!calc downloads

PHP Excel

1.8.2 download

Project providing a set of classes for the PHP programming language, which allow you to write to and read from different spreadsheet file formats, like Excel (BIFF) .xls, Excel 2007 (OfficeOpenXML) ...

Perfect PDF 9 Converter download

Perfect PDF 9 Converter: new version of PDF and XPS converting program for powerful processing of PDF documents. PDF and XPS: converting from arbitrary applications, comment and display documents, fill and ...


5.30 download

Calculator software that can enlarge characters even in a compact (date / time calculation, also corresponds to a scientific calculator) Features The display of the button can be erased and it ...

Alternate ConsumptionCalc

1.840 download

A simple program for capturing meter readings or consumption values. The data is captured for each month. Up to 8 values can be combined in one single file. The files may ...

Mini Calculator download

A simple 'pocket' calculator with all the basic and some advanced functions, and that uses very little space in your desktop. Has copy/paste, can show a right hand 'paper strip' where ...

Loan Tracker Software

5 download

Loan Tracker Software can quickly and easily generate accurate, detailed amortization schedules which can then be customized by adding, editing or deleting any payment. Track the actual dates payments were made ...

Amortization Schedule Software

5 download

Software generates a schedule of periodic payments to repay a fixed-, variable- or interest-only loan over a user-selected time interval. Use our Amortization Schedule Software for real estate mortgages, contract sales ...

Excel Loan Amortization Calculator Template Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to calculate when a loan will amortize. Simply enter loan information such as APR and loan period, and a payment schedule is ...

Excel Convert Letters To Phone Numbers Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to convert letters to the corresponding phone keypad numbers (for example: 'm' becomes '6'). The user can specify a list of files ...

Calculator for Kids

1.0 download

Simple calculator for kids including basic math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It also supports negative numbers and decimals. The program is easy to use and has a very nice ...

Hetman Office Recovery

3.3 download

Hetman Office Recovery is a fully featured heavy-duty document recovery suite enabling surefooted recovery from corrupted, inaccessible, formatted and inaccessible storage devices. From simple undelete to comprehensive all-disk recovery, Hetman Office ...

Hetman Excel Recovery

2.4 download

Hetman Excel Recovery recovers lost and deleted spreadsheets in XLS, XLSX and ODS formats saved by Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice. The tool is designed for heavy duty, helping ordinary computer users ...

BulkPDF Business

2022.10.21.035 download

BulkPDF automatically detects the available data in the selected tabular data source (Excel, CSV, Microsoft SQL-Datenbanken, Microsoft Access, JSON etc.). The found column names can then be assigned to the form ...

Excel Serial Data Writer

4.0.70 B502 download

This data export plug-in for Accurate Printer Monitor allows to export real-time data to Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc or LibreOffice Calc. The plug-in uses the OLE interface to connect to the ...

LibreOffice Latest download

LibreOffice is the free power-packed Open Source personal productivity suite for Windows, Macintosh and Linux, that gives you six feature-rich applications for all your document production and data processing needs: Writer, ...

New Version

LibreOffice for Mac

24.2.4 download

LibreOffice is the free power-packed Open Source personal productivity suite for Windows, Macintosh and Linux, that gives you six feature-rich applications for all your document production and data processing needs: Writer, ...

LibreOffice for Linux

24.2.4 download

LibreOffice is the free power-packed Open Source personal productivity suite for Windows, Macintosh and Linux, that gives you six feature-rich applications for all your document production and data processing needs: Writer, ...

LibreOffice x64

24.2.4 download

LibreOffice x64 is the free power-packed Open Source personal productivity suite for Windows, Macintosh and Linux, that gives you six feature-rich applications for all your document production and data processing needs: ...


2017.21 download

NeoOffice is a full-featured set of office applications (including word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation programs) for Mac OS X. We have created an office suite that is adapted to the unique ...

Advanced File Indexer

1.11 download

Advanced File Indexer is a utility that simplifies tedious tasks of indexing and monitoring files in a specific directory or a directory tree. Advanced File Indexer persists file index in the ...


3.3 download

AeroZoom is a simple AutoHotKey program I created that enhances upon the new Magnifier in Windows 7 to turn any mouse into a presentation mouse, where zooming in/out and moving around ...

UniConv Portable

2.02 download

This is a Windows-based program for converting one dimensional unit into another e.g. litres to gallons, feet to cms, pounds to Kgs, square yards to square metres etc. What ...


2.02 download

This is a Windows-based program for converting one dimensional unit into another e.g. litres to gallons, feet to cms, pounds to Kgs, square yards to square metres etc. What ...

FreeRapid Downloader

0.9u4 download

FreeRapid is my next application after Wordrider and Damaq. It's a simple Java downloader that supports downloading from Rapidshare and other file-sharing services. Simply copy and paste your links from ...

Advanced File Indexer

1.11 download

Advanced File Indexer is a useful application which simplifies tedious tasks of indexing and monitoring files in a specific directory or a directory tree. Advanced File Indexer persists file index in ...