row downloads



Connect Four is a two-player game in which the players first choose a color and then take turns dropping colored discs from the top into a seven-column, six-row vertically-suspended grid. The ...



... respective marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game. Features games xo ...

Open Access in Excel

2.3 download

... with same format, like: table, record, column name, row, etc. It is also able to convert Access file to Excel files in batch mode. Convert Access in Excel is a ...

Logic Drawings Free


... length of the red-painted group in a given row or column. Between groups of red fields there must be at least one field painted gray. Order of the numbers is ...

Convert Multiple Text Files To XML Files Software

7.0 download

... line in the text file as the header row that will be used to product the XML tags. By instantly converting many text files to XML in batch, this software ...

Excel Create Combinations From Multiple Lists Software

7.0 download

... specify criteria for the sets: Each Column, Each Row, or choose to select 2, 3 or 4 sets. Excel 2000 or higher required. ...


1.9.0 download

... expect like multiple tabbed sheets, relative and absolute row and column referencing in formulas, and a large catalog of built-in functions. Functions specific to logic and computer science, mathematics, probability, ...

Myrtle for Linux

1.9.0 download

... expect like multiple tabbed sheets, relative and absolute row and column referencing in formulas, and a large catalog of built-in functions. Functions specific to logic and computer science, mathematics, probability, ...


1.0 download

... Product limits configurable.HTML layouts adjustable by products per row. JSON returns links to details pages and related media. Works for any GET request like cURL, AJAX, file_get_contents(), etc. Includes a ...

VCF to CSV Converter

1.9 download

... for Virtual Business Cards), each on a separate row. Such files are used to export and import contacts from and to Microsoft Outlook. In case you want to build a ...

Rons Data Stream

2024.11.18.1417 download

... are selected from a broad list of Column, Row and Cell processing rules. They can be built, saved and applied to as many data sources as required, and re-used with ...

Excel Advanced Sort By Characters, Position, Length, Color, Dates Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to sort a block of selected cells in MS Excel using different methods. There are features to sort by second, third, fourth, ...

MySQL Change Case To Proper, Upper, Lower & Sentence Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to change character case in MySQL tables. Options allow you to change entire fields (columns) to upper, lower, title (proper) and sentence ...

Oracle Delete Duplicate Entries Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to delete duplicate entries in Oracle tables. The user simply enters the login information for the required database and tests the connection ...

AIRMIX sound automation download

AIRMIX is the best solution for radio stations, hotels, supermarkets and home use. It is a program that manipulates music and commercials using mixes, perfectly. AIRMIX is the best solution for ...

Excel Reverse Order Of Rows & Columns Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to reverse selected rows, columns and tables in MS Excel. There is an additional feature to reverse cell content so that it ...

MS SQL Server Upload or Download Binary Data Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to transfer binary data to and from MS SQL Server databases. The user simply enters the login information. The easy to use ...

Print Multiple Web Sites Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to print multiple websites without opening each one. The user simply adds the required URLs or loads them form a file before ...

Sudoku Solver Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to solve Sudoku puzzles by entering a partially completed grid. The user enters the numbers on the left and one click on ...

Access Database To MySQL Converter download

Access database to MySQL migration software is most convenient solution to convert entire or selected records from MS Access database to MySQL format in an efficient manner. MS Access db synchronizer ...

Convert MySQL To MSSQL DB download

Database migration software supports to convert trigger, indexes, table attributes, view and all major data types including numeric, string, date-time etc from MySQL db to MSSQL db. MySQL to Microsoft SQL ...

Bytescout Spreadsheet SDK download

Read and write XLS, XLSX from ASP.NET, .NET, VB, C#, PHP and other programming languages without Excel installed! Supports formula calculations, text formatting, rows, columns, sheets management and much more! Can ...

Excel Highlight Duplicate Rows Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to highlight duplicate rows in an Excel file. The user can define a specific block of cells and select specific columns to ...

Dominoes Game Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution for users who want to play a game of dominoes against the computer. The computer will start by setting one of its pieces at the center ...

Migrate MS Access Database download

MS Access to MySQL database conversion software transforms individual or multiple database table, rows or columns from MS Access to MySQL database server. MS Access to MySQL database migration application converts ...