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2.52 download... of Google Chrome Web browser, and displays the list of all files currently stored in the cache. ... type, File size, Last accessed time, Expiration time, Server name, Server response, and more. You can easily ...
Email Automation
1.1 download... features: - Sending mass email - Load recipient list from Excel file (*.xlsx) - Pause/Resume mail sending ... send as fast as possible - Ping email server address while setup email server - HTML syntax ...
IMAP Emails Extractor
1.3 download... owner's names and e-mail addresses from any IMAP4 server folders and making e-mails list. IMAPEE is very effective and convenient decision for e-commerce companies which want to have the lists of actual e-mail addresses. This program will help ...
1.40 download... folder of Opera Web browser, and displays the list of all files currently stored in the cache. ... accessed time, and last modified time in the server. You can easily select one or more items ...
7.1 download... can send email using the built in SMTP server, your own ISP's SMTP server, or your MAPI email client (such as Outlook ...
BigAnt Office Messenger 2.92
2.92 sp3 download... IM communications among users, all data transferred through server are encrypted which ensure secure instant messaging, protect ... you really cared. 2. Maintaining a dedicated in-house server, BigAnt has an in-house server. The messaging server ...
AntispamSniper for The Bat! download... The plug-in can delete spam right on the server by headers, using a list of account settings. The accounts for filtering can ... in addition to statistical algorithm: black and white lists of email addresses, anti-phishing filter, blocking spam by ...
DEKSI Network Monitor
12.4 download... a local area network and automatically retrieves the list of all available hosts. DEKSI Network Monitor generates a list of monitored devices and assigns default checks to ... * Port on switch * ARP * Database server (ODBC) * MS SQL Server * MySQL Server ...
1.02.0003 download... Access'2000 of office package Microsoft Office'2000. 2. The list of objects of property supports possibilities of hierarchical construction of property complexes from parent objects, since the legal persons, as objects ...
JOC Email Checker download... Accounts against unwanted emails. It connects to your server, sends login and password information and displays a list of all messages in your account without downloading ...
1.1557 download... specializing in any equipment. The program uses a server mySQL or postgreSQL. Has been online , both locally and over the Internet. Program features: Access control with optional privileges. Cashier ...
2.0 download... 7 and Windows 8, as well as Windows Server 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2012. Both 32 bit (x86) and 64 bit ... or just a segment) or export the whole list. No configuration of whatsoever is needed. ...
2.44 download... Time (Works only with address books of Exchange server), and more... You can easily select one or more recipients from the list and export them into tab-delimited/comma-delimited/xml/html file, or copy ...
Time and Chaos download... telephone book, appointment schedule, and to do task list for better time management, all on one screen! ... collaborate without being locked out or requiring expensive server software. Appointments on your calendar and to do ...
3.7 download... header information prior to downloading messages from the server. Other features lets you to delete selected messages, view messages' bodies, and save message list to a file for browsing offline. MailSweep supports ...
SalesCycle CRM
2.1.11 download... user mode through the installation of a downloadable Server Pack and can be integrated to Artemis Accounts ... and multi currency as standard...Campaign Management...Forecasting...Sales Funnel...Diary, To-do List, and Contact List...Sales Invoicing... Customer Payments...Integrated Email...Team Chat...Message ...
Classic Menu Helper
2.1 download... XP 32/64, Vista 32/64, Windows 7 32/64, Windows Server 2003 32/64 and Server 2008. Citrix System and Windows Terminal (Remote Desktop) Server. You can configure the settings, such as the
Zaggit LAN Instant Messenger downloadZaggit runs without servers and allows users on the same network to ... public and private messages. Zaggit is a simple, server-less instant messenger. It runs only over a local ... are online, they will appear in the online list on the right hand side. You can double ...
Time & Chaos download... capabilities with its appointment calendar and to do list tasks that show you exactly what needs to ... with everyone on your network with no expensive server add-on required. Great interface! T&C has a ...
Time & Chaos download... capabilities with its appointment calendar and to do list tasks that show you exactly what needs to ... with everyone on your network with no expensive server add-on required. Great interface! T&C has a ...
2.0.1 download... files directly from a Windows folder to your server. Instead of using complicated software just to upload ... to Facebook, Flickr, Imageshack, Imgur or an FTP server), you just right-click on the files, select the ...
Smart Action Pro
1.44.4 download... of different types of actions, such as: Create list item Update list item[s] Delete list item[s] Send e-mail incorporating list item values Create list from any template Create site from any template ...
LOB Item Link Field
1.11.4 download... application to be linked to any document or list item. No need to define connections using BDC or External List settings, all is done using just your browser. ... of retrieval Easier to set up than external lists or BDC Localized into English, French, Spanish and ...
MyDirect .NET
4.85 download... productivity, and leverages database application implementation. The following list describes the main features of MyDirect .NET. * Direct access to MySQL server * 100% managed code * High performance * ... deploy * Supports the latest versions of MySQL server including MySQL Embedded server * All MySQL data ...
PostgreSQLDirect .NET
3.75 download... productivity, and leverages database application implementation. The following list describes the main features of PostgreSQLDirect .NET. * Direct access to PostgreSQL server * 100% managed code * High performance * ... deploy * Supports the latest versions of PostgreSQL server * All PostgreSQL data types support * .NET ...