it works both on Mac ...
VeryUtils PHP QR Code Generator
2.7 download... to Qrcode * Phone number to Qrcode * URL Bookmark to Qrcode * Link to Qrcode ...
Backlinks Checker downloadBack link monitoring utility is advance software that automatically generates useful reports to know the current status of reciprocal links and helps in search engine optimization activity in an efficient way. ...
7-PDF Website Converter downloadIt is rare for PDF printers to allow you to create a PDF from a website without pages being -cut off- or the PDF not being -in one piece-; 7-PDF Website ...
Plus One Reporter
1.0 downloadPlus One Reporter is a powerful tool to view the Google Plus +1 rank and count for a bulk list of URLs. Easily report and track the popularity of your social ...
PFind downloadPFind lets you organize your images, put into categories. Select some images, choose the category (which you can define easily) and put into this category. Do that with some images. ...