visual library downloads

PlotLab VC++

8.0 download

PlotLab VC++ is a set of Visual C++ components for very easy and fast Data Visualization. The library includes: Scope - scientific chart component for plotting ...

PDF Viewer C# Windows Application

2023.8.6 download

... in a C# Windows application using the IronPDF library is a straightforward process. Developers can utilize the library's API to load and display PDF documents within their application's user interface. The library offers various viewing options, including page navigation, zooming ...

PDF Stamper CSharp

2023.11.7 download

C# PDF Library provides developers with a reliable solution for PDF stamping. With its intuitive APIs and utilities, this library empowers developers to seamlessly automate PDF stamping, allowing ... and customization. Stamping a PDF using C# PDF Library involves identifying the areas in the PDF where ...

CSharp Draw Text to Bitmap

2023.11.7 download

C# PDF Library empowers developers to add text to bitmaps effortlessly. ... specifying the desired text to be added. The library ensures that the text is accurately placed on ... appearance. Adding text to bitmaps using C# PDF Library allows for customizable options based on specific project ...

BasicAudio VC++

8.0 download

BasicAudio VC++ is a set of Visual C++ components for easy audio processing. Allows audio capture and playback with zero lines of program code. AudioLab supports both the old fashion ...

Java Create PDF

2023.8.6 download

Integrating a Java PDF library into a Java application is a straightforward process. The library offers a comprehensive set of APIs and utilities ... the key advantages of using a Java PDF library is its ability to generate PDF documents with ...

C# Export Datatable to Excel

2023.8.19 download

Integrating a C# Excel library into a C# application to export a DataTable to Excel is a straightforward process. The library provides a set of APIs and utilities specifically ... the key advantages of using a C# Excel library for exporting DataTables to Excel is its optimized ...


2023.6.10 download

With the IronPDF library, the .NET MAUI PDF Viewer provides a rich ... supports rendering PDF documents accurately, ensuring that the visual representation matches the original content. Users can interact ... Viewer is straightforward. Developers can utilize the IronPDF library's API to load and display PDF files within ...

Medical Icon Set

3.8 download

The SibCode Medical Icon Library is a comprehensive set of icons that covers ... ad-hoc designers or spend nights to design your visual components on your own. This fantastic set covers ... sizes as 128x128 and 256x256. With Medical Icon Library, your competitors will envy you, your clients will ...

RustemSoft.Controls .NET assembly

1.8.1 download

... forcing user interfaces. RustemSoft.Controls is a .NET class library with several powerful controls, fully integrated with the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 .NET 2.0 IDE and especially designed ...

VeryUtils Barcode Generator SDK

2.7 download

VeryUtils Barcode Generator COM/SDK is a library which can be used to create barcodes in ... with built-in automatic validation. * Allows to modify visual appearance: font, font size, foreground and background colors. ...


4.11.5 download

... This allows users to access their entire music library from anywhere, whether they're at home or on ... appreciated by users who prefer a more subdued visual experience during nighttime listening sessions. Additionally, Plexamp ...

SignalLab VC++

8.0 download

SignalLab VC++ is a set of Visual C++ components for fast Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and data visualization. Allows fast complex signal manipulations with zero lines ...

DataGridView Columns .NET assembly

2.0.6 download

... DataGridViewTextBoxColumn, and DataGridViewLinkColumn classes. DataGridView Columns dynamic link library contains the following DataGridView Columns: DataGridView Combo Column (extended combobox); DataGridView Memo Column; DataGridView DateTimePicker Column; DataGridView DateTime Column; DataGridView Numeric ...

ExportToPDF .NET assembly

1.8.5 download

ExportToPDF is .NET library that offers the ability to convert csv files, Excel spreadsheets, Access mdb databases, text files, .NET DataTable objects to PDF on the fly. If you need ...


1.3.0 download

... from Windows XP up to Windows 8 Single library that can be statically or dynamically linked to ... v3), with many example applications Supports MinGW, MinGW-w64, Visual Studio, WDK ...


6.0.351 download

... 4. **Customizable Templates:** The platform provides a rich library of customizable templates and pre-built components, enabling users to kickstart their projects with ready-made solutions. This feature not only accelerates development ...

Ranet OLAP

3.1.741 download

Components library Ranet.UILibrary.OLAP is intended for creating full-featured business intelligence ... on the Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services platform. Visual elements that are included with the Ranet.UILibrary.OLAP library offer strong functionality and excellent design. This intuitive ...


4.1.3 download

... system to provide low-level network access, and a library that is used to easily access the low-level network layers. This library also contains the Windows version of the well ... sample programs ready to be compiled both with Visual Studio and Cygnus, and are available as excellent ...


4.0.1 Build 7 download

... to streamline the organization, categorization, and retrieval of visual content. Tailored for creative professionals, designers, and anyone ... its core, Eagle offers a highly customizable and visually appealing workspace that allows users to effortlessly drag ...

Nature Illusion Studio

3.61 download

... natural phenomena. With the combination of both visual and sound effects, Nature Illusion Studio can produce ... water sounds up to 8 channels. ยท A library of water presets for various effects, including Waterfall, ...

x264 Video Codec (64bit)

r3213 download

... the renowned VideoLAN organization, is a high-performance software library that has become a cornerstone in the world ... is crucial for reducing file sizes while maintaining visual fidelity. This makes it an ideal solution for ...


24.33 download

GeoDLL supports the development of geodetic software on various platforms by providing geodetic functions. GeoDLL contains precise calculations on the themes 2D and 3D coordinate transformation, geodetic datum shift and reference ...

aspEasyPDF Enterprise

3.50e download

aspEasyPDF is a library for developers that integrates on projects the ability ... development environment using standard languages like ASP, ASP.NET, Visual Basic, Delphi and all other languages that accept ... render the PDF directly to the customer browser. Visual designer Use VisualEasyPDF to draw your document and ...


3.4 download

bcParserCPP is a mathematical expression parser C++ library that can be used with Visual C++, Borland C++, GNU C++ and other C++ compilers on any OS. bcParseCPP C++ Math Parser Library features include: Easy to use C++ API. Comes ...