calculate downloads

EJS TreeGrid

5.9 download

EJS TreeGrid is a DHTML component written in pure JavaScript to display and edit data in table, grid, tree view or grid with tree on HTML page. It is the fastest ...

Sentence Counter Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to count the number of sentences in a piece of text. Text can be loaded from a file or pasted from the ...

Add, Subtract, Multiply or Divide Two Or More Decimal, Hexadecimal, Binary and Octal Numbers Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to perform mathematical operations on hexadecimal, octal, decimal and binary numbers. The results are displayed in tabular form that you can save ...


2025-02-11 download

Frink, developed by Alan Eliasen, is a versatile and powerful programming language and calculating tool designed to handle real-world problems with an emphasis on physical units, data analysis, and scientific computation. ...

Video Size Calculator

2.0 download

Let's say you have captured a movie with black letterbox borders that you don't want in your final video and you want to view it in correct aspect ratio on a ...

Statistical Analysis Calculator Software

7.0 download

... for a set of numbers quickly. This software calculates: mean, median, mode, variance, sum, standard deviation, average deviation, coefficient of deviation, total, square total, and variance. By processing numbers with ...


3.7.7 B20130722 download

OpenPFGW is software that is designed to perform PRP and primality tests on numbers of specific forms. This software currently run on any x86 hardware with the support of George Woltman's ...


1.94 download

OpalCalc is a brand new type of calculator for the PC. As easy to use as Notepad or a word processor, OpalCalc allows you to insert natural language as part of ...


0.402 download

Ocapy, which actually stands for an Original Calculator in Python was designed as a scientific and engineering calculator. It was built in order to implement the well-known reverse polish notation (RPN) ...


4.0 download

Addressed to: People that don't want to make life more difficult than it should be, allowing them to see the numbers they have entered and obtained (and therefore review them) ...

OpalCalc Portable

1.94 download

OpalCalc is a brand new type of calculator for the PC. As easy to use as Notepad or a word processor, OpalCalc allows you to insert natural language as part of ...

GK PCalc

3.0 download

Gcalc is a plaintext calculator that understands expressions as you type them. The PCalc application was designed to be a freeform calculator written in C++/MFC with a Python parser powering ...

Advanced Trigonometry Calculator Portable

2.1.5 download

Advanced Trigonometry Calculator is a rock-solid calculator allowing you perform advanced complex math calculations. Enter your complex math expression on its integrity and in the final press “Enter” button, after some ...

Advanced Trigonometry Calculator

2.1.5 download

Advanced Trigonometry Calculator is a rock-solid calculator allowing you perform advanced complex math calculations. Enter your complex math expression on its integrity and in the final press “Enter” button, after some ...

Talking Calculator

1.6 download

FRS Talking Calculator is an easy to use calculator with several features that make it ideal for use in situations where assistive software technologies are desirable. Big buttons are easy targets ...


1.0.3 download

J3calc was developed as an useful and very easy-to-use piece of software that allows you to perform simple or more complex math operations. Now, you can use this Java-based instrument ...


0.5.5 Beta download

Graphical Reverse Polish Notation calculator running in Linux and Windows. Programmable. Provides Reals, Complex, Vectors, Matrices, Binaries, Lists, Expressions, Strings and Programs. Implements RPL, the HP programming language of HP-28 and ...

pRPN for Linux

0.5.5 Beta download

Graphical Reverse Polish Notation calculator running in Linux and Windows. Programmable. Provides Reals, Complex, Vectors, Matrices, Binaries, Lists, Expressions, Strings and Programs. Implements RPL, the HP programming language of HP-28 and ...

inTone | Keys Pro for Mac OS X

3.07 download

Amplion, developed by Antonín Richter, is a sophisticated software solution designed for audio enthusiasts and professionals who seek to elevate their sound management and amplification capabilities. This innovative tool stands out ...

Plantation Shutter Cut Sheet

1.1.0 download

The Shutter Medic plantation shutter cut sheet program automatically generates a list of shutter parts with dimensions for the construction of plantation shutters. Variables include height and width of area, number ...

Ocapy Portable

0.502 download

Ocapy, which actually stands for an Original Calculator in Python was designed as a scientific and engineering calculator. It was built in order to implement the well-known reverse polish notation (RPN) ...

SFV Ninja

1.3.6 download

SFV Ninja is a checksum calculator which can create and compare checksums. It supports MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 formats. It has two verification modes. The first will verify all files in ...

Reliable Task Timer

1.8 download

Reliable Task Timer is a timer / logger utility that allows precise calculation of time spent on a specific task. The application logs the following information to a CSV spreadsheet: task ...

Find Distance Between Multiple Latitude and Longitude Coordinates Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution for users who want to find the distance between one or more latitude and longitude coordinates. Coordinates can be added one at a time or loaded ...

Strong Passwords Need Entropy

1.1 download

... letters and digits. Based on this information, it calculates the password entropy and the number of trials needed to find it. ...