window tracker downloads
AllNetic Working Time Tracker
3.0 download... can manage tasks and see reports in large window). Automatic control over tracking in cases when the user leaves his work place. Localization: English, Czech, Danish, Dutch (Nederlands), French, German, ...
2.8 download... information about it, you can install COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker gadget. The default window of the gadget displays information related to vaccination ... you can place information on the gadgets main window about the country or state you've selected, for ...
PDF-XChange Viewer
9.5.368.0 download... End User PDF-XChange Viewer Pro, embedded within a Window of the developers application, the developer is able ... and some GUI tailoring is possible - but Tracker Software branding is present and required from the ...
PDF-XChange Viewer
2.5.322.10 download... any Image or PDF File and even your Windows Clip board. - Measurement Tools incl. perimeter and ... extended functionality of our 'Loupe' and the 'Pan' Window tools. - PDF Security Support including 40/128 bit ...
PDF-XChange Viewer Pro SDK
2.5.322.10 download... any Image or PDF File and even your Windows Clip board. - Measurement Tools incl. perimeter and ... extended functionality of our 'Loupe' and the 'Pan' Window tools. - PDF Security Support including 40/128 bit ...
PTP Track Hound
1.0.9 download... of further development. The software is available for Windows, Linux and macOS. As it is explicitly designed ... and the fundamental functionality of PTP. The main window of PTP Track Hound is seperated into four ...
1.31 download... Sofer, is an advanced utility tool designed for Windows operating systems that offers users an in-depth look into the properties of all visible and hidden windows on their system. This software is particularly useful ...
1.1.3 download... installer creates a shortcut for mintty in the Windows start menu. In MSYS, mintty can be installed ... Features include: Xterm-compatible terminal emulation. Native Windows user interface with a simple options dialog. Easy ...
Ghostery for Safari
10.3.7 download... browsing. It protects your privacy online by stopping trackers from accessing your personal data and blocks ads ... We created tailored default settings that offer immediate tracker and ad blocking upon installation and do all ...
1.0 Beta download... and useful software that manages to log the window names you are using. The Open Source AUM ... Features: tracks Process ID, Process Name, Window Title determines if you are actively working (i.e. ...
1.0 download... meter and automatic screenshots. Time and money meter window is always visible and can be sized from tiny reminder in the corner up to the fullscreen caption. You can specify ...
Ghostery for Chrome
10.4.27 download... web bugs, pixels and beacons. Ghostery tracks the trackers and gives you a roll-call of the ad networks, behavioral data providers, web publishers, and other companies interested in your activity. ...
Ghostery for Internet Explorer download... web bugs, pixels and beacons. Ghostery tracks the trackers and gives you a roll-call of the ad networks, behavioral data providers, web publishers, and other companies interested in your activity. ...
Internet Notifier
2.0 download... opened with one mouse click in the notification window. ...
Task Timer for Mac OS X
6.0.11 download... yearly totals without having to leave the main window * Quickly view and edit daily, weekly, and monthly events in the Events editor * Join and Separate events in the ...
Task Timer
6.0.11 download... yearly totals without having to leave the main window * Quickly view and edit daily, weekly, and monthly events in the Events editor * Join and Separate events in the ...
PaperCut NG for Mac OS X
22.1.4 download... NG is a cross-platform solution offering versions for Windows, Mac, Linux and Novell and is designed for ... graphic design, legal, and accounting firms. A popup window actively prompts users to allocate print jobs to ...
PaperCut NG for Linux
22.1.4 download... NG is a cross-platform solution offering versions for Windows, Mac, Linux and Novell and is designed for ... graphic design, legal, and accounting firms. A popup window actively prompts users to allocate print jobs to ...
CheatBook Issue 11/2005
11/2005 downloadCheatBook (11/2005) - November 2005 - A Cheat-Code Tracker with Hints for several popular PC Action and ... releases. Games are listed alphabetically in the left-hand window. When you highlight a game, the relevant cheat ...
CheatBook Issue 12/2005
12/2005 downloadCheatBook (12/2005) - December 2005 - A Cheat-Code Tracker with Hints for several popular PC Action and ... releases. Games are listed alphabetically in the left-hand window. When you highlight a game, the relevant cheat ...
CheatBook Issue 07/2005
07/2005 downloadCheatBook (07/2005) - July 2005 - A Cheat-Code Tracker with Hints for several popular PC Action and ... releases. Games are listed alphabetically in the left-hand window. When you highlight a game, the relevant cheat ...
CheatBook Issue 08/2005
08/2005 downloadCheatBook (08/2005) - August 2005 - A Cheat-Code Tracker with Hints for several popular PC Action and ... releases. Games are listed alphabetically in the left-hand window. When you highlight a game, the relevant cheat ...
CheatBook Issue 01/2007
01-2007 download... (01/2007) - Issue January 2007 - A Cheat-Code Tracker with Hints for several popular PC Action and ... releases. Games are listed alphabetically in the left-hand window. When you highlight a game, the relevant cheat ...
CheatBook Issue 02/2007
02-2007 download... (02/2007) - Issue February 2007 - A Cheat-Code Tracker with Hints for several popular PC Action and ... releases. Games are listed alphabetically in the left-hand window. When you highlight a game, the relevant cheat ...
CheatBook Issue 03/2007
03-2007 download... (03/2007) - Issue March 2007 - A Cheat-Code Tracker with Hints for several popular PC Action and ... releases. Games are listed alphabetically in the left-hand window. When you highlight a game, the relevant cheat ...