mac 音楽編集ソフト downloads
Panoply for Mac
5.4.3 downloadPanoply for Mac is a cross-platform application which plots geo-gridded arrays from netCDF, HDF and GRIB datasets. Panoply is designed to help you view and process the data included in ...
ImageArchiver for Lightroom Mac OS X
1.2.1 downloadImageArchiver for Lightroom is a unique enchancement for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom users. With the help of this utility, they can easily export their images to disk images (Mac OS only) or ...
Hamachi for Mac OS X download... Distributed teams in minutes. LogMeIn Hamachi for Mac OS X is a hosted VPN service that securely connects devices and networks, extending LAN-like network connectivity to mobile users, distributed ...
EnergyXT for Mac
3.0 download... application for music creation and production on your Mac or PC. Record instruments such as guitar and keyboards, play virtual instruments and make drum beats with the built-in drum machine. ...
Fing for Mac
3.5.1 download... speed of light. Once installed on a Windows, Mac or Linux computer, your home, office and corporate network are just one click away. Born from the ashes of Look@LAN, ...
TestDisk & PhotoRec for Mac OS X
7.2 download... LVM and LVM2, Linux Logical Volume Manager * Mac partition map * Novell Storage Services NSS * NTFS ( Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 ) * ReiserFS 3.5, 3.6 and 4 * Sun ...
Air Video for Mac
2.4.3 download... the desktop Air Video Server app (for either Mac or Windows) and the iPhone app, but once that's done, it's easy streaming city for you, my friend. It doesn't even ...
Speak-Freely for Mac OS X
7.6a downloadSpeak Freely is an Internet telephone for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and various flavors of Unix that allows you, with appropriate hardware and software, to send and receive audio, in real time, ...
MilkyTracker for Mac
1.03.00 downloadMilkyTracker is an open source, multi-platform music application for creating .MOD and .XM module files. It attempts to recreate the module replay and user experience of the popular DOS program Fasttracker ...
Prey for Mac
1.12.9 downloadPrey lets you keep track of your phone or laptop at all times, and will help you find it if it ever gets lost or stolen. It's lightweight, open source software, ...
jUploadr for Mac OS X
1.2 Alpha 1 downloadjUploadr is a cross platform, cross-site Photo uploader. Currently it runs on Windows Linux and OS X and supports both Flickr and Zooomr. It allows you to set all properties of ...
AVCHDCalculator for Mac OS X
1.2 download... GUI are available. It is also multi platform. Mac OS X, Linux and Windows! Features: ... Support for 3 audiotypes * multi platform: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux AVCHDCalculator is released in ...
ooVoo for Mac OS X
7.0.4 download... Android Smartphone, Android Tablet, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Mac, Windows Phone, and PC. Get the video ... clarity and crystal clear audio. ooVoo for Mac OS X is completely and totally free and ...
Postbox for Mac OS X
7.0.45 downloadPostbox for Mac OS X is powerful, intuitive, ultra-customizable, speedy, and ... features make it the best email client for Mac and PC. Powerful, intuitive, and faster than ... actually make you smarter. Postbox for Mac OS X gives you fast access to documents ...
Pidgin for Mac OS X
2.14.13 downloadPidgin for Mac OS X is a chat program which lets ... all at the same time. Pidgin for Mac OS X is compatible with the following chat ... support many more with plugins. Pidgin for Mac OS X supports many features of these chat ...
dupeGuru Picture Edition for Mac OS X
4.1.1 download... pictures matching. dupeGuru PE runs on Windows and Mac OS X. dupeGuru PE is efficient. Not ... kind (PNG, JPG, GIF etc..) and quality. On Mac OS X, dupeGuru PE can scan your iPhoto ...
Lexicon PSP 42 for Mac OS X
1.6.2 download... and RTAS for Windows; VST and RTAS for Mac OS classic and AudioUnit, VST, RTAS for Mac OSX Universal Binary) based on the legendary Lexicon ...
PhotoKit Sharpener for Mac OS X
2.0.7 download... for Photoshop CS3, CS4 and CS5 for both Mac and Windows (both 32-bit and 64-bit in CS5). Note, PhotoKit 2 will run on Mac PPC in CS3 and CS4. PhotoKit 2.0 supports ...
FileMaker Pro for Mac OS X
14.0v1 download... to effortlessly manage all their information on Windows, Mac, and the web. FileMaker Pro has several ... works with Bento, the personal database for the Mac. Import your Bento data directly into a new ...
Dooble for Mac downloadDooble for Mac is a Secure and Open Source Web Browser ... installing the Dooble browser component. Dooble for Mac is a secure and Open Source Web browser that provides ...
TeXworks for Mac OS X
0.3 r686 B1 download... inspired by Dick Koch's award-winning TeXShop program for Mac OS X, which has made quality typesetting through ... as a Help file in the Windows and Mac binary distributions. ...
DVD Demuxer for Mac
1.6.2 download... DVD authoring program. DVD Demuxer for Mac OS is an ideal choice if you need total decompilation or extraction of any data from DVD. You need to specify ...
VLC Media Player for Mac OS X
3.0.20 download... Tracking Works on most platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Unix... VLC Media Player, packs both of these within one intuitive interface that will give you quick and ...
AnyToISO for Mac OS X
3.9.7 download... and fast convertsion engine on both Windows and Mac OS X. The program performs all tasks pretty fast, without stressing up the CPU too much, using just a moderate amount ...
iScreensaver for Mac downloadiScreensaver Designer 4 includes full support for Mac OS X (from 10.4 to 10.6), Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista, and Windows 7). The editor software is available for Macintosh and Windows, ...