in a downloads
1.5 downloadInfoSetter is a desktop publishing tool which allows you to set document information in your PDF document(s). This tool allows you to set or change the standard PDF's document information fields ...
MS SQL Server Extract Data & Text Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to extract fields (columns) containing specific text in MS SQL Server databases. The user simply enters the login information for the SQL ...
MS SQL Server Delete Duplicate Entries Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to delete duplicate entries in MS SQL Server tables. Simply specify which fields (columns) to use as criteria. All redundant entries are ...
MySQL Find and Replace Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to replace content in MySQL database tables. A single entry modifies all instances of one value, while several entries modify all instances ...
Excel Significant Digits (Figures) Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to work with numbers in MS Excel. Rounding to one significant digit will round to ones, rounding to two digits will round ...
MySQL Change Case To Proper, Upper, Lower & Sentence Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to change character case in MySQL tables. Options allow you to change entire fields (columns) to upper, lower, title (proper) and sentence ...
Oracle Delete Duplicate Entries Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to delete duplicate entries in Oracle tables. The user simply enters the login information for the required database and tests the connection ...
Excel Word Frequency Count Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to find word frequencies in one or more MS Excel files. Choose to calculate counts for individual files or for all files ...
Remove Line Breaks From Multiple Text Files Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to remove line breaks (carriage returns) in one or more files. The user simply adds the required files or an entire folder ...
BannerManPro Flash Banner From Java Can Change Your Tired Web Site Into Something New and Exciting
9.0 downloadDo you feel that your web site is not quite as up to date as it should be in terms of visuals? Maybe your think that you don’t have the technical ...
Sentence Counter Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to count the number of sentences in a piece of text. Text can be loaded from a file or pasted from the ...
Excel Extract Document Properties Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution for users who want to extract the metadata/properties in multiple Excel files. Properties include: filename, title, subject, author, manager, company, category, keywords, comments, hyperlink base, template, ...
MS Word Extract Document Properties Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution for users who want to extract the metadata/properties in multiple Word files. Properties include: filename, title, subject, author, manager, company, category, keywords, comments, hyperlink base, template, ...
CSV Compare Two Files and Find Differences Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to find text differences in two CSV files. The user loads the two CSVs and chooses to compare by line or by ...
WizIQ Recordor
2.3 downloadWizIQ Recordor is a powerful and easy to use free PowerPoint add-in that lets you create video lectures right from your desktop.This software lets you record your live audio, video or ...
Hide Email Address Characters Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to mask email addresses in multiple text files. The user simply chooses the file/s or an entire folder to be processed before ...
Aba Daba
1.31 downloadAba Daba is modern implementation of the ancient logical game Gomoku, also known as 5 in a row or Noughts and Crosses. Major game features: Powerful artificial intelligence, Attractive music, Nice ...
MS Access Change Case To Proper, Upper, Lower & Sentence Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to change the text case of records in MS Access tables. There are features to change case to upper, lower, title (also ...
MS Access Split Fields Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to divide one field (column) into two or more in MS Access. By specifying a splitting character or characters, the software splits ...
MS Word Remove Headers and Footers From Multiple Documents Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to remove headers and footers in one or more MS Word files. Simply add documents individually, by folder, or by drag-and-drop. Choose ...
Extract Name & Address Contacts From Multiple Text & HTML Files Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to gather addresses from one or many text and HTML files. Searches are conducted by state abbreviation: this data must exist in ...
MS Word Word Count & Frequency Statistics Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to analyze documents for word frequency. Simply add files to queue individually, by folder, or by drag-and-drop. The output gives word counts ...
AAAdvanced Applet Suite
1.1 downloadCreate cool and exciting java projects in seconds with the amazing Advanced Applet Suite!, (C) Wyka-Warzecha Enterprises! It has an EASY to use GUI interface, plus, you can use it for ...
HTML Tags Change To Uppercase or Lowercase Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to change the letter case of HTML tags in multiple files. The user simply adds a list of files or an entire ...
Inverted Image downloadInverted Image is a freeware Mirror image tool. This Mirror image tool is a clean and powerful image processing software. It can easily create the inverted reflection in water effect with ...