pressing second button downloads
Simple Stopwatch Software
7.0 download... time elapsed. There are Start, Lap and Reset buttons. There are also shortcuts: spacebar will start/stop the timer, backspace will reset the timer and the 'L' key will activate the ...
1.2 download... icon. Middle-click the tray icon to toggle the second cd-rom drive. TrayCD is a C port of one of my old Delphi programs. The source and executable from my Delphi ...
TrayCD x64
1.2 download... icon. Middle-click the tray icon to toggle the second cd-rom drive. TrayCD is a C port of one of my old Delphi programs. The source and executable from my Delphi ...
TrayCD Portable
1.2 download... icon. Middle-click the tray icon to toggle the second cd-rom drive. TrayCD is a C port of one of my old Delphi programs. The source and executable from my Delphi ...
Taskbar Hide
3.3 download... anytime .For example,you hide some selected programs by pressing hotkey.At a later time you will be able ... window handle,class name,process id etc.Hide any of following:taskbar,start button,task window,system tray, and time clock. This program also ...
TankGap Game
3.1 download... can move your tank left or right by pressing A or S key on the keyboard or by pressing left or right arrow key. You can move your second tank by pressing Q or W key, and ...
VBTheory Calculator
5.1 download... the calculator, you will see a lot of buttons and stuff. But don't get confused it's really ... is type is your first value using the buttons labeled as numbers or the button with a ...
VBTheory Calculator Portable
5.1 download... the calculator, you will see a lot of buttons and stuff. But don't get confused it's really ... is type is your first value using the buttons labeled as numbers or the button with a ...
TeamPlayer4 Lite
4.1.3 download... only task is to press the 'Start Session' button, provided all the desired peripherals, or other control ... computer control Clicking anywhere on the screen and pressing a few keys automatically pairs the mouse with ...
1.3.1 download... start time in minutes (0 to 60) and seconds (0 to 59), or enter the start time using the keyboard. Press the 'Set' button to set the timer to the selected start ...