column downloads
FoxPro Join Two Tables Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to horizontally merge two FoxPro tables based on one common field (column) of data. The user chooses the DBC file or free ...
Listenvergleich downloadList Comparison compares a column from up to three Excel list and shows all deviations and Ü any matches plus the number of deviations and Ü any matches to ...
Excel Insert Blank Rows & Columns Between Data Software
7.0 download... lines. This software can insert one row or column between each cell selected. Also, it can find unique entries by row or by column and insert a blank row or column per ...
Delete Columns In Text, XLS and CSV Files Software
7.0 download... a solution to users who want to delete columns from one or more text, Excel or CSV ... to choose to delete: between x and y columns, the last of a user specified number of ...
Excel Join Multiple Cells Into One Software
7.0 download... over multiple rows into one row (or multiple columns into one column) in MS Excel. There is a feature in ...
3D charts
3.1 download... the most comprehensive 3D charting tools around. Combine Column Cylinder Wall Area (floating) Line (step) Bubble Surface ... Pie Doughnut Pyramid Cone Funnel staggered single series Column Cylinder (freebie as1) with slicing option. 3D Polar ...
download... down, occupying the next available space within the column. The object of the game is to connect four of one's own discs of the same color next to each other ...
4.4 download... defined size, or choose to use the maximum columns/rows of Windows desktop. Some of the many features ... command line; configurable menus/keyboard; block marking operations (includes column, character, and line based blocks); regular expression search/replace; ...
MS Access Add Data, Text & Characters Software
7.0 download... is designed to add text to the entire column in batch. There is also a feature to insert text at a numeric position or insert after or before specified characters ...
download... donate! Tweets are presented as a single column, with mentions (even from people you don't follow), ... into the stream. Features Integrated single column of tweets Streamlined Snapped view Username auto-complete Spoiler ...
Lomsel Total download... of semi-finished products. Now just select one numeric column and the program will summarize it on the fly and give the result on the screen. You do not have to ...
Migrate MSSQL Database to MySQL download... the requirements of database and transmit selected rows, column, attributes, tables fields and key constraints into MySQL ... SQL server. * Software migrate selected tables, rows, columns, data, default values, primary key, unique key, null ...
Advanced Excel To PDF Table Converter
1.7 download... Converter provides user interface to define PDF table column headers, PDF document page size, PDF document page orientation, PDF table font type and PDF table font size. In addition to ...
MSSQL to MySQL Migrator downloadDownload Microsoft SQL Server to MySQL conversion software is safe secure and accurately converts source database attributes into MySQL 2000 server records. Data base conversion tool reliably transform tables (structures and ...
Smart List Lite
1.34.9 download... a multitude of new cool features: tabbed views, column permissions, view permissions, default values, advanced field validation ... Smart List Pro for free! Add tab and column permissions, custom input validation, view permissions and more. ...
Smart List Pro
2.10.5 download... new cool features: tabbed views with permissions, advanced column permissions, view permissions, default values, advanced field validation ... – Why give permissions to each and every column? Group columns into tabs (or groups) and assign ...
SharePoint Choice Indicator
1.4.507.1 download... is an extension of the default SharePoint Choice Column, which does not support color-coding on SharePoint column/list views. On the Edit Column Settings page, an indicator setting grid will allow ... list choice; Filter and sort items according to column headers. After saving your settings, the choices will ...
AnyChart JS Charts and Dashboards
8.7.0 download... line, bar, area, waterfall, spline, funnel, bubble, polar, column, column range, pie, box plot, linear and angular gauges, ...
Excel Reverse Transpose Rows Columns
3.5 download... transposing order of the selected cells, rows and columns on Excel sheets. The software supports the following ... Bottom 3) Transpose Selected Cells from Row to Column 4) Reverse Selected Cells by Clockwise Rotation 5) ...
CSV To Fixed Width Text File Batch Converter Software
7.0 download... into the fixed width text file format. The columns will line up perfectly and the user can choose to separate each column by single space, comma, comma-space, tab or user-specified
MS SQL Server Join Two Tables Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to merge horizontally one MS SQL Server table into another. The tables can be located in the same MS SQL Server database ...
HTMLTreeList downloadHTMLTreeList is a treeview with columns that can have width, alignement and column header specified. This is possible through a new introduced Columns property. The item height can be specified ...
Alternate Firebird Copy
1.610 download... copy tables within two firebird or interbase databases. Column count and order may differ! ...
SharePoint Cascaded Lookup download... as choices in the dropdown list. Filter Column is in the same list with the looked-up column. As the name goes, if you set a column as Filter column for the looked-up column, when ...
DataGridView Xcode
1.5.0 download... you need to display data in rows and columns. Rustemsoft UIDatagrid provides with a simple, yet flexible ... you need to customize all cells of a column with specific settings you can define the cellTemplate ...