special k downloads
Password List Generator
0.1 downloadPassword List Generator has following features: - Create file with unique random passwords - Calculate hash of password files and hash of passwords - Split password list file in files with ...
Secure Instant Messaging
0.3 downloadSecure Instant Messaging has following features: - Secure Messaging with privatepublic keys - RSA decryption/encryption - Generate key pair and save keys as files Usage is very easy and a manual ...
CRM 365 Tool
0.2 downloadCRM 365 Tool is using service connection of Microsoft Dynamics 365 system to export and search data from that system. It has following features: - Export entity collections of Microsoft Dynamics ...
Bitcoin Tool
1.3 downloadBitcoin Tool lets you create Bitcoin wallet, send Bitcoin and see all your transactions. - Bitcoin Tool saves only one wallet address at a time and dont saves password of this ...
Predictive Analytics Tool
1.0 downloadWitout any need to programming Predictive Analytics Tool let users to apply following prediction methods to their *.csv or *.xlsx data: - Linear Regression - Logistic Regression - Decision Tree Classification ...
Mifare Classic Tool
0.1 downloadMifare Classic Tool has following features: - Read UID of mifare classic card - Read a block of mifare classic card - Write data to a block of mifare classic card ...
PGP Tool
1.2 downloadPGP Tool has following features: - Open PGP Files - Encrypt any file as PGP file - Create new PGP keys - Import and export PGP keys Usage is very easy ...
File Privacy
0.2 downloadFile Privacy has following features: - File decryption/encryption - File compare for cryptography - Create random key hex string and save as file - Hex string based decryption/encryption Usage is very ...
Data Analysis Tool
1.0 downloadThis tool is for 2D measurement data or data prepared with 2 columns. After loading the * .xlsx file you record or prepared with 2 columns, you can examine your data ...
File Compression
1.0 downloadFile Compression has following features: - Open and create *.zip files - Open and create *.tar.gz files - Open and create *.7z files - Open and create *.lz4 files File compression ...
Email Automation
1.1 downloadEmail Automation has following features: - Sending mass email - Load recipient list from Excel file (*.xlsx) - Pause/Resume mail sending - Set number of emails to send in one hour ...
Web Automation Tool
1.0 downloadWeb Autoation Tool have 3 main features: A) Web Scraper 1) Load list (*.xlsx file) of websites or enter websites manual to search in their content. 2) Enter text to search. ...
AWS S3 Tool
1.0 downloadAWS S3 Tool has following features: - With Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 profiles manage S3 buckets easily - Delete Files from S3 buckets - Download Files from S3 buckets - ...
Convert Files
0.1 downloadConvert Files has following features: - Convert pdf files to text files - Convert xlsx files to csv files - Convert bmp files to jpg files and vice versa - Convert ...
Daily Screenshot
1.0 downloadDaily Screenshot sends email automatically every hour or once a day with one of following attachment: - Screenshot of a website - Screenshot of running computer Beside attachment website URL or ...
Ethereum Tool
1.1 downloadEthereum Tool lets you create Ethereum wallet, send Ether and see all your transactions. Ethereum Tool saves only one wallet address per network (Main network and Kovan test network) at a ...
Exchange Rates
1.2 downloadThis small application stays always on top and shows currency exchange rates against 1 US Dollar of 11 currencies below. The values are updated every 5-10 minutes. You can track exchange ...
Printable Full ASCII Barcode Software download... actual characters, which can be numbers, letters, or special characters. A Check Digit is added to ensure accuracy, calculated based on a specific formula. APPLICATIONS OF FULL ASCII BARCODE: Full ...
Generate Code 128 SET B Online download... each character. 128 Code A restricted range of special characters, including space, dash, period, and slash, can be encoded with a Set B barcode in addition to uppercase letters and ...
PDF to Flipping Book for Mac
1.6 downloadNo matter your computer is Win7, Vista, XP or Linux, you can always make [url=homepage flpping books [/url] with our page flip software. And If you are using a Mac, you ...
Basketball Scoreboard Dual
2.0.4 downloadOur dual court basketball scoreboard software transforms your PC into a virtual basketball scoreboard using the computer and display you already have. Our scoreboard download is great for scorekeeping two basketball ...
Space Flight 3D Screensaver
1.4 download... graphics and the enchanting space scenery with fascinating special effects. Download it now and see for yourself. ...
3D BrickBlaster Unlimited
2.4 download... breaker with 530 levels of game and 190 special levels distributed on the 3 modes of game to give the player a sophisticated system of attack weapons with an enormous ...
3D Canyon Flight Screensaver
2.01.7 download... through photo-realistic three-dimensional canyon full of ancient pterosaurs. Special effects like sun flares and fog highly improves the realism and image quality. Industry-unique motion blur effect and rapid dynamics provides ...
CamDVR download... detector performs image comparisons, face detection and other special tasks. Using web cameras for surveillance and monitoring is growing more and more popular every year, especially among businesses and home ...