visual j downloads

Easy Web Editor Italiano

2018.8.1 download

EasyWebEditor is now in Italian! Creare siti Internet non è mai stato così facile! EasyWebEditor è un programma in Italiano veloce e completo per creare il proprio sito Web. Con EasyWebEditor ...

CD FrontEnd PRO Français

2016.7.7 download

(this is the French version) Logiciel pour créer CD/DVD multimédia ...

Hyper Publish Italiano

2018.81 download

... quickly, in Italian. HyperPublish è un programma professionale, visuale e facile da usare per creare velocemente siti ... e molto altro ancora - carrello della spesa visuale sia per sito Web che per CDROM molto ...

EasyWebEditor Français créer site Web

2018.8.1 download

French Website Creator: Créer un site Web c'est facile, avec EasyWebEditor. Un logiciel professionnel et simple pour la création de vos site Web (personnel, professionnel, d'entreprise) en un clin d'œil. - ...

HyperPublish - Web CD product catalog

2016.7.9 download

If you need an electronic catalog to keep up with your customer's demands and to stay ahead of competition, you'll like HyperPublish. With this professional, quick and powerful all-in-one environment you ...


8 Build 8007 download

Windows Metafiles (WMF) and Enhanced Metafiles (EMF) are the standard, native Windows print, display and clipboard formats. Unfortunately, they don’t travel well. If you want to use them on the Web, ...

Tardy Pile

1.2 download

Tardy Pile is an easy to use spreadsheet merger with compatibility for Microsoft Excel files including both XLS and XLSX. This program also can convert XLS to XLSX and XLSX to ...

Logizian Simulacian

11.0 B20141203 download

Easy-to-use and cross-platforms business process design tool that supports business process modeling with Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) 2.0, Data Flow Diagram (DFD), decision table and organization chart. Logizian supports also ...

Logizian Simulacian Portable x64

11.0 B20141203 download

Easy-to-use and cross-platforms business process design tool that supports business process modeling with Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) 2.0, Data Flow Diagram (DFD), decision table and organization chart. Logizian supports also ...

Logizian Simulacian Portable

11.0 B20141203 download

Easy-to-use and cross-platforms business process design tool that supports business process modeling with Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) 2.0, Data Flow Diagram (DFD), decision table and organization chart. Logizian supports also ...

Logizian Simulacian x64

11.0 B20141203 download

Easy-to-use and cross-platforms business process design tool that supports business process modeling with Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) 2.0, Data Flow Diagram (DFD), decision table and organization chart. Logizian supports also ...

Agilian Enterprise

15.1 B20181102 download

Design enterprise architecture to help align business strategies, business objectives and information system, with key standards like ArchiMate 2.0, Zachman Framework, Business Motivation Model (BMM), decision table, etc. As an all-in-one ...

Agilian Enterprise x64

15.1 B20181102 download

Design enterprise architecture to help align business strategies, business objectives and information system, with key standards like ArchiMate 2.0, Zachman Framework, Business Motivation Model (BMM), decision table, etc. As an all-in-one ...

Agilian Enterprise Portable

15.1 B20181102 download

Design enterprise architecture to help align business strategies, business objectives and information system, with key standards like ArchiMate 2.0, Zachman Framework, Business Motivation Model (BMM), decision table, etc. As an all-in-one ...

Agilian Enterprise Portable x64

15.1 B20181102 download

Design enterprise architecture to help align business strategies, business objectives and information system, with key standards like ArchiMate 2.0, Zachman Framework, Business Motivation Model (BMM), decision table, etc. As an all-in-one ...

Logizian Analyst

11.0 B20141203 download

Logizian Analyst is a useful program that can help you create models for business workflows and procedures. The application is capable of designing complex models, animating the processes and generate reports ...

Logizian Analyst x64

11.0 B20141203 download

Logizian Analyst x64 is a useful program that can help you create models for business workflows and procedures. The application is capable of designing complex models, animating the processes and generate ...

Logizian Analyst Portable

11.0 B20141203 download

Logizian Analyst is a useful program that can help you create models for business workflows and procedures. The application is capable of designing complex models, animating the processes and generate reports ...

Logizian Analyst Portable x64

11.0 B20141203 download

Logizian Analyst x64 is a useful program that can help you create models for business workflows and procedures. The application is capable of designing complex models, animating the processes and generate ...


1.4.54 download

CueluxPro is an advanced and scalable lighting control application. The software is designed to control medium to large lighting installations, for both architectural and live-entertainment situations. CueluxPro works in combination with ...

CueluxPro for Mac OS X

1.4.47 download

CueluxPro is an advanced and scalable lighting control application. The software is designed to control medium to large lighting installations, for both architectural and live-entertainment situations. CueluxPro works in combination with ...

CueluxPro for Linux

1.4.47 download

CueluxPro is an advanced and scalable lighting control application. The software is designed to control medium to large lighting installations, for both architectural and live-entertainment situations. CueluxPro works in combination with ...


5.2 download

Based on your individual and safely entered criteria, it mathematically transfers your chosen password-to-be into a unique secure hash, which becomes your real password. It can be next pasted manually or ...

4Menu basic CD front end

1.558 download

4 Menu Basic allows you to create an autoplay / autorun CD where you can put any kind of file. The user simply inserts the CD, then a menu window will ...


12.0 download

pdf2cad generates scaleable and editable CAD drawings for use in AutoCAD, BricsCAD, Microstation and other CAD, CAM and CNC systems. Convert PDF, EPS and AI into DWG, DXF and HPGL. pdf2cad ...