no popup ads downloads
ChrisPC Free Ads Blocker
4.30 downloadChrisPC Free Ads Blocker is a small but powerful free software that will block all ads while you surf the Internet. You'll be able ... browsing time without annoying banners and with no ads while you try to watch a video on ...
Advanced DHTML Popup Pro
3.11.00 downloadAdvanced DHTML Popup is a powerful DHTML Popup window creator that works in a WYSIWYG way and produces cross browser DHTML Popup windows and hover ads without any knowledge of DHTML/Javascript. The product uses ...
TORvidZ download... video site movies and tv series with no popup ads or malware. Unique search tools and ad blocking ... of all types instead of being frustrated by ads / malware. Only top sites are chosen by ...
AdBlocker Ultimate for Chrome
4.0.70 download... its name by effectively blocking all types of ads, including banners, pop-ups, video ads, and more. This ensures that users are not ... browsing. 2. **Privacy Protection:** Beyond just blocking ads, AdBlocker Ultimate also prevents tracking scripts and cookies ...
Firefox 64bit x64
127.0.2 downloadMozilla Firefox x64 is a free and open source web browser developed for Windows, OS X, and Linux, with a mobile version for Android, by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, ...
JavaScript Web Scroller - Scrollbalken erstellen
2.1 download... vertical web scrollers. The program creates scrollers including ads, events, news, slide shows, etc in minutes, with ... freely and scrolling speed is adjustable. Title, pagination, popup tips and scroll arrows are four optional parts. ...
Brave Browser
1.76.82 download... online activity (they block tracking cookies and invasive ads among others). Even though Brave is based on ... and websites out there. In short, Brave swaps ads on any given website with its “own” vetted ...
uBlock Origin for Chrome
1.63.2 download... experience is often damaged by an abundance of ads, it’s only natural for users to want to dispose of them in any way possible. uBlock Origin for Chrome thus needs ...