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Dynasoft TeleFactura Telecom ISP CDR
6.48 downloadDynasoft TeleFactura is the definitive BSS OSS convergent telecoms voice, data, voip, billing and Radius server solution for telecoms operators, callshop resellers, office service operators distributing telecoms services. Managing 1000s of ...
WebSite X5 Evolution 8
8.0 downloadWebSite X5 is an all-in-one solution packed with tools to create and publish professional websites, online shops and blogs in just 5 easy steps: 1. Choose website design, select from one ...
Infralution Licensing System
6.4.1 downloadInfralution Licensing System (ILS) is a powerful .NET solution specially designed to help you with licensing components and software using simple and secure encrypted license keys. ILS uses a public key ...
Intelliremote downloadIntelliremote is a software program that gives you complete remote control of your Home Theater PC infrared or radio frequency remote and unlocks its true potential. HTPC makers have an excellent ...
Fortune3 2010
Rev 2012 downloadFortune3 is the most popular E-Commerce Web site builder to create a professional online store: Total Ecommerce solutions - design a user friendly Website storefront for online sales / order processing ...
TrulyMail Client
6.0.2 downloadTrulyMail is a free email client which includes its own encrypted private messaging network. It does what it says and it does a lot. If you use it for email, you ...
Flickr Downloader downloadWebDownloader (formerly called Flickr Downloader) is a simple and easy to use tool that will help you find beautiful pictures from Flickr and save them onto your computer. You'll be able ...
1.1 downloadC Shop3D is a professional and customizable shopping cart system designed to be posted on the web. Built entirely with the latest V3.0 Flash technology. Feature rich including, carousel to display ...
Spam Sleuth
4.0 downloadSpam Sleuth monitors your e- mail box behind the scenes and analyzes e- mail messages for spam and virus characteristics. Our program keeps a report of what it finds so that ...
AceMoney Lite
4.37.2 downloadAceMoney Lite a free personal finance software, the best free Quicken and Microsoft Money alternative. All features from its big brother are there, limited only to two accounts. As AceMoney, AceMoney ...
Enigma CS downloadEnigma Coding Software - The Ultimate File Encoder >>> Create and use your own personalized, yet very secure, encoding script! WARNING 1: BETA BUILD! Preview release only for testing purpose; do ...
Tansee iPhone Music to Computer Transfer
3.0 downloadWhen use Tansee iPhone Transfer copy iPhone songs out? - Backup songs in iPhone to PC. - Copy iPhone songs to new computer or notebook. - Computer crashed. - Share your ...
Tansee iPhone to PC Transfer
3.0 downloadWhen use Tansee iPhone Transfer copy iPhone songs out? - Backup songs in iPhone to PC. - Copy iPhone songs to new computer or notebook. - Computer crashed. - Share your ...
2.24 downloadIntelliProtector is a software activation and management solution offering secure distribution of software products over the Internet, on CD-ROM and DVD-ROM. With IntelliProtector, you can increase your profits by protecting against ...
Medieval CUE Splitter
1.2 downloadCUE Splitter is a freeware tool that split a single big audio track, mostly an album or a compilation, into the relative individual audio tracks, using informations contained in the associated ...
Digital Clip Factory downloadDigital Clip Factory, free imovie professional clips for Windows! The Digital Clip Factory creates slide shows using the "Zoom and Pan" motion effects with music and transitions. Burn your movies to ...
Tansee iPhone Music to Computer Transfer V5.0
5.0 downloadWhen use Tansee iPhone Transfer copy iPhone songs out? - Backup songs in iPhone to PC. - Copy iPhone songs to new computer or notebook. - Computer crashed. - Share your ...
Mouse Click
7.1 downloadMouse Click software not only automates the mouse clicks, but can also return the mouse cursor to its original location after clicking the mouse. Mouse Click Software is free to try ...
Web 2.0 Directory CMS
3.5.0 downloadSeller options: - Post Classified Ads, seller selects type and level of ads, e.g. Listings, Articles, Promotions, e.t.c. - Upload Images to Ads AJAX, based upload; - Upload or attach YouTube ...
Website Realizer
2.4.3 downloadWebsite Realizer, a website design software, lets you build websites, which work on desktop, tablet and mobile devices as it supports Responsive Web Design, just by dragging and dropping images, media, ...
TMS IntraWeb Component Studio
1.0 downloadThe TMS IntraWeb Component Studio contains the 9 TMS IntraWeb sets listed here. -TMS IntraWeb Component Pack Pro Script Edition: Internet application development with IntraWeb made easier with over 70 controls ...
Outlook 2011 for Mac in PST File
5.3 downloadPerfection attached with right OLM Converter tool, if haunted to transfer Mac files in to Windows Outlook? Convert Outlook 2011 for Mac as Outlook 2007 is straightforward procedure to adapt Mac ...
PTC Script
2.5 downloadThis unique php Paid to Click script enables you to set up a complete fully-functional interactive web site. It is developed under the newest php, mysql and (X)html programming aspects. Script ...
PageFlip Shopping Flash
2.7 downloadPageFlip Shopping Flash software, with no-risk and easy to use interface, is the best way to flip shopping cart to digital book in a few clicks of mouse. .best choice to ...
Jokes Portal Script Seo
1.3 downloadThis powerful php web script allows you to run your own search engine friendly jokes portal. Script Features - Search engine friendly url's and dynamic seo meta tags. - Joke rating ...